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Private-Label Securities (PLS) Actions

Our focus is to fulfill the legal responsibilities Congress assigned FHFA as conservator, and preparing the foundation
for a new, stronger housing finance system in the future.

One of the goals in the 2012 Conservatorship Scorecard was for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to work with FHFA to conclude litigation associated with private-label securities and whole loan repurchase claims. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have been working with counterparties to reach agreements to resolve certain claims related to mortgages sold to them. This initiative is designed to help Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac recover losses from origination and servicing defects that have been, or could have been, paid for by taxpayers.

FHFA continues work on lawsuits filed in 2011 against 18 financial institutions, certain of their officers and directors, and various unaffiliated lead underwriters. The suits allege violations of both federal securities and state laws in the sale of residential MBS to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The complaints, filed under statutory authority granted by HERA, reflect our conclusion that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac incurred losses because of misrepresentations and other improper actions by the firms and individuals named in the suits.

These complaints are part of our ongoing commitment as conservator to collect money due to Fannie Mae and Freddie  Mac because of investments in MBS that did not conform  to representations made in offering documents and the failure of defendants to comply with underwriting guidelines and standards. Our work has yielded results.

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