

Get Up and Get Moving!

Regular physical activity has lots of benefits. It increases your physical strength and endurance, and it can help prevent problems with your metabolism (like high cholesterol, obesity, and diabetes) that often affect people who don’t exercise or maintain a healthy weight.

Exercise is good for everyone—and the guidelines for physical activity apply, regardless of your HIV status. The U.S. Surgeon General's report on exercise suggests 30–45 minutes a day of brisk walking, bicycling, or working around the house. This amount of exercise can reduce your risks of developing coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, colon cancer, and diabetes.

For more information, see the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Physical Activity Guidelines.

If you are living with HIV/AIDS, however, consult your healthcare provider before you begin an exercise routine. You’ll want to develop a exercise regimen that is appropriate for you and reflects your HIV care plan. You will also want to maintain a healthy weight and healthy eating habits.

You also need to talk to your provider before you start an exercise program if you have any other health problems, especially cardiovascular (heart disease), pulmonary (asthma), or joint problems (arthritis or joint replacement).

For more information, see the Department of Veterans Affairs’ HIV/AIDS: Daily Living–Exercise.

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Last revised: 06/01/2012