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ARRA Increased Federal Research and Development and R&D Plant Obligations by $19.2 Billion for FY 2009–10

NSF 12-314 | April 2012 | PDF format. PDF  
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Errata (Sep 20, 2012) [close -]
FY 2009 Department of Defense R&D data are underreported by $7.7 billion in this report. Air Force underreported data for major systems development by a considerable amount and slightly overreported data for basic research, applied research, and advanced technology development. Air Force has since corrected these data. Revised FY 2009 data will be available in the forthcoming data-release InfoBrief for volume 60 (FY 2010–12) of the Federal Funds series of detailed statistical tables. Revised FY 2009 data will also be available in the forthcoming update of Science and Engineering State Profiles.

by Michael Yamaner[1]

Funding provided by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) increased current-dollar federal obligations for research and development and R&D plant (facilities and fixed equipment) by $10.1 billion in FY 2009 and an estimated $9.1 billion in FY 2010.[2] ARRA funding accounted for 7.4% of the $137 billion total obligated in FY 2009 by federal agencies for R&D and R&D plant and for an estimated 6.5% of the FY 2010 total (table 1).

TABLE 1. Federal obligations for research and development and R&D plant, by character of work: FY 2007–11
Character of work   2007   2008 2009 2010 preliminary 2011 projected 2007 2008 2009 2010 preliminary 2011 projected
Current $millions Constant 2005 $millions
All R&D and R&D plant 129,431 129,050 136,997 140,496 130,241 121,486 118,416 124,058 126,266 115,513
ARRA na na 10,082 9,146 na na na 9,130 8,220 na
Non-ARRA 129,431 r     129,050 126,915 131,350 130,241 121,486 118,416 114,928 118,046 115,513
Research 54,094 53,894 63,709 65,250 60,372 50,773 49,453 57,692 58,641 53,545
ARRA na na 7,727 6,776 na na na 6,997 6,090 na
Non-ARRA 54,094 53,894 55,982 58,474 60,372 50,773 49,453 50,695 52,551 53,545
Basic 26,866 27,154 32,878 32,052 30,083 25,217 24,916 29,773 28,805 26,681
ARRA na na 5,116 3,244 na na na 4,633 2,915 na
Non-ARRA 26,866 27,154 27,762 28,808 30,083 25,217 24,916 25,140 25,890 26,681
Applied 27,228 26,740 30,831 33,198 30,289 25,557 24,537 27,919 29,835 26,864
ARRA na na 2,611 3,532 na na na 2,364 3,174 na
Non-ARRA 27,228 26,740 28,220 29,666 30,289 25,557 24,537 25,555 26,661 26,864
Development 73,169 73,212 69,640 71,176 67,414 68,677 67,179 63,063 63,967 59,791
ARRA na na 987 866 na na na 894 778 na
Non-ARRA 73,169 r     73,212 68,653 70,310 67,414 68,677 67,179 62,169 63,189 59,791
R&D plant 2,168 1,944 3,648 4,070 2,455 2,035 1,784 3,304 3,658 2,177
ARRA na na 1,368 1,504 na na na 1,239 1,352 na
Non-ARRA 2,168 1,944 2,280 2,566 2,455 2,035 1,784 2,065 2,306 2,177

na = not applicable. r = data significantly revised; replaces previously published data.

ARRA = American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.

NOTES: Gross domestic product implicit price deflators for 2005 were used to convert current to constant dollars. Detail may not sum to total due to rounding.

SOURCE: National Science Foundation/National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, Survey of Federal Funds for Research and Development: FY 2009–11.

  Table 1 Source Data: Excel file

Following a $3.1 billion (2.5%) decrease between FY 2007 and FY 2008, total inflation-adjusted (constant dollars) federal obligations for R&D and R&D plant rose to $124.1 billion (4.8%) between FY 2008 and FY 2009 (changes in funding across years are in constant dollars unless stated otherwise). If it were not for the funding provided by ARRA, federal R&D and R&D plant would have fallen 2.9% in FY 2009. ARRA funding and a rise in non-ARRA funding were estimated to increase R&D and R&D plant obligations to $126.3 billion (constant dollars) (1.8%) between FY 2009 and FY 2010. With remaining ARRA funds having been obligated by the end of FY 2010 and a projected decrease in non-ARRA-funded obligations, R&D and R&D plant would drop 8.5% between FY 2010 and FY 2011 (table 1).

The data presented here are from the National Science Foundation (NSF) Survey of Federal Funds for Research and Development: FY 2009–11. The data reported are actual for FY 2009, preliminary for FY 2010, and projected for FY 2011.

Federal Funding for Research

ARRA funds provided an additional $7.7 billion (current dollars) in total federal research obligations for FY 2009 and added an estimated $6.8 billion (current dollars) in FY 2010. ARRA funds accounted for most of the 16.7% rise between FY 2008 and FY 2009. In constant dollars, research obligations were estimated to increase to $58.6 billion (1.6%) between FY 2009 and FY 2010, and with all the remaining ARRA funding obligated by the end of FY 2010 were projected to decrease to $53.5 billion (8.7%) between FY 2010 and FY 2011.

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) (55.7% of total research obligations and 63.3% of ARRA research obligations), the Department of Energy (DOE) (11.3% and 10.9%), the Department of Defense (DOD) (10.7% and 0.5%), and the National Science Foundation (NSF) (9.6% and 23.4%) funded the most research in FY 2009. Together, these four agencies accounted for 87.2% of the FY 2009 total in federal research dollars and 98.1% of ARRA-funded research dollars (table 2).

TABLE 2. Federal obligations for research, by agency in FY 2009 rank order: FY 2007–11
Agency 2007 2008 2009 2010
2007 2008 2009 2010
Current $millions Constant 2005 $millions
All agencies 54,094 53,894 63,709 65,250 60,372 50,773 49,453 57,692 58,641 53,545
ARRA na na 7,727 6,776 na na na 6,997 6,090 na
Non-ARRA 54,094 53,894 55,982 58,474 60,372 50,773 49,453 50,695 52,551 53,545
HHS 29,211 29,459 35,489 37,109 32,559 27,418 27,032 32,137 33,351 28,877
ARRA na na 4,888 5,720 na na na 4,426 5,141 na
Non-ARRA 29,211 29,459 30,601 31,389 32,559 27,418 27,032 27,711 28,210 28,877
DOE 5,857 6,100 7,189 7,609 7,478 5,497 5,597 6,510 6,839 6,632
ARRA na na 843 665 na na na 763 598 na
Non-ARRA 5,857 6,100 6,346 6,944 7,478 5,497 5,597 5,747 6,241 6,632
DOD 6,394 6,581 6,806 6,905 6,364 6,002 6,039 6,163 6,206 5,644
ARRA na na 38 43 na na na 34 39 na
Non-ARRA 6,394 6,581 6,768 6,862 6,364 6,002 6,039 6,129 6,167 5,644
NSF 3,970 4,135 6,096 4,711 5,104 3,726 3,794 5,520 4,234 4,527
ARRA na na 1,808 38 na na na 1,637 34 na
Non-ARRA 3,970 4,135 4,288 4,673 5,104 3,726 3,794 3,883 4,200 4,527
USDA 2,068 2,020 2,078 2,436 2,387 1,941 1,854 1,882 2,189 2,117
ARRA na na 0 0 na na na 0 0 na
Non-ARRA 2,068 2,020 2,078 2,436 2,387 1,941 1,854 1,882 2,189 2,117
NASA 2,132 1,406 1,703 1,700 1,753 2,001 1,290 1,543 1,527 1,555
ARRA na na 25 125 na na na 23 112 na
Non-ARRA 2,132 1,406 1,678 1,575 1,753 2,001 1,290 1,520 1,415 1,555
Other 4,463 4,194 4,347 4,780 4,728 4,189 3,848 3,936 4,296 4,193
ARRA na na 124 185 na na na 112 166 na
Non-ARRA 4,463 4,194 4,223 4,595 4,728 4,189 3,848 3,824 4,130 4,193

na = not applicable.

ARRA = American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009; DOD = Department of Defense; DOE = Department of Energy; HHS = Department of Health and Human Services; NASA = National Aeronautics and Space Administration; NSF = National Science Foundation; USDA = U.S. Department of Agriculture.

NOTES: Gross domestic product implicit price deflators for 2005 were used to convert current to constant dollars. Detail may not sum to total due to rounding.

SOURCE: National Science Foundation/National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, Survey of Federal Funds for Research and Development: FY 2009–11.

  Table 2 Source Data: Excel file

Basic Research

Basic research obligations increased 19.5% to $29.8 billion from FY 2008 to FY 2009, with ARRA funds accounting for $4.6 billion. Between FY 2009 and FY 2010 basic research obligations were estimated to decrease 3.2% to $28.8 billion, with ARRA funds accounting for $2.9 billion. With all remaining ARRA funds obligated by the end of FY 2010, FY 2011 basic research obligations were projected to decrease 7.4% to $26.7 billion. Basic research obligations accounted for 24.0% of total R&D and R&D plant in FY 2009 and an estimated 23.0% in FY 2010 and FY 2011 (table 1).

Applied Research

Federal obligations for applied research increased 13.8% between FY 2008 and FY 2009, with ARRA accounting for $2.4 billion of the $27.9 billion total. Between FY 2009 and FY 2010 applied research obligations were estimated to increase by 6.9%, with ARRA accounting for $3.2 billion of the $29.8 billion total. Applied research was projected to decrease 10% between FY 2010 and FY 2011 to $26.9 billion (table 1).

Performers of Research and Development

ARRA provided $8.7 billion (current dollars) in obligations for R&D performance in FY 2009 and an estimated $7.6 billion in FY 2010 (these totals exclude R&D plant obligations). ARRA funds made up 6.5% of all R&D obligations to performers in FY 2009 and accounted for an estimated 5.6% in FY 2010.

In FY 2009 industry received 40% of total R&D obligations and 8.0% of ARRA obligations; universities and colleges received, respectively, 23.7% and 58.9%; intramural (agencies of the federal government) 22.8% and 14.7%; federally funded research and development centers (FFRDCs) 7.5% and 7.1%; and other nonprofit institutions (other than educational institutions) 5.3% and 10.9% (table 3).

TABLE 3. Federal obligations for research and development, by performer: FY 2009–11
(Current dollars in millions)
2009 2010 preliminary 2011
All performers 8,714 124,635 7,643 128,784 127,787
Intramural 1,284 29,158 1,335 30,943 32,224
Industry 695 52,609 950 53,208 49,949
Industry FFRDCs 71 3,984 113 4,113 4,061
Universities and colleges 5,129 26,434 3,786 27,392 28,373
University FFRDCs 246 3,117 192 3,356 3,456
Other nonprofit institutions 952 6,096 1,005 6,384 6,392
Nonprofit FFRDCs 308 2,280 240 2,485 2,482
State and local governments 29 361 23 372 366
Foreign na 597 na 530 485

na = not applicable.

ARRA = American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009; FFRDC = federally funded research and development center.

NOTE: Detail may not sum to total due to rounding.

SOURCE: National Science Foundation/National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, Survey of Federal Funds for Research and Development: FY 2009–11.

  Table 3 Source Data: Excel file

Data Notes and Availability

Twenty-seven federal agencies report R&D obligations to the NSF Survey of Federal Funds for Research and Development. Data were requested from agencies beginning in early July 2010. Agencies later revise the preliminary data based on actual changes in the funding levels of R&D programs.

Further, agencies may provide changes in prior-year data to reflect program reclassifications or other data corrections.

Definitions of research, development, and R&D plant as used in this InfoBrief are provided in the technical notes that accompany the full set of detailed tables from this survey. For the prior-year report, see http://www.nsf.gov/statistics/nsf10305/. The full set of detailed tables from the current survey will be available in the report Federal Funds for Research and Development: Fiscal Years 2009, 2010, and 2011 at http://www.nsf.gov/statistics/fedfunds/. Individual detailed tables from the FY 2009–11 survey may be available in advance of the full report. For more information, please contact the author.


[1]  Michael Yamaner, Research and Development Statistics Program, National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, National Science Foundation, 4201 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 965, Arlington, VA 22230 (myamaner@nsf.gov; 703-292-7815).

[2]  Obligations represent the amounts for orders placed, contracts awarded, services received, and similar transactions during a given period, regardless of when the funds were appropriated and when future payment of money is required.

National Science Foundation, National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics
ARRA Increased Federal Research and Development and R&D Plant Obligations by $19.2 Billion for FY 2009–10
Arlington, VA (NSF 12-314) [April 2012]

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