March/April 2009

In This Issue
March/April 2009

The Great Mosque of Cordoba

Thieves of Pleasure

A vicious fraternal war rewards Alfonso VI with the artistic and poetic treasures of al-Andalus.

By Jerrilynn D. Dodds, María Rosa Menocal, and Abigail Krasner

Volume 30, Issue 2

San Baudelio de Berlanga, circa 1000.

Jerilynn D. Dodds

  • Features

    The Death of James Lee Byars, 1982/1994

    Outside the Frame

    How Asia changed the course of American art.

    By James Panero
    Portrait of Mary St. John Hutchinson

    British Modernism’s Many Manners

    The Bloomsbury group broke ties with Victorian ideals and reimagined British art.

    By Steve Moyer

    The Voracious Pen of Thomas Carlyle

    A young historian pours forth The French Revolution, blood and all, inspiring a generation of Victorian writers.

    By Meredith Hindley

    A Poet’s Inner Eye

    A literary scholar looks for Elizabeth Bishop in the fishing waters of Florida.

    By Carol Frost
  • Departments


    The White Pelican

    Laurent Verdin Sr. of Crooked Bayou Blue spent a lifetime carving the birds of his native Louisiana. Most of the thousands he made were functional duck decoys for hunters.

    By Steve Moyer

    Letters Home

    From Charles Darwin: The Beagle Letters, a volume by the editors of the Charles Darwin Correspondence Project, which has been supported by NEH.

    How to Lose Weight and Gain Power

    From The Arts of Intimacy: Christians, Jews, and Muslims in the Making of a Castilian Culture, © 2008 by Jerrilynn D. Dodds, María Rosa Menocal, and Abigail Krasner Balbale.

    Recluse At Court

    From a chapter on art in the Yuan Dynasty, written by James Cahill in the NEH-supported 1997 reference work Three Thousand Years of Chinese Painting (Yale University Press).


    Renaissance Scholar at Work

    Humanities discusses art and the achievements of the Endowment with outgoing Chairman, Bruce Cole.

    Impertinent Questions

    Impertinent Questions with Philip Nel

    On the man behind the Grinch.

    Executive Function

    Oklahoma’s Ann Thompson

    Ann Thompson finds inspiration in Lincoln.

    By Sonya Colberg


    Editor's Note, March/April 2009

    “You know what work is—if you're / old enough to read this you know what / work is,” wrote Philip Levine, in a poem about lining up with other men, outside, looking for work.

    By David Skinner