Research Training and Education

AHRQ-Sponsored Training Opportunities

AHRQ provides an array of pre-doctoral and postdoctoral educational and career development grants and opportunities in health services research training. Research Training and Career Development activities are administered by the Division of Research Education in the Office of Extramural Research, Education and Priority Populations (OEREP).

Select for more information on Research Education and Career Development Opportunities.

Training Programs
for Individuals
Investigator Stage
Predoctoral Postdoctoral Early Career

Health Services Research Dissertation Awards (R36)

AHRQ National Research Service Award (NRSA) Institutional Health Services Research Training Program (T32) X X  

AHRQ Mentored Clinical Scientist Research Career Development Award (K08)


AHRQ Mentored Research Scientist Research Career Development Award (K01)



The following are the latest announcements from AHRQ's Division of Research Education:

Please visit AHRQ Policy Notices to learn about current and changing grant policies and procedures.

Additional Resources

Health services research training program information

Staff Contacts

For general program information or technical assistance on proposed projects, please contact the appropriate staff member listed below. It is always helpful to include a brief (not to exceed one page) project summary and specific aims of your proposed study/project along with your questions.

Harry Kwon, Ph.D., M.P.H., MCHES, Division Director
Program Area: General program information
Phone and Email:
(301) 427-1529

Shelley Benjamin, M.S.W.
Program Area:
National Research Service Award (NRSA) institutional training program (T32)
Phone and Email:
(301) 427-1528

C. Jean Hsieh, Ph.D., O.T.
Program Area:
 Patient-Centered Outcomes Research (PCOR) programs.
Phone and Email:
(301) 427-1534

Gregory Stuppard, M.S.
Program Area:
Health Services Research Dissertation program (R36)
Phone and Email:
(301) 427-1391

Tamara Willis, Ph.D., M.P.H.
Program Area:
Mentored Clinical Scientist Research Career Development program (K08) and the Mentored Research Scientist Research Career Development program (K01)
Phone and Email:
(301) 427-1011

Page last reviewed December 2016
Page originally created June 2013
Internet Citation: Research Training and Education. Content last reviewed December 2016. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.