
Federal Agencies

Across the U.S. Government, many Federal departments are responding to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Federal domestic HIV/AIDS activities range from prevention, to provision of care and treatment services, to conducting research. Spreading the response to HIV across the Federal Government has helped our response to HIV because each department has its own purpose, expertise, and unique history. The National HIV/AIDS Strategy calls upon Federal departments and agencies to achieve a more coordinated national response to the HIV epidemic in the United States. They are now working to increase the coordination of HIV programs across departmental lines, as well as in enhanced and innovative partnerships with State, territorial, tribal, and local governments. U.S. government agencies have also come together in the common cause of turning the tide against the HIV/AIDS pandemic globally.

This section highlights how Federal departments and agencies are engaged in the response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. For information about the Federal budget for these activities, visit the How We’re Spending page.

Read about the HIV/AIDS activities of the:

Last revised: 06/07/2012