Key U.S. Outcomes at the UN Human Rights Council 22nd Session

The 22nd Session of the Human Rights Council (HRC) underscored the importance of robust engagement at the Council, where the United States continues to work with a diverse range of countries from all regions of the world to address urgent human rights concerns.

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U.S. Pleased to Co-Sponsor HRC Resolution on Rights of the Child

We are glad to see the resolution calls upon States to increase their efforts to address child and maternal mortality and apply a human rights-based approach in this regard, which we understand to mean an approach anchored in a system of rights and corresponding obligations established by international human rights law.

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U.S. Looks Forward to Enhanced Cooperation on Vital Issue of Combatting Religious Intolerance

All too often today we hear of places of worship being attacked, of individuals belonging to minority religious communities facing violence and discrimination
because of their beliefs, and of repressive laws infringing on the freedoms of religion and expression.

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U.S. Joins Consensus on Resolution on the Right to Food

We recognize the importance of maintaining a focus on global food security in order to realize our vision of a world free from hunger.

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HRC resolution calls further international attention to the brutality of the Assad regime

We are appalled by the continuing violence in Syria that has resulted in more than 70,000 deaths and over one million refugees since the start of the conflict.

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Respect for Religious Diversity is an Essential Element of any Peaceful Society

Religious freedom is a universal human right that all states have a responsibility to uphold.

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Human Rights Conditions in Iran Continue to Worsen, U.S. Statement in Support of HRC Resolution

The Special Rapporteur’s strong work to date, which documents persistent patterns of systemic abuses by the Iranian government, indicates the strong need for this body to renew his mandate for a third year.

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Resolution on Syrian Golan highlights HRC’s Biased and Disproportionate Focus on Israel

United States’ opposition to this resolution is not an endorsement of the Israeli annexation of the Golan Heights, which the United States does not recognize.

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Secretary Kerry’s Statement on the UNHRC Vote on Sri Lanka

Today’s vote in the UN Human Rights Council encourages the Government of Sri Lanka to continue on the path toward lasting peace and prosperity following decades of civil war and instability.

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Ambassador Donahoe Press Statement After Adoption of HRC Resolution on Sri Lanka

Ambassador Donahoe

This resolution sends a strong signal that the international community intends to remain seized with the situation in Sri Lanka.

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