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Domestic Finance

            Financial Markets

​This office helps formulate policy on Federal debt management, State and local finance, financial market oversight and regulation, Federal credit and privatization. This office also oversees deterrence of U.S. currency counterfeiters and the Federal Financing Bank, and assumes operational oversight for the Air Transportation Stabilization Board and the President’s Commission on the U.S. Postal Service. The Assistant Secretary for Financial Markets leads this office.
The Assistant Secretary for Financial Markets serves as senior advisor to the Secretary, Deputy Secretary, and Under Secretary on broad matters of domestic finance, financial markets, Federal, State and local finance (including the Federal debt), Federal Government credit policies, lending and privatization. The Assistant Secretary also serves as the senior member of the Treasury Financing Group and coordinates the inter-agency President's Working Group on Financial Markets.
The Assistant Secretary supervises the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Federal Finance and the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Government Financial Policy, as well as the operations of a set of commissions and board staff.

The Office of Federal Finance

Led by the Deputy Assistant Secretary, this Office oversees issues involving Treasury financing, public debt management, Federal regulation of financial markets, and related economic matters including regulatory issues in the Government securities markets and the futures markets. The Office analyzes and monitors economic and financial developments; assesses and originates alternative financing initiatives for the Federal government; manages clearing and settlement issues involving the Government securities markets; proposes changes in tax provisions affecting the Treasury securities market; and oversees foreign investment in Treasury securities. The Office is also responsible for leading the inter-agency effort on advanced counterfeit deterrence. 

The Office of Government Financial Policy

Led by the Deputy Assistant Secretary, this Office oversees issues related to Government financing; provides analyses of agency and legislative proposals related to Government borrowing, lending, and investment activities; and performs actuarial and mathematical analyses and computations as required, for Treasury market financing and other Government agencies. The Office also develops policy for and manages the operations of the Federal Financing Bank.

To contact the Office of the ​Assistant Secretary for Financial Markets, please call (202) 622-0481.
For Treasury Direct information or Public Debt Auction announcements please see:

For issues related to federal debt management policy and marketable Treasury securities, contact us at
For other Public Debt information call (202) 504-3550.
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Last Updated :7/12/2016 8:23 AM

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