Contact Us

To learn more about MONAHRQ®, visit the Resources page.

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Receive updates on the latest MONAHRQ® developments and new releases. To join the mailing list, you can request to be added by contacting

Contact Technical Assistance

If  you require technical support using MONAHRQ, please contact MONAHRQ® technical assistance at If your inquiry is related specifically to the Host User application (the software), it would be helpful to include in your e-mail:

  • the version of MONAHRQ® you are running,
  • the operating system and SQL Server version you are running,
  • a copy of your session log following import of your data, and
  • the purpose for which you are using MONAHRQ®.

Similarly, if you are having an issue with your MONAHRQ-generated website, it would be helpful to include in your e-mail the browser and browser version you are using when you view your MONAHRQ-generated website.

It is also extremely helpful if you can include a screenshot that captures your issue.

Linking to Your MONAHRQ® generated website

We will be happy to link to your public MONAHRQ® generated website. Please contact technical assistance ( and provide the following information:

  • Name of your organization
  • Sponsor of the website (if different than above)
  • A hyperlink to your website
  • Date the site went live
  • The version of MONAHRQ® that was used to generate the website.

MONAHRQ® Feedback and Suggestions

To provide any feedback and/or suggestions on MONAHRQ®, please contact us at

Page last reviewed September 2016
Page originally created April 2013
Internet Citation: Contact Us. Content last reviewed September 2016. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.