Baby pangolin feeding from bottle (© AP Images)

Help for this ‘walking artichoke’ and other wildlife

Pangolins gained the highest protections against illegal trade at the 2016 CITES conference. Governments also voted to protect elephants, sharks and more.
Leopard cubs playing on carpet (© AP Images)

Zoohackathon spots ways to fight wildlife trafficking

Teams from Sydney to Seattle to London had 48 hours to open up laptops and tackle wildlife trafficking at the world's first Zoohackathon.
Flower-filled meadow leading to rolling hills in Yosemite National Park (© AP Images)

California’s Yosemite National Park gets even bigger

With its largest expansion in nearly 70 years, Yosemite National Park gains wetlands, meadows and rolling hills that are a haven for endangered species.
Mother duck and ducklings swimming in water (Thinkstock)

100 years of protecting birds in U.S., Canada

Migratory bird conservation goes beyond the work of government and into the hands of everyday people. Stamp collections are just one way to raise awareness.
School of Atlantic bluefin tuna (NOAA)

Save sea life. Stop illegal fishing.

Pirates are stealing food from the world's table. A U.S. presidential task force is pushing for "aggressive steps" to stop illegal and unregulated fishing.
Beluga whales swimming (© AP Images)

Webcam whale research buoyed by viewers around the world

Scientists are crowdsourcing data to learn more about beluga whales, their social behaviors and how their environment is affected by climate change.
Aerial view of grassy area and fountain, with park logo and the number 100 in center (© AP Images)

National Park Service creates ‘living emblem’ in Washington

The National Park Service celebrated its 100th birthday with a living emblem made by people holding umbrellas in its colors on Washington's National Mall.
A baby leopard crawling on a man's head (© Grahm S. Jones/National Geographic Photo Ark)

U.S. photographer hopes to save animals by taking pictures of them

American photographer Joel Sartore is collecting animals to save them, but instead of placing them in an ark, he’s taking their pictures.
Ferret peeking out of a hole in wooden box (© AP Images)

How drones and M&Ms could save this endangered ferret

How can you distribute a vaccine for a life-threatening disease to an endangered species? Here's the plan to save the black-footed ferret.