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This oil and gas pumping unit has been painted a color that helps it blend in with the surrounding landscape. Photo by Ryan Sutherland.

BLM Utah Oil and Gas

The Rocky Mountain Region holds large reserves of conventional and unconventional onshore oil and gas deposits. Utah’s natural gas fuels not only homes and businesses in Utah; it also is used by surrounding states. Utah also produces a significant amount of crude oil, primarily from the Uintah Basin in the eastern part of the state.

Public lands are offered for oil and gas leasing after they are nominated by the industry and the BLM evaluates environmental factors. Leasing decisions are based upon land use plans that consider the many resources and uses of public lands and their impacts on one another. Once lands are leased, applications to conduct exploration, drilling, and production-related activities are reviewed to ensure technical competence, environmental protection, and mineral resources conservation. The BLM is responsible for approving and inspecting drilling and production operations.