USAID's Investments for Democracy and Governance in Rwanda - Dollars to Results

Results of USAID's Democracy and Governance spending

Note: Select a program in the navigation menu to the left or click on a pie slice above to view additional disbursement information.

USAID's Democracy and Governance program in Rwanda builds on past progress to deepen ongoing reconciliation efforts across the country, strengthen government and civil society, provide legal advice to disadvantaged communities, and empower young women.

USAID's Democracy and Governance program in Rwanda works with the Government of Rwanda to:

  • Train justice sector specialists;
  • Empower women to understand their rights;
  • Enable civil society to better impact government decisions; and
  • Work with legal aid centers to improve access to legal aid among the poor, people living with HIV/AIDS, orphans and other vulnerable groups.
Eugene Kwibuka, journalist, explored the relations between Rwanda and the DRC

Eugene Kwibuka, 25, was given the chance to explore the relations between Rwanda and the DRC, a complex issue that he was able to depict as a trained journalist.


View the "Real Lives, Real Progress" infographic (PDF, 1.13MB)

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