Photo of girl in swimming pool and a photo of a bunch of kids tackling a man in a game of flag football Be Active

Physical activity is an essential component of a healthy lifestyle. Getting active is easier than you may think. Find ways to add in or mix up daily activity and discover a healthier you.

Why is it Important?


Everyone can benefit from being active - from improving sleep to preventing chronic disease, like heart disease or cancer. Getting kids active at a young age sets kids off on a path to a healthy life, but it’s never too late to be physically active.

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Ways to Be Active


Just 30 minutes a day for adults and 60 minutes for children. Sound daunting? Set easy activity goals to improve your physical fitness.

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Sport For All Initiative

The Sport for All initiative strives to educate all Americans on the benefits associated with sport participation.

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Physical Activity Initiative

The Physical Activity Initiative is a public service campaign highlighting the physical and cognitive benefits of regular activity for youth..
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Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans

Photo of a woman doing yoga pose while child plays with toys in the background

The Department of Health and Human Services issued the federal government's first-ever Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans in 2008 to help Americans understand the types and amounts of physical activity that offer important health benefits.

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Useful Resources

There are many organizations that offer credible and practical resources on physical activity. Use these resources for ideas on how to incorporate activity into your daily life.

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