Key Outcomes at the UN Human Rights Council 26th Session

Human Rights Council

The outcomes of the 26th Session of the Human Rights Council (HRC) underscored the importance of robust U.S. engagement at the Council, where the United States continues to work with a diverse range of countries from all regions to address urgent human rights concerns.

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EOP on Climate Change

We recognize that climate change is an urgent, complex, and far-reaching global challenge. Addressing climate change requires cooperation among all nations.

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Ambassador Harper: Press Availability on Last Day of 26th U.N. Human Rights Council

Ambassador Keith Harper

Today’s resolution at the Human Rights Council takes a significant step toward accountability and laying the groundwork for ending impunity.

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Statement by Ambassador Power on the Assassination of Libyan Human Rights Activist Salwa Bugaighis

The United States condemns in the strongest possible terms the brutal assassination in Benghazi of prominent Libyan political thinker and human rights activist Salwa Bugaighis.

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Domestic Firearms Regulation is a Matter Wholly within the Sovereign Powers of a Nation

We do not believe that a State’s regulation of the purely domestic acquisition, possession and use of firearms is an appropriate topic for international attention.

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U.S. Welcomes Resolution on Eliminating All Forms of Violence Against Women

We are pleased that this resolution recognizes that members of minority groups may be at increased risk of violence.

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Proposed Working Group Would Undermine Efforts to Implement Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights

The IGWG will not benefit from the necessary and important voices of key stakeholders, including the private sector.

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U.S. Pleased to Co-Sponsor HRC Resolution on Eliminating Discrimination Against Women

The United States strongly supports this resolution’s call to end gender discrimination and to promote women’s participation in all spheres of life.

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U.S. Looks Forward to Future Appropriate action on Roma issues at the HRC

Roma persons, just like all persons, possess human rights that adhere to them as individuals.

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U.S. Joins Consensus on Human Rights Council Resolution on Extreme Poverty

The United States has had a long-standing commitment to international development, and has put substantial resources behind that pledge.

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