Table 3-34: Cash Balances of the Transportation-Related Federal Trust Funds, Fiscal Year ($ millions)

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  1980 1985 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
TOTAL, all funds                                                      
Current $ 16,441 20,483 31,795 35,697 37,475 36,499 33,588 32,385 31,802 31,383 38,375 44,515 48,176 45,534 38,176 33,562 29,758 27,609 29,529 30,222 32,125 29,331 45,640 40,296 35,857 30,322 40,913
Chained 2009 $ 31,944 38,321 57,110 61,897 63,012 59,940 53,732 50,347 48,438 46,888 56,377 63,229 65,607 60,263 49,306 41,774 35,449 31,291 32,067 31,436 32,035 29,331 44,451 38,117 33,393 27,807 36,772
Airport / Airway Trust Fund                                                      
Current $ 5,442 7,426 14,355 15,263 15,204 12,850 12,386 11,365 7,875 6,442 9,140 12,446 13,934 14,485 12,642 12,397 11,669 11,290 10,336 10,103 9,705 8,780 9,428 10,326 11,623 13,203 14,187
Chained 2009 $ 10,574 13,893 25,784 26,465 25,565 21,103 19,814 17,668 11,994 9,625 13,428 17,678 18,976 19,170 16,328 15,430 13,900 12,795 11,224 10,509 9,678 8,780 9,183 9,768 10,824 12,108 12,751
Highway Trust Fund, highway account                                                      
Current $ 10,999 10,361 9,629 10,246 11,300 11,523 9,517 9,421 12,118 12,577 16,535 19,206 22,554 20,372 16,136 12,991 10,807 10,592 9,014 8,110 10,032 8,881 20,743 14,323 9,731 3,771 11,376
Chained 2009 $ 21,371 19,384 17,296 17,766 19,001 18,924 15,225 14,647 18,457 18,790 24,292 27,280 30,714 26,961 20,841 16,170 12,874 12,005 9,789 8,436 10,004 8,881 20,203 13,548 9,062 3,458 10,224
Highway Trust Fund, transit account                                                      
Current $ N 2,524 7,155 9,250 9,798 10,617 9,945 9,579 9,525 9,858 10,051 9,753 8,547 7,369 6,097 4,823 3,777 1,950 6,223 7,306 6,787 5,212 8,489 7,315 5,194 2,492 3,471
Chained 2009 $ N 4,722 12,852 16,039 16,475 17,436 15,909 14,891 14,507 14,728 14,766 13,853 11,640 9,752 7,874 6,004 4,499 2,210 6,758 7,599 6,768 5,212 8,268 6,920 4,837 2,285 3,119
Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund                                                      
Current $ N N 30 74 121 305 451 621 865 1,106 1,246 1,736 1,621 1,777 1,854 2,001 2,299 2,695 3,234 3,751 4,559 5,004 5,474 6,280 6,958 7,806 8,316
Chained 2009 $ N N 54 128 203 501 722 965 1,317 1,652 1,831 2,466 2,208 2,352 2,395 2,491 2,739 3,054 3,512 3,902 4,546 5,004 5,331 5,940 6,480 7,158 7,474
Inland Waterway Trust Fund                                                      
Current $ N 172 281 217 186 180 214 278 301 300 327 357 364 389 412 383 350 323 237 138 29 16 38 32 46 38 24
Chained 2009 $ N 322 505 376 313 296 343 432 458 448 480 507 496 515 532 477 417 366 257 144 29 16 37 30 43 35 22
Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund                                                      
Current $ N N 345 647 866 1,024 1,074 1,121 1,119 1,101 1,076 1,017 1,156 1,143 1,035 966 856 759 485 814 1,013 1,437 1,467 2,020 2,305 3,012 3,540
Chained 2009 $ N N 620 1,122 1,456 1,682 1,718 1,743 1,704 1,645 1,581 1,445 1,574 1,513 1,337 1,202 1,020 860 527 847 1,010 1,437 1,429 1,911 2,147 2,762 3,182

KEY: N = data do not exist.


Reported figures are cash balances at the end of the fiscal year for all trust funds.

The chained dollar numbers are not comparable to the data published in 2009 and before editions of NTS due to changes in the reference (base) year of the deflators used.

This edition is not comparable to the previous' edition



1980: U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Transportation Receipts and Outlays in the Federal Budget, Fiscal Years 1977-94 (Washington, DC: April 1997), table 1-3.

1985-2014: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Highway Statistics (Washington, DC: Annual Issues), tables FE10 and FE210, available at as of July 26, 2016.

All others:

1980-1994: U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Transportation Receipts and Outlays in the Federal Budget, Fiscal Years 1977-94 (Washington, DC: April 1997), table 1-3.

1995-2014: U.S. Executive Office of the President, Office of Management and Budget, Budget of the United States Government, Appendix (Washington, DC: Annual Issues), available at as of July 29, 2016.

Chained dollar deflator:

U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, Interactive Access to National Income and Product Accounts Tables, table 3.9.4, available at as of July 29, 2016.