
January 24, 2017Press Item
Yesterday, President Trump issued an Executive Order. He imposed a hiring freeze on the federal workforce. 
January 24, 2017Press Item
Today’s report on the budget outlook by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office shows that while the actions taken during the Obama Administration are having a positive short-term impact on deficits, our long-term fiscal challenges remain.  
January 24, 2017Press Item
On Friday, President Trump issued his first executive order, a vague yet potentially broad attack on the Affordable Care Act that has created uncertainty over what the impact of it will be. 
January 23, 2017Press Item
Well, I think this was largely, Erin, an opportunity for him to get to know members of the leadership that he did not already know, and it was an opportunity to just have a, frankly, a conversation, although serious issues were brought up, but discussion in depth did not occur. 
January 23, 2017Press Item
If President Trump had any experience with leadership in public service, he would know that our federal government cannot serve the American people without its talented, driven federal employees.  
January 23, 2017Press Item
That the Trump Administration and Congressional Republicans are using their first full week of controlling the government to attack women’s health is very telling about their priorities.  
January 21, 2017Press Item
Yesterday's executive order represents the first step in the Trump Administration and Congressional Republicans taking control of our health care system and sowing dangerous uncertainty. 
January 20, 2017Press Item
Thank you, Chair Lujan Grisham. And I thank all of you for being here. I want to thank my colleagues. My colleagues – for the most part, if not all – are children of immigrants. 
January 20, 2017Press Item
President Trump had an opportunity today to unite this country in his inaugural remarks. 
January 19, 2017Press Item
Let me join Leader Pelosi in thanking Barack Obama and Michelle Obama for bringing to the White House such vision, such commitment, such courage, such civility, such respect for others, such a sense of duty. 
January 19, 2017Press Item
Wanted to be sure you saw today's op-ed by Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) in The Hill ahead of President-Elect Trump's Inauguration, reminding him of his responsibility to represent all Americans. 
January 17, 2017Press Item
Last week, Congressional Republicans took the first step toward repealing the Affordable Care Act, yet they still haven’t shown the American people their replacement. 
January 17, 2017Press Item
Today’s report by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office underscores why so many Americans from across the political spectrum are outraged by Republican plans to move forward with a repeal of the Affordable Care Act without a workable replacement.  
January 13, 2017Press Item
This week, Congressional Republicans voted to begin the process of repealing the Affordable Care Act. 
January 13, 2017Press Item
When Democrats were in the Majority in the 111th Congress and enacted the Affordable Care Act, we did so through a fully open process.
January 13, 2017Press Item
Instead of launching a partisan retaliatory attack against our government’s nonpartisan ethics watchdog, Republicans in Congress ought to be insisting that the President-Elect abide by the highest standards of ethics and take steps to prevent conflicts of interest from casting a dark cloud over his presidency.  
January 13, 2017Press Item
Every American will be affected by this vote. Not just the 20 million people who will lose their insurance immediately, 30 million total lose their insurance.