AHRQ Research: Staff Contacts

AHRQ welcomes inquiries regarding the Agency's current areas of research interest. Direct your questions regarding program matters to the AHRQ staff listed below.

Address for General Correspondence

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857

AHRQ Portfolios of Research

AHRQ Research Priority Staff Point of Contact Center Phone Email
Improve health care quality by accelerating implementation of Patient Centered Outcomes Research (PCOR) Charlotte Mullican (PCOR - Research) Center for Evidence and Practice Improvement (CEPI) (301) 427-1495 Charlotte.Mullican @ahrq.hhs.gov
Make health care safer Margie Shofer Center for Quality Improvement and Patient Safety (CQUIPS) (301) 427-1318 Margie.Shofer @ahrq.hhs.gov
Increase accessibility Amy Taylor Center for Financing, Access and Cost Trends (CFACT) (301) 427-1660 Amy.Taylor @ahrq.hhs.gov
Melford Henderson (301) 427-1665 Melford.Henderson @ahrq.hhs.gov
Improve health care affordability, efficiency and cost transparency Brent Sandmeyer Center for Delivery, Organization and Markets (CDOM) (301) 427-1441 Brent.Sandmeyer @ahrq.hhs.gov
Geralyn Goins (301) 427-1419 Geri.Goins @ahrq.hhs.gov


AHRQ Priority Populations

Priority Population Point of Contact Center Phone Email
Minority Health Cecilia Rivera Casale Office of Extramural Research, Education, and Priority Populations (301) 427-1547 Cecilia.Casale @ahrq.hhs.gov
Children's Health Kamila Mistry Office of Extramural Research, Education and Priority Populations (301) 427-1012 Kamila.Mistry @ahrq.hhs.gov
Populations with Disabilities Harvey Schwartz Office of Extramural Research, Education, and Priority Populations (301) 427-1552 Harvey.Schwartz @ahrq.hhs.gov
Women's Health, Men's Health, and Gender Research Camille Fabiyi Office of Extramural Research, Education, and Priority Populations (301) 427-1559 Camille.Fabiyi@ ahrq.hhs.gov
Inner City and Low Income Populations Health Francis Chesley Office of Extramural Research, Education, and Priority Populations (301) 427-1524 Francis.Chesley @ahrq.hhs.gov
Older Adult Health William Spector Center for Delivery, Organization, and Markets (301) 427-1446 William.Spector @ahrq.hhs.gov
Rural Health Erin Grace Center for Quality Improvement and Patient Safety (301) 427-1580 Erin.Grace @ahrq.hhs.gov


Selected AHRQ Areas of Research Interest

Areas of Interest Point of Contact Center Phone Email
Health Information Technology (Health IT) Amy Lindinha Center for Evidence and Practice Improvement (301) 427-1505 HealthITFunding@ahrq.hhs.gov
Healthcare-Associated Infections James Cleeman Center for Quality Improvement and Patient Safety (301) 427-1330 James.Cleeman @ahrq.hhs.gov
Simulation in Healthcare Kerm Henriksen Center for Quality Improvement and Patient Safety (301) 427-1331 Kerm.Henriksen @ahrq.hhs.gov


AHRQ Data Sources

Data Source Point of Contact Center Phone Email
Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) Household Component Doris Lefkowitz Center for Financing, Access, and Cost Trends (301) 427-1477 Doris.Lefkowitz @ahrq.hhs.gov
Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) Nursing Home Component Jeffrey Rhoades Center for Financing, Access, and Cost Trends (301) 427-1471 Jeffrey.Rhoades @ahrq.hhs.gov
Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) HCUP User Support   (866)-290-HCUP (4287) hcup @ahrq.hhs.gov


AHRQ Extramural Research

Data Source Point of Contact Center Phone Email
Extramural Research Francis Chesley Office of Extramural Research, Education, and Priority Populations (301) 427-1524 Francis.Chesley @ahrq.hhs.gov
Receipt and Referral Gerald Calderone Office of Extramural Research, Education and Priority Populations (301) 427-1548 Gerald.Calderone @ahrq.hhs.gov
Business / Fiscal Matters George Gardner Grants Management Officer (301) 427-1450 George.Gardner @ahrq.hhs.gov
Page last reviewed December 2016
Page originally created September 2012
Internet Citation: AHRQ Research: Staff Contacts. Content last reviewed December 2016. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD. http://www.ahrq.gov/funding/priorities-contacts/contacts/index.html