Health & Science

Physician from Benin Focuses on Global Health, Women’s Issues


In her native Benin, says physician Joannie Bewa, many women are now preparing for leadership positions in government and in other fields, but increased mentoring of young girls is needed to help more women claim their rightful place in society.

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Global HIV/AIDS Assessment Shows Positive Trends


Deaths from HIV/AIDS have declined, and new infections of the deadly virus have decreased while the dissemination of treatment is on a steadily upward trend.

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Ambassador King delivers Opening Statement on NCD Global Monitoring Framework

Ambassador King delivered the opening statement today and expressed our optimism that this WHO meeting will finalize a package of voluntary global targets and indicators along with a global monitoring framework to strengthen and focus our collective action to prevent and control non-communicable diseases.

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U.S. Mission hosts Roundtable on NCD Targets and Indicators

U.S. Mission hosts Roundtable Discussion on NCD Targets and Indicators

The Union for International Cancer Control (UICC), the U.S. Mission and the Mission of Panama co-hosted a roundtable discussion on the development of targets and indicators for the prevention and control of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs). U.S. Ambassador Betty E. King delivered opening remarks pointing out that the U.S. is “strongly committed to raising profile of NCDs as a major global public health concern.”

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Mental Health Week Goals: More Treatment, Less Stigma


Broadening global understanding about mental illness is the goal of the World Health Organization’s World Mental Health Day October 10 and National Mental Health Awareness Week October 7–13 in the United States.

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President Obama Proclaims Breast Cancer Awareness Month


This month, we stand with the mothers, daughters, sisters, aunts, and friends who have been affected by breast cancer, and we recognize the dedicated advocates, researchers, and health care providers who strive to defeat this terrible disease.

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Public-Private Partnership Announces Immediate 40 Percent Cost Reduction for Rapid TB Test

Today, the United States President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), UNITAID, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation announced an agreement that will significantly reduce the cost of a new, highly accurate, rapid diagnostic test for tuberculosis (TB) in 145 high-burden and developing countries.

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Clinton Visits Nelson Mandela at Home in South Africa

Clinton and Mandela

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton met with former South African President Nelson Mandela at his home in the village of Qunu August 6 before addressing the first-ever U.S.-South Africa Business Partnership, meeting with senior South African officials and attending the U.S.-South Africa Strategic Dialogue.

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Clinton Talks Agriculture, Health Care, Women’s Rights in Africa


Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton is discussing health care, agriculture and women’s empowerment as she continues her 10-day Africa tour in Uganda, Kenya and Malawi.

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Clinton at Reach Out Mbuya Health Center in Uganda

Today, more than 300,000 Ugandans are receiving treatment through PEPFAR. And I will be looking forward to be meeting with John Robert Engole who eight years ago was near death. He was the first person in the world to receive life-saving medication through PEPFAR.

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