civil society

Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial viewed through trees (© AP Images)

The life and legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King Jr. dedicated his life to the nonviolent struggle for racial equality in the United States. His legacy still inspires millions.
President Obama with text reading 'Obama on Race' (State Dept./ J. Maruszewski)

Answers on race in Obama’s own words

Americans are revisiting race relations after recent killings of African Americans and of police. Here's what President Obama says.
Face painted over pothole in street (Twitter)

Satire: The best way to expose corruption or injustice?

If you can find a way to entertain people as well as inform them about a serious issue, you may have a powerful tool for change at your disposal.
Hand holding flowers (© AP Images)

Violence against women and girls harms everyone

Violence against women and girls is a serious problem worldwide, but it is preventable through effective laws that protect them.
Ellen DeGeneres standing next to President Obama at podium and another man holding medal (© AP Images)

‘Today we celebrate extraordinary Americans’

Athletes, artists and scientists were among the 21 recipients of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, America’s highest civilian honor, November 22.
Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan shaking hands with President-elect Muhammadu Buhari (© AP Images)

After an election, the losing side can play the most important...

In a strong democracy, the party that loses an election accepts its defeat, knowing the electoral system will afford it another chance next time.
A black woman surrounded by flowers looking at a phone (© AP Images)

Chile and Kenya offer fertile ground for social entrepreneurs

Business leaders looking to launch enterprises to make the world a better place will find support and opportunities in Santiago, Chile, and Nairobi, Kenya.
Group of schoolchildren in uniforms, singing (© AP Images)

Being born a girl shouldn’t mean you won’t finish school

October 11 is the International Day of the Girl Child, a day to help girls stay in school and lead better lives. Check out a few ideas for what you can do.
Two clasped African-American hands raised in front of American flag (© AP Images)

South Carolina city heals a year after church shooting [video]

After an attack on a church in Charleston, South Carolina, residents responded with forgiveness and an intensified commitment to mend race relations.