Data and Statistics

Quick Stats (searchable database)

Find and download agricultural statistics for every state and county in the United States.

To access Quick Stats Tools click the arrow to the right.  

County Level Information

While Quick Stats is the best source of county level data from NASS, acreage and yield maps of county crop estimates are available. Click here to view County Maps.

County data reference items:

Special Tabulations

Special Tabulations are publishable, resummarized data tables from the Census of Agriculture or NASS surveys. Requests for Special Tabulations are considered when the requested data are not published elsewhere.

Click here for more information on Special Tabulations

Spatial Data

CropScape is a geospatial data service which offers advanced tools such as interactive visualization, web-based data on Science and Systems at George Mason University and is hosted on their website.

Click to access CropScape

Cropland Data Layers

VegScape is a geospatial data service which offers automated updates of vegetative condition at daily, weekly, and biweekly intervals. VegScape delivers interactive vegetation indices that enable quantification of U.S. crop conditions for exploring, visualizing, querying, and disseminating via interactive maps. The interface and functionality is similar to CropScape's. VegScape was developed in cooperation with the Center for Spatial Information Science and Systems at George Mason University.

Click to access VegScape

Land Use Strata for Selected States

Census of Agriculture

Query the Census of Agriculture database to retrieve customized tables with Census data at the national, state and county levels as far back as 1997. Click here to access the Quick Stats database.

To view the Census publications, visit our Census of Agriculture webpage.

Last Modified: 10/19/2016