

What is a Blog?

A blog is a website with regular updates (often daily or weekly) called posts, that typically combine text, images (graphics or video), and links to other websites. Blogs are often informal in tone—some resemble an online diary or journal, while others provide news or organizational updates. At, we try to keep our blog posts to about 500 words.

Many blogs encourage dialogue by allowing their readers to leave comments. Blogs provide opportunities for you to share information and engage in an online conversation with your target audience(s). Some common free blogging platforms include Blogger Exit Disclaimer and WordPress. Exit Disclaimer Tumblr Exit Disclaimer is a popular social blogging site where individual blog posts can be taggable, searchable, followed, “liked”, and reblogged.

Who is Blogging?

  • By the end of 2011, there were an estimated 181 million blogs worldwide, up from 36 million in 2006.1
  • By the end of 2011 there were 39 million Tumblr blogs and 70 million WordPress blogs.2
  • 71% of all bloggers say they blog to speak their minds and share their expertise; and
  • The majority of bloggers have been blogging for at least two years.3

How Can I Use Blogs in Response to HIV?

  • Exchange ideas about HIV prevention, testing, treatment, and research.
  • Increase program collaboration and service integration.
  • Engage people at-risk for, or living with, HIV in a dialogue about HIV-related issues and topics.
  • Share personal stories and experiences of individuals living with HIV or caring for someone with HIV.
  • Provide updates from HIV conferences and other events.

What are Some Examples from the Field?

Where Can I Learn More?


1 Nielsen Blog, “Buzz in the Blogosphere: Millions More Bloggers and Blog Readers,” Exit Disclaimer Accessed on 1/14/13.

2 Pingdom, “Internet 2011 in numbers,” Exit Disclaimer Accessed on 1/14/13.

3 Technorati, “State of the Blogosphere 2011,” Exit Disclaimer Accessed on 1/14/13.

Last revised: 07/01/2013