Arts Education

Arts Education

The National Endowment for the Arts' arts education program is focused on pre-K to 12th-grade students, the educators and civic leaders who support them, and the schools and communities that serve them.

Arts Education Fact Sheet | NEA & Arts Education Infographic


Arts Education Director

Ayanna Hudson
Ayanna N. Hudson is the director of Arts Education for the National Endowment for the Arts., where she presides over...


Denise Brandenburg
Arts Education Specialist,
Nancy Daugherty
Arts Education Specialist,
Lakita Edwards
Arts Education Specialist,

Recent Grants

Recent Grants

An online grant search is available to find information on NEA grants from 2000 to the present.


Headshot of Akua Kouyate-Tate
Senior Director of Education at the Wolf Trap Foundation for the Performing Arts


Over the course of five years, the NEA brought together teams from 29 states to collaborate on ways to strengthen states' arts education policies. The E ducation Leaders Institute Alumni...
The devastation of Hurricane Katrina in 2005 dramatically exposed the vulnerability of the arts and cultural sector in emergency preparedness and emergency response. To strengthen the understanding and readiness of...

Collective Impact

The NEA’s Arts Education Strategic Plan is grounded in collective impact. Learn more about this concept and the plan here. We invite you to share collective impact stories about your community, including successes and challenges at

See a list of NEA Arts Education collective impact grants.