About the NEA


When you contribute to the National Endowment for the Arts, you sustain a long tradition of support for the arts and arts organizations across America. And your donation is fully tax deductible.

The Endowment seeks out projects of indisputable excellence in local communities, regionally, statewide, and through national initiatives. Your support will help make more programs available to the widest possible audience.

You may be inspired to give because the arts have changed your life in some way and you want to give back. You may give to celebrate an important milestone or rite of passage in the life of someone you love. You may give an annual gift or through a matching program with your employer. You may want to include a bequest in your will or a deferred gift in your estate planning. And, if you like, you can specify how your gift will be used, in a particular discipline or a NEA initiative that is especially meaningful to you.

With great appreciation the National Endowment for the Arts accepts these gifts on behalf of artists and arts organizations across the country. If you have questions, please contact us for more information.


Tony TIghe

Mail a check to

National Endowment for the Arts
Attn: Tony Tighe
400 7th Street SW
Washington, DC 20506

The Endowment can also accept gifts of stock and other property. All donations are tax deductible. You may specify a purpose for which you would like your gift to be used.

The Arts Endowment has the statutory authority to accept donations from individuals and from organizations that are not eligible to apply for grants. Under government ethics restrictions, the Endowment may accept donations from an organization that is eligible for an Endowment grant only if that organization confirms in writing that it has not received a grant in the past three years and does not intend to apply for a grant for the next three years.

Please note that mail sent to the Arts Endowment is frequently delayed due to security screening procedures, including irradiation. If you mail a contribution, please allow 3-4 weeks for a response.