Women standing in a line holding their children. (© AP Images)

Want to make the world a safer place? Feed the hungry.

The Feed the Future initiative focuses its efforts on 19 countries to help boost local economies and prevent hunger and malnutrition.
Female refugee and her child wrapped in blankets walking on beach (© AP Images)

U.S. will meet 2016 Syrian refugee goal

The Obama administration is on track to meet its goal, set in September 2015, of resettling 10,000 Syrian refugees in the United States.
Angelina Jolie Pitt taking notes visiting refugee camp (© AP Images)

Bringing attention to World Refugee Day

Actress and activist Angelina Jolie Pitt urges everyone to understand the size of the current refugee crisis and what it means for the world.
Pile of U.S. $100 bills (© AP Images)

2015 was Americans’ most generous year ever

Americans gave $373.25 billion to charities and nonprofits in 2015, with a 17.4 percent rise in giving to international affairs organizations.
Silhouette looking at warning sign and cross posted outside (© AP Images)

Remembering the Chernobyl disaster

The U.S. pledges an additional $10 million to help ensure the safety of future generations living in the area affected by the Chernobyl nuclear disaster.
Man holding small child and waving ( © AP Images)

Displaced Iraqis gain safe havens with U.S. help

A $155 million aid package will provide supplies and educational materials for about 10 million Iraqis needing help.
Colorful but damaged building (© AP Images)

One year later: Nepali earthquake recovery moves forward [video]

Rebuilding after a natural disaster can take years — but innovation is pointing the way forward in Nepal 12 months after a huge earthquake.
Women in white coats in front of bakery display cases (UNDP)

International efforts empower displaced Iraqis

In times of need, the international community provides assistance to displaced people for them to rebuild and maintain a sustainable living.

U.S. continues support for Iraqis displaced by conflict

The U.S. is committed to working with partners in Iraq to provide humanitarian assistance to over a million displaced Iraqis throughout the country.