Labor / ILO

Discussing the Importance of Apprenticeship

Ambassador Hamamoto and Shea Gopaul, Executive Director of the Global Apprenticeships Network, convened Kristin Sparding from the U.S. Department of Labor, Deborah Greenfield from the International Labor Organization, and representatives of Argentina, Colombia, Indonesia, and Malawi to discuss the importance of apprenticeship in the margins of this year’s International Labour Conference (Geneva, 30 May - 10 June 2016).  Ambassador Hamamoto praised the participants, highlighting President Obama’s challenge to double the number of apprentices in the U.S. by 2019.

U.S. Mission Photo/Eric Bridiers

Apprenticeship programs and systems vary from country to country, but they often face similar challenges, so there’s much we can learn from each other.

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Ambassador Hamamoto: ILO Event on Womens’ Entrepreneurship Development

Why is it that even in my country — which is often used as a model for entrepreneurship – why is it that so few women have made it onto that list?

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2015 World Day Against Child Labor: Education not Exploitation

2015 World Day Against Child Labor: Education not Exploitation Press Statement John Kirby Department Spokesperson Washington, DC June 12, 2015     On this World Day Against Child Labor, there is a growing consensus and commitment to ending exploitative child labor around the world. More children are in schools today than ever before, because the […]

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Remarks by Deputy Secretary of Labor Chris Lu at the 2015 International Labor Conference

The nature of work is changing in fundamental ways for many Americans and workers around the globe.

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U.S. Strongly Supports ILO Focus on Gender Based Violence in the Workplace

As the ILO has noted previously, gender based violence is “the most prevalent human rights violation in the world” and its existence is a “major challenge to the goal of equality between women and men.”

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Appointment of Sarah Fox as the Secretary’s Special Representative for International Labor Affairs.

Ms. Fox will lead the Department’s effort to promote workers’ rights and improve economic security and working conditions for workers abroad; liaise with the global labor movement, U.S. and multinational companies, and other stakeholders on these issues; and support and strengthen the labor diplomacy function at our embassies worldwide.

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More Needed to Improve Worker Rights, Safety in Bangladesh

Worker leaving site of collapsed building (AP Images)

An interagency review led by USTR concludes Bangladesh has made some important progress, but must do more to address the worker rights and worker safety issues.

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Statement by Under Secretary Sewall: Protection and Promotion of the Human Rights of Migrants

Under Secretary Sewall

All states — whether they are countries of origin, transit, or destination — must protect the human rights of migrants in their territories.

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Video Profile: Michael Elkin Chief Technical Adviser at ILO

Michael Elkin

From our Americans Abroad Series: Michael Elkin talks about ILO’s efforts to ensure decent work worldwide by improving working conditions and maximizing business success.

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Amb. Milovanovic on Her New Role as Chair of Kimberley Process

The Kimberley Process was launched in 2003 in order to stem the flow of conflict diamonds that were funding rebel groups. It is a process that operates by consensus, and therefore, seeking consensus, fostering the ability to come together and to make decisions in order to move the Kimberley Process forward, is going to be a critical element for the United States this year.

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