Interactive Dialogue with the Independent Expert on the Situation of Human Rights in Haiti

Interactive Dialogue with the Independent Expert on the Situation of Human Rights in Haiti, Gustavo Gallón

Statement by the United States Delegation, as delivered by Anna Naimark

Human Rights Council, 31st Session
March 23, 2016

Thank you, Mr. President.

The United States expresses strong support and gratitude to Independent Expert Gustavo Gallón for his work in Haiti.

Mr. Gallón, could you please share some of the key observations and findings from your recent visit to Haiti on the prison conditions you examined?  Were you able to discuss or observe the government’s “Coup de Poing” initiative designed to reduce pretrial detention in two facilities?  If so, we would welcome your thoughts on whether that initiative could be replicated in other detention facilities.

Can you also elaborate on your observations regarding the conditions in the migrant settlements along Haiti’s southeastern border with the Dominican Republic?  What are your recommendations for the Government of Haiti to address these conditions, and how might the UN support the government’s efforts?

Lastly, as Haiti moves toward implementing the February 5 political accord and concluding the electoral process, what immediate next steps do you recommend the provisional government take to ensure elections are held on April 24?  What are your recommendations for an improved electoral process?

Thank you.



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