
Bullfrog HMA

This HMA provides suitable habitat for wild burros, but not for wild horses. Only a portion of the HMA has had an appropriate management level (AML) established. The decision to establish AML for the remainder of the HMA is under appeal. 

Location: The Bullfrog Herd Management Area (HMA) surrounds the town of Beatty, Nevada, located within Nye County.  The HMA is 18 miles wide and 14 miles long. It is located in the north end of the Mojave Desert. 

Size: The area consists of 146,701 acres of BLM land and 10,479 acres of a mix of private and other public lands for a total of 157,180 acres.

Topography/Vegetation: Elevations within the HMA range from a high of 6,031 feet in the Bare Mountains to a low of 3,095 feet south of Beatty. The area receives 5 inches of precipitation in the valley. The mountain tops may receive up to 12 inches.The dominant vegetation found within the Bullfrog HMA includes blackbrush, desert needlegrass, Indian ricegrass, Nevada ephedra, winterfat (white sage), and fourwing saltbush.

Wildlife: Two wildlife species of special concern, the desert tortoise and Amargosa toad, live within this HMA. 

AML:  55-91  Burros (Only a portion of the HMA has had an appropriate management level (AML) established. The decision to establish AML for the remainder of the HMA is under appeal.)