
RSS Feeds

RSS (or Rich Site Summary) feeds are free content feeds from Web sites that contain article headlines, summaries and links back to full-text articles on the web.

RSS uses XML technology to syndicate web content, sending it directly to your desktop, your web browser, or an web-based RSS reader. Instead of visiting a specific Web site to search for new articles and features, RSS is a convenient way to alert you when content of interest appears on your favorite Web sites.

Currently NASS has both a News and Coming Events feed, as well as a feed available for our Today's Reports. In the future NASS expects to offer an RSS material based on user feedback.

For more information and additional subscription options, click on the name of the feed below.

Using RSS Feeds

Using RSS requires a special news reader or aggregator that displays RSS content from the Web sites you select. There are many different news readers available, several free of charge. Most function as desktop software that you download and install on your computer, however several Web-based news readers are available as well.

After you have set up your reader, you simply subscribe to the RSS content feeds you want.

An alternative to downloading a dedicated news reader is to use a Web-based reader. For example, My Yahoo! users can now add RSS feeds to their personal page. Also, the latest Mozilla Firefox, has an integrated RSS reader, which saves feeds as bookmarks.

Last Modified: 12/06/2016