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​the Ombudsman


FHFA is an independent agency of the federal government with a unique mission responsible for providing oversight of the housing government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs or regulated entities).

The housing GSEs include Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac (known as the Enterprises), the Federal Home Loan Banks (FHLBanks) and the FHLBank System’s Office of Finance.

The FHFA Office of the Ombudsman was established pursuant to the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008 and FHFA implementing regulations.  The Office is responsible for considering complaints and appeals from any GSE and any person that has a business relationship with a GSE concerning any matter relating to FHFA's regulation and supervision of that GSE.

The Office of the Ombudsman is not responsible for consumer complaints.  If you are a homeowner or homebuyer with a complaint, please see our Homeowners & Homebuyers page.

Neither FHFA nor any FHFA employee may retaliate against a GSE or a person for submitting a complaint or appeal to the Ombudsman.

Janell Byrd-Chichester acts as FHFA’s Interim Ombudsman. She assumed this role in October 2015. 


What the Ombudsman Does

  • ensures that complaints and appeals concerning the regulation and supervision of the GSEs are considered in a fair and timely manner; 

  • conducts independent inquiries and acts as a neutral facilitator or mediator to help resolve complaints and appeals; and

  • submits findings of fact and recommendations to the FHFA Director concerning complaints and appeals that have not been resolved through facilitation or mediation.


What the Ombudsman Does Not Do

  • take sides;

  • facilitate or mediate disputes for which there is an existing avenue of appeal or other forum, such as matters in litigation, arbitration, or mediation; or a matter within the jurisdiction of the FHFA Office of Inspector General; 

  • handle complaints concerning internal FHFA functions, such as personnel and procurement;

  • handle consumer complaints (if you are a homeowner or homebuyer with a complaint, please see our Homeowner & Homebuyers page);

  • handle fraud allegations (to report fraud, contact the FHFA Office of Inspector General at 800-793-7724 or visit the FHFA OIG website); or

  • accept complaints about the regulated entities from regulated entity employees (regulated entity employees should address their concerns to the appropriate office within their institution). 


How Is Confidentiality Protected?

The Office of the Ombudsman has dedicated telephone and fax lines and secure file facilities.  The Office does not disclose the identity of a party or the information or materials provided by a party except to appropriate reviewing or investigating officials or if disclosure is required by law.


If the FHFA Ombudsman Cannot Consider Your Complaint or Appeal

FHFA regulates Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, the FHLBanks, and the Office of Finance of the FHLB System.  It does not regulate FHLBank members or any other financial institution. If your complaint is about an organization other than those FHFA regulates, please contact the appropriate agency.

Contact information for the ombudsmen of other federal regulators is provided below:

Consumer Finance Protection Bureau
Enforces federal consumer financial laws at banks, credit unions, and other financial companies
855-830-7880 or CFPBOmbudsman@cfpb.gov

Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
Charters and regulates national banks, thrifts, and savings banks

Federal Reserve System
Supervises and regulates banking institutions that are members of the Federal Reserve System
800-337-0429 or Ombudsman@frb.gov

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Regulates state chartered banks that are not members of the Federal Reserve System
877-275-3342 or Ombudsman@fdic.gov

National Credit Union Administration
Regulates credit unions
703-518-1175 or ombudsman@ncua.gov

How to Contact the Ombudsman


File a complaint here.

Dial Toll Free 888-665-1474 and leave a message.


Federal Housing Finance Agency
Constitution Center
400 7th Street , SW
Washington, DC 20219

© 2016 Federal Housing Finance Agency