

Listening Session on SMAIF and HIV Among
Transgender Women of Color

December 8, 2016 from 2:00–3:30 p.m. (ET)


Register Exit Disclaimer by December 6th.


The HHS Office of HIV/AIDS and Infectious Disease Policy hosts this listening session on ways the Secretary’s Minority AIDS Initiative Fund (SMAIF) might support innovative efforts to prevent new HIV infections and improve health outcomes among transgender women of color. This session is open to all.

Listening Session on SMAIF and HIV Among Transgender Women of Color

Check out the webinars listed below to help you schedule, plan or participate. Here you can also discover resources and tools from HIV- and hepatitis-related webinars that you may have missed.

Check back often and email us to suggest inclusion of your event. Inclusion on this page does not imply endorsement.

Upcoming Webinars

Topic Type Date/Time Title Description Date Federal
TUE JAN 24 2017

1:00-2:00 p.m. (ET)

Living with HIV in Rural America – Stigma and Other Barriers to Care

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Of all the barriers to accessing HIV healthcare services in rural areas of the United States and its territories, the most enduring barrier has been stigma. People living in these areas are significantly less likely to get tested and diagnosed early, to be retained in HIV healthcare, and to be virally suppressed. This presentation addresses the ways in which identified barriers to healthcare access, including stigma by rural healthcare providers and rural healthcare teams, affect the health outcomes of people living with HIV. Sponsor: National Center for Innovation in HIV Care.

01/24/2017 No
THU JAN 26 2017

1:00-2:00 p.m. (ET)

Partners in+care Round Table: Working Alongside Providers & Others

Join the Webinar Exit Disclaimer

This webinar acquaints participants with resources that focus on transgender health, such as HRSA’s Special Projects of National Significance, which analyzed various transgender health projects. Consumers will share their stories of engagement in care and viral suppression as a way of supporting each others' experiences. Finally, participants will discuss ways that leadership skills and capacity can be built within the HIV-positive transgender community.

01/26/2017 No
THU FEB 9 2017

2:00 p.m. (ET)

PrEP for Adolescents

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PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV) can be highly effective in preventing HIV infection in adults at increased risk. But what about for adolescents? Does it work? Is it Safe? Is it affordable? Is anyone providing PrEP to adolescents, and if so, how? This webinar will explore these questions and more. This webinar is fourth in the Implementing PrEP series. Sponsor: SFDPH CBA Program

02/09/2017 No
WED FEB 15 2017

3:00-4:00 p.m. (ET)

Helping Clients Understand Tax Filing and Health Coverage

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Join this webinar to learn how to help your clients prepare to file their taxes, including which clients need to file taxes based on their 2016 health coverage. Help your clients understand what documents they need to file their taxes; how to reconcile advance premium tax credits; and who is eligible for (and how to obtain) an exemption from the requirement to have health coverage. This webinar will also review an ACE TA Center tool to help clients understand how health coverage affects their tax filing requirements. Sponsor: ACE TA Center.

02/15/2017 No
WED MAR 15 2017

10:00 a.m.-Noon (ET)

PrEP and Women who are Pregnant or Breastfeeding

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This session will discuss various models of directly observed therapy to optimize adherence to treatment and prophylactic antiretrovirals for pregnant women living with or at substantial risk of acquiring HIV. This webinar is last in the Implementing PrEP series. Sponsor: SFDPH CBA Program

03/15/2017 No

Resources for Event Planners


  • Decide on your format and agenda.
  • Check for date conflicts.
  • Recruit speakers, a moderator, and a support team.
  • Decide what lasting resources you will produce.
  • Reserve your equipment and space.
  • Set up your registration system for your attendees.
  • Promote the webinar widely.
  • Don’t make your slides too dense.
  • Do a dry run for content and technical operation.
  • Evaluate.

Submit a Webinar welcomes suggested listings for this page. Webinars should be free and of interest to the HIV and hepatitis communities nationally. Please email with the subject line “Webinar Page Submission (Agency Name)” with the following information: Webinar Date, Title, Sponsor (and link), registration link and a brief description. We will try to accommodate your request. Inclusion on this page does not imply endorsement.

Webinar Archive

Topic Type Title Description Materials Date Federal

Housing as Healthcare - Sustainable Models for Care, Treatment and Prevention

THU JAN 19 2017

2:00-3:00 p.m. (ET)

The National AIDS Housing Coalition, in collaboration with the Ontario HIV Treatment Network, has produced the North American Housing and HIV/AIDS Research Summit Series. Over the life of the eight summits, a large body of research has shown that housing is a cost-effective structural intervention that improves health outcomes for people living with HIV and prevents the spread of HIV. This webinar shows how this research has been applied and shares strategies on how housing can be developed and move us toward ending the HIV epidemic. Sponsor: National Center for Innovation in HIV Care.

  01/19/2017 No

Aging and HIV

TUE JAN 17 2017

11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. (ET)

This webinar reviews the management of multiple conditions and complex medication regimens in older patients living with HIV. Using a case-based approach, presenters discuss the treatment management of common HIV-associated non-AIDS conditions in this population. Sponsor: Mountain West AETC.

  01/17/2017 No

end+disparities Learning Exchange Office Hours: Stigma-Assessment Indices

FRI JAN 13 2017

1:00-2:00 p.m. (ET)

Stigma is one of the biggest barriers to care for transgender people. This webinar explores stigma assessment on several levels and focused on stigma and HIV health outcomes. Participants learn about stigma-assessment tools that HIV care providers can use to identify sources of stigma that could be barriers to engagement in care and achieving optimal health outcomes.

  01/13/2017 No

PrEP and Women Seeking Services for STIs, HCV, & Contraception

TUE JAN 11 2017

2:00 p.m. (ET)

This session will discuss systematizing pregnancy, Hepatitis C and syphilis diagnoses as a trigger to explore eligibility for PrEP (and PEP) among women so that we can get PrEP to these women.

Participants will estimate the number of US women who could benefit from PrEP, describe co-morbidities and other health-seeking conditions that could trigger an assessment of PrEP eligibility, and explain ways of incorporating PrEP eligibility into general, reproductive and sexual healthcare settings. This webinar is third in the Implementing PrEP series. Sponsor: SFDPH CBA Program

  01/11/2017 No

Affordable Care Act 101 for Individuals and Families

TUE JAN 10 2017

2:00-3:00 p.m. (ET)

This presentation will discuss what is the Affordable Care Act and the Health Insurance Marketplace, how to enroll in health insurance, key websites and resources on the law. The open enrollment period closes soon, on January 31, 2017. Learn more about this important deadline. Questions will be answered.

  01/10/2017 No

Funding Opportunity: Evaluation Center for Using Evidence-Informed Interventions to Improve Health Outcomes among People living with HIV

TUE JAN 10 2017

1:00-3:00 p.m. (ET)

HRSA hosts this webinar for accepting applications for fiscal year (FY) 2017 for Using Evidence-Informed Interventions to Improve Health Outcomes Among People Living with HIV: Evaluation Center (HRSA-17-049). All applicants are encouraged to participate.

  01/10/2017 No

Health and Other Discrimination Protections for the LGBTQ Community

TUE JAN 10 2017

1:00-2:30 p.m. (ET)

This webinar addresses health care, housing, and employment protections for members of the LGBTQ community. It features information on protections and remedies available in response to discrimination based on LGBTQ status, and covers nondiscrimination laws, information about how to file a complaint, and examples of positive outcomes resulting from these protections. Sponsor: HRSA

  01/10/2017 No

Funding Opportunity: Coordinating Center for Technical Assistance for Using Evidence-Informed Interventions to Improve Health Outcomes among People Living with HIV

MON JAN 9 2017

1:00-3:00 p.m. (ET)

HRSA hosts this webinar for accepting applications for fiscal year (FY) 2017 for Using Evidence-Informed Interventions to Improve Health Outcomes among People Living with HIV: Coordinating Center for Technical Assistance (HRSA-17-044). All applicants are encouraged to participate.

  01/09/2017 No

Listening Session on SMAIF and HIV Among Transgender Women of Color

THU DEC 8 2016

2:00-3:00 p.m. (ET)

The HHS Office of HIV/AIDS and Infectious Disease Policy will host this listening session on ways the Secretary’s Minority AIDS Initiative Fund (SMAIF) might support innovative efforts to prevent new HIV infections and improve health outcomes among transgender women of color. Open to all, this webinar will include remarks by Dr. Amy Lansky, Director, White House Office of National AIDS Policy.

Through an open call for speakers, community members are invited to respond to two questions: What are the most important barriers to improving HIV prevention and care for transgender women of color that you think the SMAIF could address? What are your recommendations for activities to address these barriers?

Register by December 6, 2016

  12/08/2016 No

Troubleshooting Targeted Testing

THU DEC 8 2016

2:00-3:00 p.m. (ET)

Implementing targeted HIV testing effectively can be challenging. Sometimes the strategies we are using may not be the right fit for our program or maybe we are having trouble finding our priority population.  It is time to troubleshoot! Bring your questions to this discussion. This webinar will enable participants to understand the difference between targeted and routine HIV testing, discuss segmentation of priority population approaches, and understand lessons from the Latino Commission on AIDS (LCOA)’s Access to Care Services. Sponsor: LCOA.

  12/08/2016 No

Coverage to Care (C2C): A Roadmap to Better Care and a Healthier You

WED DEC 7 2016

2:00-3:00 p.m. (ET)

This CMS National Training Program Marketplace webinar provides an overview of the coverage to care roadmap. It explains what health coverage is and how to use it to get primary care and preventive services to help you live a long, healthy life. C2C resources will be discussed. Sponsor: CMS.

  12/07/2016 No

What’s New in the 2016 HIV Perinatal Treatment Guidelines?

WED DEC 7 2016

1:30-2:30 p.m. (ET)

This training will identify recent changes to the perinatal HIV treatment guidelines, and discuss potential barriers to applying these changes in your clinical practice. Sponsor: CDC’s Elimination of Perinatal HIV Transmission Stakeholders Group.

  12/07/2016 No

Understanding Trauma Informed Care

WED DEC 7 2016

Source: MidAtlantic AETC

12:00-1:00 p.m. (ET)

This webinar will enable participants to better understand trauma and how to provide better care of clients who may have experienced traumatic events. Upon completion, participants will be able to explain what trauma is and its effects, describe trauma-informed care and its components and describe some best practices and tips. Sponsor: MidAtlantic AETC.

  12/07/2016 No

Affordable Care Act 101 for Individuals and Families

TUE DEC 6 2016

2:00 p.m. (ET)

This presentation will discuss what is the Affordable Care Act and the Health Insurance Marketplace, how to enroll in health insurance, key websites and resources on the law. The open enrollment period has started with coverage available as soon as January 1, 2017 for those who enroll by December 15. Learn more about this important deadline.

  12/06/2016 No

Positive Links: Using Technology to Improve Retention in Care

TUE DEC 6 2016

2:00 p.m. (ET)

Can a downloadable smartphone application help people living with HIV stay in care? The answer is yes! This webinar will explore how “warm” technology can be an important tool in retaining people living with HIV in care. A staff member and client from the Positive Links Program at the University of Virginia will discuss their program, which was designed to mitigate barriers to linkage and retention in care among newly diagnosed clients of the UVA Ryan White Clinic. Sponsor: AIDS United.

  12/06/2016 No

Why Clinical Trials for Hepatitis B Therapies Are So Important

WED NOV 30 2016

3:00 p.m. (ET)

This is the second of a two part webinar series entitled “HBV Future Therapies and Clinical Trials - What They Mean for the Hepatitis B Community” which will enable webinar participants to learn from leading experts about drugs in development and strategies to motivate individuals with hepatitis B and their providers to participate in clinical trials. Speakers are Moon S. Chen, Jr., PhD, MPH (Associate Director,  Population Research and Cancer Disparities, UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center Professor in Residence/Professor);  and Robert G. Gish, MD (Medical Director, Hepatitis B Foundation and Adjunct Professor of Clinical Medicine,  University of Nevada - Las Vegas.  Sponsors: Hep B United and the Hepatitis B Foundation.

  11/30/2016 No

CMS/HRSA Low Income Health Access Open Door Forum: CMS Changes Affecting Safety Net Providers

WED NOV 30 2016

2:00-3:00 p.m. (ET)

This webinar is sponsored by CMS. Use call-in number: 1-800-837-1935 and conference ID 44796292.

  11/30/2016 No

Delivering Coordinated Care through Chronic Care Management Services

WED NOV 30 2016

1:00-2:00 p.m. (ET)

Participants will learn about chronic care management (CCM) services and the latest Physician Fee Schedule Final Rule changes that enable eligible practitioners to seek reimbursement for non-face-to-face care coordination services furnished to Medicare beneficiaries with multiple chronic conditions. The webinar will include interactive discussions about barriers and opportunities for providing CCM services and resources needed to help patients manage multiple chronic health conditions. Sponsor: CMS.

  11/30/2016 No

Lessons Learned About HIV from Ebola

WED NOV 30 2016

1:00-2:00 p.m. (ET)

This session is offered by the Southeast AIDS Education and Training Center. The speaker will be Dr. David Wohl.

  11/30/2016 No

HITEQ Highlights Health IT and QI Workforce Development: Onboarding for Success

TUE NOV 29 2016

3:00-4:00 p.m. (ET)

After a brief introduction to HITEQ and this Resource Set, this webinar will highlight two specific tools for onboarding new staff into your health center with a focus on speeding the onboarding of Health IT and QI staff. The webinar will delve into the two onboarding tools - the Calendar and the Sample of a Staff Member’s Dashboard for Required Tasks, showing how they are meant to be used and how you can customize them for your needs. Sponsor: HITEQ.

  11/29/2016 No

The ACA, Medicaid, CHIP and Medicare: Next Steps in Meeting Client Needs

TUE NOV 29 2016

2:00 p.m. (ET)

Social workers, case workers and others can find confusing changes to the Affordable Care Act  Health Insurance Marketplace, Medicaid, the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) and Medicare. How and when to enroll clients in these health insurance plans can be even more confusing. This webinar will help staff learn how, when and where to enroll clients who are eligible for Marketplace, Medicaid, Medicare and CHIP coverage and the benefits available to them in these federal programs.

  11/29/2016 No

Case Studies in HIV/HCV Co-Management

TUE NOV 29 2016

2:00-3:00 p.m. (ET)

This webinar will enable participants to better understand HIV and hepatitis C virus (HCV) co-management. Participants will be able to: describe recent advances in HIV research and clinical practice in the area of HIV/HCV co-management; apply recent evidence to guide effective decisions for initial treatment, use of co-formulations, switching ARV therapies, and individualizing therapy regimens in patients with HIV/HCV coinfection and improve patient engagement and education strategies to promote adherence to HIV and HCV therapies. Sponsor: Southeast AIDS Training & Education Center. 

  11/29/2016 No

Building Community Engagement for Syringe Services Programs

TUE NOV 29 2016

2:00-3:30 p.m. (ET)

Syringe access and disposal remains the cornerstone of HIV prevention efforts for people who inject drugs in San Francisco, supported by local funding. Early introduction of this service is credited for preventing a heterosexual epidemic in San Francisco. However, implementing a syringe service program can pose its challenges. That is why community engagement from the onset is crucial, and the range of partners with whom to engage equally important. This webinar will highlight San Francisco’s and North Carolina Orange County Health Department’s experience with community engagement for syringe service programs. Sponsor: Center for Learning & Innovation, San Francisco Department of Public Health

  11/29/2016 No

Body Positive Syringe Services Programs

WED NOV 9 2016

2:00 p.m. (ET)

This webinar will give an overview of how to build affirming and body-positive syringe services programs for transgender and gender non-conforming people. Panelists will discuss how to successfully reach and serve transgender and gender non-conforming people, what supplies to stock, and key messages to use. Two case studies will be featured:  one small independent syringe services program and one housed within an already existing, larger organization.  Sponsor: AIDS United.

  10/25/2016 No

::Hangouts with HIVE Offering PrEP in Family Planning Clinics

MON OCT 31 2016

Noon (ET)

Family planning clinics can play a critical role in reducing sexual transmission of HIV in the United States by integrating PrEP education and provision into their practices. In this live discussion via Google+ Hangouts on Air, PrEP champions from around the country will share lessons learned and discuss the way forward for integrating PrEP into family planning services. Sponsor: HIVE.

  10/31/2016 No

::Hangouts with HIVE: Beyond Compassion: Caring for Women with a History of Trauma

FRI OCT 28 2016

1:00 p.m. (ET)

Addressing trauma is necessary to support women living with or at risk of acquiring HIV.  This live discussion via Google+ Hangouts on Air includes Dr. Carmen Landau, Southwestern Women’s Options Gina Brown, MSW, Institute of Women and Ethnic Studies, Jenee Johnson, San Francisco Black Infant Health, Dr. Karen A. Scott, Sexual and Reproductive Health Epidemiologist,  Karishma Oza, MPH: HIVE Program Coordinator,  Kelly Costello, MSW, Homeless Prenatal Program and  Shannon Weber, MSW, HIVE Director. Sponsor: HIVE

  10/28/2016 No

Current and Future HBV Treatment and Research Towards Finding a Cure

WED OCT 26 2016

3:00 p.m. (ET)

This is the first of a two part webinar series entitled “HBV Future Therapies and Clinical Trials - What They Mean for the Hepatitis B Community” which will enable webinar participants to learn from leading experts about drugs in development and strategies to motivate individuals with hepatitis B and their providers to participate in clinical trials. The speaker is Timothy Block, PhD, Co-Founder and President, Hepatitis B Foundation and Baruch S. Blumberg Institute and PA Biotechnology Center. Sponsors: Hep B United and the Hepatitis B Foundation

  10/26/2016 No

Meaningful Involvement of Peers in Evaluation

TUE OCT 25 2016

2:00-3:00 p.m. (ET)

 “Peers”—sometimes known as community health workers or peer navigators—are hired for their lived experience and understanding of the challenges faced by people living with HIV, rather than for expertise in data collection and evaluation. Like all staff, peers need training and support to understand the importance of evaluation and their unique role in evaluation. This webinar will explore strategies for involving peers in a meaningful way in all aspects of the evaluation process. Sponsor: AIDS United

  10/25/2016 No

PrEP for Transgender & Gender Non-Conforming Individuals

TUE OCT 25 2016

2:00 p.m. (ET)

This webinar explores strategies for involving peers (sometimes known as community health workers) in a meaningful way in all aspects of the evaluation process. Sponsor: AIDS United.

  10/25/2016 No

Key Issues Ahead of the Affordable Care Act’s Fourth Open Enrollment Period

TUE OCT 25 2016

1:00-2:00 p.m. (ET)

The Affordable Care Act’s fourth open enrollment period begins Nov. 1, 2016 and this year there are new challenges in terms of boosting coverage among healthy individuals and changing options for customers purchasing insurance through the state and federal marketplaces. The web briefing will address:  1) who remains uninsured nationally, and how many are eligible for Medicaid or subsidized marketplace coverage; 2) how competition among insurers is changing in the marketplaces; 3) what consumers can expect to see in terms of premium increases; 4) the role that tax credits and cost-sharing subsidies play in making marketplace coverage more affordable; 5) who is affected by state decisions about expanding Medicaid; and 6) key considerations for marketplace customers shopping for a plan for next year.  This webinar will also answer audience questions.  Sponsor: Kaiser Family Foundation.

  10/25/2016 No

Getting to Know the Federal Government and Funding Opportunities

MON OCT 17 2016

2:00-3:00 p.m. (ET)

Save the date for this webinar about best practices in responding to federal funding opportunity announcements — and where to find the latest funding opportunities. Sponsor: Office of Minority Health Resource Center.

  10/17/2016 No

Why All the Excitement about Logic Models?

MON OCT 3 2016

2:00-3:00 p.m. (ET)

Organizations are increasingly putting logic models to work to define, plan, implement and evaluate their efforts in ways that demonstrate impact to funding partners. Learn how to use logic models to effectively convey your vision for success to potential funders. This Office of Minority Health Resource Center webinar will include an overview of logic models; applying logic models in funding applications and evaluations; and using SMART objectives. Sample logic model designs will be provided.

  10/03/2016 No

Office of Women's Health Opioid Summit

FRI SEP 30 2016

9:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. (ET)

The HHS Office of Women's Health convenes this national conversation to examine the unique prevention, treatment, and recovery issues for women who use, abuse, or overdose on opioids.  This meeting will bring together policy experts, program staff, researchers, clinicians, and women with lived experience to foster a national conversation on best policies and practices to address these growing challenges. Join the conversation using the hashtag #OWHOpioidSummit on Twitter and follow the live tweets from @womenshealth.

  09/30/2016 No

Policy Briefs on Emergency Care Models and Rural Opioid Misuse Implications

THU SEP 29 2016

2:00-3:00 p.m. (ET)

The National Advisory Committee on Rural Health and Human Services released two new policy briefs with recommendations to the Secretary of the HHS on ways to address pressing issues: 1)  Alternative Models to Preserving Access to Emergency Care, which examines alternatives for provision of emergency care and ancillary services in the light of the recent surge in rural hospital closures, and 2) Families in Crisis: The Human Service Implications of Rural Opioid Misuse, which discusses opioid use disorder in rural areas. This will be a panel discussion about the briefs.

  09/29/2016 No

Office of Women's Health Opioid Summit

THU SEP 29 2016

9:00 a.m.–4:30 p.m. (ET)

The HHS Office of Women's Health convenes this national conversation to examine the unique prevention, treatment, and recovery issues for women who use, abuse, or overdose on opioids.  This meeting will bring together policy experts, program staff, researchers, clinicians, and women with lived experience to foster a national conversation on best policies and practices to address these growing challenges. Join the conversation using the hashtag #OWHOpioidSummit on Twitter and follow the live tweets from @womenshealth.

  09/29/2016 No

Seminario Virtual: Recursos en Español de C2C

WED SEP 28 2016

2:00 p.m. (ET)

This webinar in Spanish will discuss how one can get involved in helping community members make the most of their health coverage and provide tools for health care professionals.  Sponsors:  Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services; HHS Office of Minority Health.

  09/28/2016 No

PrEP for Transgender & Gender Non-Conforming Individuals

TUE SEP 27 2016

2:00 p.m. (ET)

PrEP is a highly effective HIV prevention strategy and while the data about its safety and efficacy in this population are encouraging, inclusion of transgender persons in clinical trials and demonstration projects have been limited, to date. As we’re scaling up PrEP, barriers to PrEP use in have been documented as well as promising strategies for engaging gender and sexual minorities. Participants will: review the evidence of safety and efficacy of PrEP in transgender and gender non-conforming populations; understand possible barriers and facilitators of PrEP uptake and highlight novel efforts to engage the transgender and gender non-conforming communities in discovery and implementation science. This webinar is second in the Implementing PrEP series. Sponsor: SFDPH CBA Program

  09/27/2016 No

Achieving Health Equity – One Policy at a Time

THU SEP 22 2016

3:00-4:00 p.m. (ET)

Historically, Washington State Department of Health  has commented on and helped shape legislation by reviewing proposed state legislation to determine whether to support or oppose them. New leadership in 2013 prompted a push to apply a health equity lens to bill analyses. This webinar will discuss how the department used policy and administrative levers to make this change. Sponsor: Federal Interagency Health Equity Team

  09/22/2016 No
HIV Hepatitis

IHIP: Moving Patients Along the HIV Care Continuum and Beyond: Using Technology and Integrated Care to Advance Patients Along the HIV Care Continuum and Beyond

MON SEP 19 2016

2:00-3:30 p.m. (ET)

This SPNS Integrating HIV Innovative Practices (IHIP) Webinar is last in a three-part series featuring grantee interventions along respective Care Continuum stages. Dr. DeAnn Gruber, STD/HIV Program Director at the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals, Office of Public Health will discuss their work establishing and testing a bi-directional public health information data system to identify and link otherwise hard-to-reach persons into HIV care and treatment. Tawnya Brown, MSW, from Washington University School of Medicine, will discuss development of an HCV coinfection clinic within their HIV clinic to improve HCV screening, integrated care, and wraparound services to coinfected clients.

  09/19/2016 No

Inside Look: Using the New Federal Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) Dataset to Assess Sexual Minority Youth

THU SEP 15 2016

3:00-4:00 p.m. (ET)

This webinar will address the newly released and first-ever federal dataset that includes items on sexual orientation and risk-taking behavior among youth. This month, the CDC released their 2015 Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) findings on disparities for sexual minority youth, and the full dataset is available for researchers to use in their own work.  Featuring a presentation by Dr. Laura Kann (Chief, School-Based Surveillance Branch, CDC/DASH), the webinar will be geared toward researchers, including faculty, graduate students, government staff, and other professional researchers. The webinar will provide an overview of this brand new, national dataset, and offer an in-depth look into these new items on sexual identity and same-sex sexual behavior, as well as best practices for using these data. GLSEN staff will discuss research needs in the field, and how using the dataset can best further the knowledge-base and be applied to program development for lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth. Hosts: CDC and GLSEN.

  09/15/2016 No

Part A 2017 Funding Opportunity Announcement TA Webinar

TUE SEP 13 2016

2:00-4:00 p.m. (ET)

The Fiscal Year 2017 Ryan White Part A HIV Emergency Relief Grant Program Funding Opportunity Announcement (HRSA-17-030) has been released. EMA and TGA representatives are encouraged to participate in a technical assistance (TA) webinar for this funding opportunity announcement. The webinar will assist applicants in preparing applications.

  09/13/2016 No

Questions about Your Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Plan: Introducing the Integrated HIV/AIDS Planning Technical Assistance Center

MON SEP 12 2016

3:00-4:00 p.m. (ET)

Please join us for the kick-off of the Integrated HIV/AIDS Planning (IHAP) Technical Assistance Center (TAC). JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc.(JSI), will collaborate with HRSA’s HIV/AIDS Bureau, CDC’s Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention and other partners to answer any questions you may have regarding your planning efforts. Learn what the IHAP TAC will be doing to support integrated HIV planning efforts across prevention, care, and treatment to best meet the needs of people living with HIV and those at risk for HIV infection. And, as jurisdictions are in the process of completing their Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Plans 2017-2021 (due on 9/30/16), representatives from IHAP TAC, HRSA, and CDC will respond to remaining questions.

  09/12/2016 No
HIV Hepatitis

IHIP: Moving Patients Along the HIV Care Continuum and Beyond

WED SEP 7 2016

2:00-3:30 p.m. (ET)

This SPNS Integrating HIV Innovative Practices (IHIP) Webinar is the second in a three-part series featuring grantee interventions along respective Care Continuum stages. It features Dr. Anne Rhodes, Director of HIV Surveillance at the Virginia Department of Health and their Active Referral Intervention model that seeks to promote linkage to care within 90 days of diagnosis. The webinar will feature Valerie Robb, RN from UCSF HIV/AIDS Clinic at San Francisco General, discussing their work treating HCV coinfected clients and moving them beyond HIV viral suppression to HCV eradication.

  09/07/2016 No

Hep B among African Immigrants: Knowledge, Attitudes and Behavior

THU SEP 1 2016

2:00 p.m. (ET)

This session is part of a series examining the state of hepatitis and HIV among minority groups, and best practices for culturally and linguistically appropriate testing and outreach efforts. Sponsor: HHS Office of Minority Health.

  09/01/2016 No

Mental Health Disparities Research - Cross-Cutting Aspects of the NIMH Strategic Plan

WED AUG 31 2016

2:00 p.m. (ET)

This webinar will discuss findings on racial/ethnic differences and disparities in biological aging and healthcare visits before suicide attempts. Sponsor: National Institute of Mental Health.

  08/31/2016 No

Strategies for Reducing Health Disparities Webinar

WED AUG 31 2016

1:00-2:30 p.m. (ET)

Join the authors of the MMWR Supplement, Strategies for Reducing Health Disparities — Selected CDC-Sponsored Interventions, United States, 2016, for an overview of the publication and Q & A. Space is limited to the first 250 people. For more information contact

  08/31/2016 No

Competency, Humility, and Responsiveness with Latinx and Latino MSM

TUE AUG 30 2016

2:00 p.m. (ET)

This is the second National Latinx AIDS Awareness Day (NLAAD) webinar/planning call. The series is designed to help with 2016 event planning and collaboration for NLAAD (October 15). Sponsor: Latino Commission on AIDS and partners.

  08/30/2016 No

Innovative Approaches to Rural Mental Health Treatment and HIV

TUE AUG 30 2016

Noon-1:30 p.m. (ET)

This session will focus on innovative approaches to mental health treatment and HIV in use across the geographically diverse rural areas that could also be applied to the rural Deep South. Examples will include tele-psychiatry/tele-psychotherapy and online mental health treatment techniques.  Second in a two part series “Rural Mental Health & HIV: Addressing Barriers and Optimizing Access to Care.” Sponsors: SAMHSA’s HIV/AIDS and Mental Health Training Resource Center and the American Psychiatric Association

  08/30/2016 No

Improving Patient Engagement in HIV Care: Innovative Strategies in Clinics and Health Departments

MON AUG 29 2016

1:00-2:30 p.m. (ET)

This webinar will highlight health department and clinic-based strategies for patient engagement in HIV care. Sponsor: University of Washington Public Health Capacity Building Center

  08/29/2016 No

Strategies for Engaging Minority Young Adults in Healthcare

WED AUG 24 2016

Noon-1:30 p.m. (ET)

This is the second webinar in a two-part series for HRSA grantees and safety-net providers on ways to make services more accessible to young adults to engage them in care. Presenters include grantees from the HRSA HIV/AIDS Bureau Special Projects of National Significance Initiative on Use of Social Media to Improve Engagement, Retention, and Health Outcomes. Exit Disclaimer Sponsor: HRSA Chicago and San Francisco Regional Offices

  08/24/2016 No

Before the Pen Hits the Pad: PrEP Education for Healthcare Providers

TUE AUG 23 2016

2:00-3:30 p.m. (ET)

CDC estimates that nearly 500,000 women in the US could benefit from using PrEP. But women’s uptake of PrEP is small compared to men’s because most women who might want it have never even heard of it. One of the most effective ways to raise most women’s awareness of PrEP is to get their health care providers (usually family planning clinics) talking to them about PrEP. This webinar will explore the education that needs to be done among those health care providers to make this happen — and what is being done to prioritize it, especially by federal agencies, state and local health departments, etc. More information including speakers here. Exit Disclaimer (PDF, 355 KB) Offered by US Women and PrEP Working Group and co-sponsors.

  08/23/2016 No

HIV Testing Recommendations for Women: An Important Step to Achieve Perinatal HIV Elimination

FRI AUG 19 2016

2:30-3:30 p.m. (ET)

Learning objectives include describing the rationale for HIV testing in women, discussing the updated CDC HIV testing algorithm, describing how updates to the HIV algorithm can impact care providers when ordering and interpreting HIV tests, and identifying examples of missed opportunities in HIV testing. Sponsor:  CDC Elimination of Perinatal HIV Transmission Comprehensive Real-Time Case Finding Stakeholders Working Group

  08/19/2016 No

BEAT IT! Becoming Empowered Africans Through Improved Treatment of Hep B and HIV/AIDS

THU AUG 18 2016

2:00 p.m. (ET)

This webinar will feature the successful BEAT IT! education and outreach program, and discuss its strategies for empowering African immigrants to get involved their own treatment.  Sponsor: HHS Office of Minority Health Resource Center

  08/18/2016 No

How to Avoid Unallowable Costs for Health Centers

THU AUG 18 2016

1:00-3:00 p.m. (ET)

This webinar is sponsored by HRSA’s Office of Federal Assistance Management (OFAM).

  08/18/2016 No

Plain Language Training for NPIN Partners

WED AUG 17 2016

2:00-3:00 p.m. (ET)

This session will train on reducing technical jargon and replacing complex terms to improve your audiences’ understanding and comprehension, clear communication organization techniques, plain language resources for more effective communication and include examples of complicated public health passages and revised wording and tips to reinforce meaning and avoid pitfalls. First in a series. Sponsor: CDC NPIN

  08/17/2016 No

Dosing and Titration of Opioids (Addressing Recommendations 4,5, 7)

TUE AUG 17 2016

This is the fourth in a CDC-hosted, seven-part webinar series to help providers put into practice the CDC Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain. Exit Disclaimer Details posted as available. Sponsor: CDC.

  08/17/2016 No

Mental Health & HIV in the Rural South

TUE AUG 16 2016

1:00-2:30 p.m. (ET)

This session will focus on the mental health of people living with HIV in the rural “Deep South”, (TN, SC, AL, MS, LA, GA, FL and TX), review the epidemiology of HIV, and explore the psychosocial challenges specific to the rural Deep South that may be driving the epidemic. First in the two part series “Rural Mental Health & HIV: Addressing Barriers and Optimizing Access to Care.” Sponsors: SAMHSA’s HIV/AIDS and Mental Health Training Resource Center and the American Psychiatric Association

  08/16/2016 No

HIV/AIDS Among Hispanics/Latinos in the United States and Dependent Areas

THU AUG 11 2016

2:00 p.m. (ET)

Every October 15th marks National Latino AIDS Awareness Day (NLAAD). Community based organizations, student groups, churches, coalitions, hospitals and many more across the U.S. and dependent areas, come together to commemorate NLAAD every year. Join this discussion to find out what's new in 2016 and how you can be part of the change. Sponsor: Latino Commission on AIDS and partners.

  08/11/2016 No

IHIP Series: Successful Interventions in Improving HIV Diagnosis and Linkages to Care

THU AUG 11 2016

2:00-3:30 p.m. (ET)

This webinar highlights 2 evidence-informed HIV care model interventions implemented in Ohio and Wisconsin, across 2 Care Continuum stages.

This is the first in the “Moving Patients Along the HIV Care Continuum and Beyond” webinar series, by HRSA's HIV/AIDS Bureau, Special Projects of National Significance (SPNS) Integrating HIV Innovative Practices (IHIP). The series features SPNS grantees sharing evidence-informed care model interventions, lessons learned, replication tips, and stories from the field for others looking to implement similar interventions. Sponsor: HRSA

  08/11/2016 No

Supporting Health Coverage Enrollment for Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Clients

WED AUG 10 2016

3:00-4:30 p.m. (ET)

Do you or your case management staff want to learn about some easy-to-use tools that will help you engage and enroll your Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) clients into health care coverage? In this webinar, you will learn how to answer clients' basic questions about enrolling in health coverage and staying covered. Sponsor: ACE TA Center Exit Disclaimer

  08/10/2016 No

Assessing Benefits and Harms of Opioid Therapy (Addressing Recommendations 1, 2,7, 8).

WED AUG 3 2016

This is the third in a CDC-hosted, seven-part webinar series to help providers put into practice the CDC Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain. Exit Disclaimer Details posted as available. Sponsor: CDC.

  08/03/2016 No

Opioid Prescribing: Safe Practice, Changing Lives

WED AUG 3 2016

10:00 a.m.-Noon (ET)

This webinar is one of the Public Health Webinar Series intended to help health and human service providers in varied settings to recognize public health issues among diverse populations and developing strategies for improving access to integrated healthcare and human services. Sponsor: Mid-Atlantic Training Collaborative for Health and Human Services and HHS Region III.

  08/03/2016 No

RWHAP and PrEP Webinar

TUE AUG 2 2016

1:00-3:30 p.m. (ET)

This webinar will provide an overview of PrEP, a priority action for the National HIV/AIDS Strategy: Updated to 2020, discuss the new RWHAP program letter on PrEP, and describe how RWHAP recipients may support PrEP services within the program’s legislative parameters. Send advance questions or suggestions to

  08/02/2016 No

Outcomes from the Durban International AIDS Conference

WED AUG 3 2016

Noon-2:00 p.m. (ET)

This webinar will assess the major outcomes of the 2016 International AIDS Conference and review latest scientific advancements, HIV funding, and other developments emerging from the conference. Panelists include Chris Beyrer, President, International AIDS Society; Ambassador Deborah L. Birx, U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator, Jen Kates, Vice President, Kaiser Family Foundation and Director, Global Health and HIV Policy and J. Stephen Morrison, Senior Vice President and Director, Global Health Policy Center at CSIS.

  08/03/2016 No

Mobile Health Technologies for a Tech-Savvy Generation

TUE AUG 2 2016

1:00-2:30 p.m. (ET)

This is the first webinar in a two-part series for HRSA grantees and safety-net providers on ways to make services more accessible to young adults to engage them in care. Presenters include grantees from the HRSA HIV/AIDS Bureau Special Projects of National Significance Initiative on Use of Social Media to Improve Engagement, Retention, and Health Outcomes. Sponsor: HRSA Chicago and San Francisco Regional Offices

  08/02/2016 No

Telehealth in Urban Settings: Why it is right for your practice!

THU JUL 28 2016

Noon-1:00 p.m. (ET)

This webinar is one of the Public Health Webinar Series intended to help health and human service providers in varied settings to recognize public health issues among diverse populations and developing strategies for improving access to integrated healthcare and human services. Sponsor: Mid-Atlantic Training Collaborative for Health and Human Services and HHS Region III.

  07/28/2016 No

Non-opioid treatments (Addressing Recommendation 1)

TUE JUL 27 2016

This is the second in a CDC-hosted, seven-part webinar series to help providers put into practice the CDC Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain. Exit Disclaimer Details posted as available. Sponsor: CDC.

  07/27/2016 No

PowerMapping: Expanding Capacity & Building Partnerships to Connect with Consumers All Year Long

WED JUL 27 2016

2:00-3:00 p.m. (ET)

This  webinar  will focus on “mapping” techniques that help to identify and invite new and perhaps unexpected partners to join in enrollment and coverage to care educational efforts.  The Arizona Alliance of Community Health Centers and Philadelphia’s Better Health Network will share their strategies that map for potential new partners and strengthen existing ones. Sponsors: Enroll America and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

  07/27/2016 No

Technology-Based Supervision: Extending the Reach of Clinical Supervisors

TUE JUL 26 2016

12:30-1:30 p.m. (ET)

This webinar is one of the Public Health Webinar Series intended to help health and human service providers in varied settings to recognize public health issues among diverse populations and developing strategies for improving access to integrated healthcare and human services. Sponsor: Mid-Atlantic Training Collaborative for Health and Human Services and HHS Region III.

  07/26/2016 No

Medical-Dental-Behavioral Integration - One Health Center's Example

MON JUL 25 2016

2:00-3:00 p.m. (ET)

This presentation will trace the journey of one early adopter organization, Health Partners of Western Ohio (HPWO), as they integrated behavioral health, oral health and primary care with each other. Learn what characteristics of health centers with successful integration were present at HPWO, and how these characteristics facilitated integration. Sponsor: National Network for Oral Health Access

  07/25/2016 No

Fitting PrEP into your HIV Testing Strategy

MON JUL 25 2016

2:00 p.m. (ET)

Join this webinar on HIV testing in the era of PrEP to find out more about how to choose which HIV test to use at screening vs. follow-up; how to come up with an HIV testing strategy that’s financially sustainable for your health department; how same-day PrEP initiation works; and how to incorporate PrEP initiation into your practice with a focus on ruling out clients who may have acute HIV. This webinar is first in the Implementing PrEP series. Sponsor: SFDPH CBA Program

  07/25/2016 No

Health Literacy and Health Insurance Literacy: Helping Consumers Access Care and Use Coverage

THU JUL 21 2016

3:00-4:00 p.m. (ET)

Participants will learn about the importance of health literacy and health insurance literacy and how each can help consumers navigate the health care system. Case studies and scenarios will highlight how health programs and staff are essential in helping people living with HIV understand, access, and navigate the health care system. Presenters from the ACE TA Center and the HRSA/HAB-supported In It Together: National Health Literacy Project for Black Men Who Have Sex with Men will share best practices and resources. Sponsor: ACE TA Center. Exit Disclaimer

  07/21/2016 No

Delivering Culturally Confident Care: A 365 Approach

THU JUL 21 2016

2:00-3:00 p.m. (ET)

This session will help healthcare leaders to be better able to describe the business case for delivering culturally competent care; discuss the changing demographics of the United States and define culture, diversity, health disparities in the context of changing demographics, explore beliefs, biases and assumptions and how they impact patient care delivery and review effective cross-cultural communication strategies. Sponsor: Home Health Quality Improvement/Underserved Populations Network.

  07/21/2016 No

Strategies to Address Hep C in African American Communities

WED JUL 20 2016

2:00 p.m. (ET)

This webinar will address Hepatitis C in African American communities: Epidemiology and strategies to increase awareness and engagement. Sponsors: HHS Office of Minority Health, CDC and NBLACA.

  07/20/2016 No

Engaging HIV+ Older Adults in Chronic Disease Self-Management Education

TUE JUL 19 2016

3:00-4:30 p.m. (ET)

Join the AoA-funded National CDSME Resource Center for this webinar to learn about the impact of HIV among older adults, the benefits of the Positive Self-Management Program and examples of PSMP implementation from the field.

  07/19/2016 No

Addressing Organizational Barriers to HIV Care: Lessons Learned from AIDS United’s Positive Charge Initiative

TUE JUL 19 2016

2:00-3:00 p.m. (ET)

This webinar will focus on organizational barriers to client engagement in care and strategies to address those barriers. Sponsor: National Center for Innovation in HIV Care

  07/19/2016 No

Special Enrollment Periods and Resources for the Uninsured

TUE JUL 19 2016

2:00-3:00 p.m. (ET)

Join this webinar to learn more about special enrollment periods and how to enroll in the Health Insurance Marketplace. These include graduating from college and losing health insurance, getting married and needing coverage for a spouse, losing employer insurance or turning 26 and losing coverage on a parent’s health plan. Learn what resources are available and when to enroll in the Marketplace. This HHS Partnership Center webinar includes time for Q&A.

  07/19/2016 No

New Ethical Dilemmas in the Digital Age

TUE JUL 19 2016

12:30-1:30 p.m. (ET)

This webinar is one of the Public Health Webinar Series intended to help health and human service providers in varied settings to recognize public health issues among diverse populations and developing strategies for improving access to integrated healthcare and human services. Sponsor: Mid-Atlantic Training Collaborative for Health and Human Services and HHS Region III.

  07/19/2016 No

Health as a Second Language: Connecting Health Insurance Literacy to Outreach and Coverage to Care Efforts

WED JUL 13 2016

2:00-3:00 p.m. (ET)

Speakers from Maricopa County, Arizona, MHP Salud, Rio Grande Valley and Houston’s Fountain of Praise Church will explore thoughtful methods for reaching, communicating, and educating non-English speaking communities and hard to read consumers with timely and relevant strategies. Sponsors: Enroll America and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

  07/13/2016 No

Real-Time Clinician Consultation Services for Substance Use Management

THU JUN 30 2016

8:00 p.m. (ET)

This webinar will raise awareness about the Substance Use Warmline, a free and confidential consultation telephone service for primary care and other clinicians.

  06/30/2016 No

The National CLAS Standards in Action

THU JUN 30 2016

3:00 p.m. (ET)

Participants will learn about how different organizations, including an integrated health care system, an academic medical center and a public health department, are implementing the National CLAS Standards. Presenters will share their successes, best practices and strategies, as well as challenges for meeting the needs of the individuals and communities they serve, regardless of cultural background or communication needs.

  06/30/2016 No

Social Determinants of Health Impacting Women of Color

THU JUN 30 2016

12:30 p.m. (ET)

This webinar will discuss the intersection of social determinants of health and HIV among women of color and is designed for current and emerging leaders in ASOs and CBOs to learn practical strategies to address the impact of HIV and improve health outcomes for women of color.

  06/30/2016 No

Action Plan for Clinical Providers in Improving Hepatitis B Screening and Care Among African Immigrants

THU JUN 30 2016

10:30 a.m. – Noon (ET)

This webinar will provide an overview on hepatitis B rates among African immigrants. CDC clinical practice guidelines and other best practices for screening and treatment will be presented. Participants will also be introduced to a step-by-step process for partnering with African immigrant communities to implement National African Immigrant and Refugee HIV and Hepatitis Awareness (NAIRHHA) Day activities that support earlier diagnosis and access to care for those at greatest risk.

  06/30/2016 No

Improving Access to HIV Care: Lessons Learned from Designing, Implementing, and Evaluating the Indianapolis L2C Model

WED JUN 29 2016

11:00 a.m.-12:15 p.m. (ET)

This webinar will cover the nuts-and-bolts on how three partner agencies collaborated on a 3-year pilot of an intensive and individualized linkage to care program. Sponsor: CEBACC Exit Disclaimer

  06/29/2016 No

Building Client Rapport and Trust – Leveraging Linkage to Care Specialists to Bridge the Patient/Provider Relationship

TUE JUN 28 2016

1:00-2:15 p.m. (ET)

The webinar will discuss how linkage specialists can build trust in fulfilling their critical role in bridging the gap that exists between patients and providers. Sponsor: CEBACC Exit Disclaimer

  06/28/2016 No

NMAC's Communities of Conversation: "The Updated National HIV/AIDS Strategy for National HIV Testing Day"

MON JUN 27 2016

2:00-3:00 p.m. (ET)

On National HIV Testing Day , NMAC is working with The White House Office of National AIDS Policy(ONAP) to share how communities and individuals can engage with the National HIV/AIDS Strategy: Updated to 2020. The event will focus on the goals of the National HIV/AIDS Strategy: Updated to 2020 and will feature Dr. Amy Lansky, Director, ONAP. This webinar will address the importance of HIV testing as the gateway to care, treatment, prevention services like PrEP, and other crucial services and actions that Federal agencies are taking in order to improve efforts and collaboration in these areas. Participants will also learn about resources for community organizations to help them implement the Strategy at the local level.

  06/27/2016 No

Fighting Hepatitis and HIV Co-Infection in Minority Communities

FRI JUN 24 2016

2:00 p.m. (ET)

This webinar is first in a five part series that examines the current state of state of hepatitis and HIV among minority groups, as well as best practices for culturally and linguistically appropriate testing and outreach efforts. Sponsor: HHS Office of Minority Health Resource Center

  06/24/2016 No

AIDSVu Annual Launch Webinar

FRI JUN 24 2016

Noon-1:00 p.m. (ET)

AIDSVu will release its annual launch of interactive online maps illustrating the impact of HIV across the U.S., introduce new features and discuss ways to use Exit Disclaimer Register and dial in:1-650-479-3207, access code: 662 896 096. Sponsor: AIDSVu

  06/24/2016 No

Connecting Recently Incarcerated PLWH to Health Coverage and Care

THU JUN 23 2016

3:00-4:15 p.m. (ET)

This webinar will focus on the unique enrollment challenges facing recently incarcerated people living with HIV and provide concrete strategies to improve transition planning and access to the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program. Sponsor: ACE TA Center.

  06/23/2016 No

Preparing for a HRSA Fiscal Site Visit for Parts C and D

THU JUN 23 2016

2:00-3:30 p.m. (ET)

This webinar will provide an overview of HRSA Site Visits, Fiscal Module for RWHAP Part C and D recipients. HRSA site visits present an opportunity for on-site technical assistance. Knowing what to expect and assessing weaknesses and strengths ahead of time allows your organizations to maximize one-on-one time with fiscal experts. Sponsor: HealthHIV.

  06/23/2016 No

National HIV Testing Day Webcast

THU JUN 23 2016

2:00-3:00 p.m. (ET)

HRSA hosts this webcast with speakers from the CDC, Midwest AIDS Education and Training Center, and Chase Brexton Health Care who will discuss the latest testing campaigns, efforts around pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), and provide examples from the field.

  06/23/2016 No

Unmet Legal Needs Among Populations Experiencing Homelessness: A Survey of Health Care for the Homeless Sites

THU JUN 23 2016

2:00-3:00 p.m. (ET)

The webinar will present findings from a national survey of federally-funded Health Care for the Homeless (HCH) clinics and Medical Care Respite programs regarding health-harming civil legal issues, and HCH health center relationships with medical-legal partnerships. Sponsors: National Health Care for the Homeless Council and the National Center for Medical-Legal Partnership.

  06/23/2016 No

Getting to Zero Webinar on Implementing Syringe Services Guidance

THU JUN 23 2016

1:00 p.m. (ET)

Panelists will break down the available guidance from HHS, CDC, and HRSA into easy-to understand and actionable terms and teach how to use program data to build a compelling case needed to justify the use of federal funds for syringe programs. Participants will also hear from organizations at the heart of the Indiana outbreak and other communities who are building strong partnerships with their health departments needed to effectively address the HIV and harm reduction needs in their communities. Sponsor: AIDS United.

  06/23/2016 No

Reducing Opioid Overdose Mortality: Role of Community-Administered Naloxone

THU JUN 23 2016

Noon-1:30 p.m. (ET)

Staff from the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene will discuss the role of community-administered naloxone to reverse potentially fatal opioid overdoses. Sponsor: Clinical Directors Network.

  06/23/2016 No

Encouraging the Faith Community to “Do It” in Observance of National HIV Testing Day

TUE JUN 23 2016

11:00 a.m. (ET)

This webinar will engage attendees in dialogue with faith and community leaders on the importance of encouraging HIV testing, discuss best practices and effective strategies for addressing HIV and testing, and identify HIV/AIDS resources. Sponsor: The Balm In Gilead, Inc.

  06/23/2016 No

Helping Youth Know Their HIV Status

WED JUN 22 2016

3:00-4:30 p.m. (ET)

Join What Works in Youth HIV for their National HIV Testing Day webinar. The National HIV/AIDS Strategy emphasizes HIV testing as the first step to addressing the HIV epidemic. Given that 44% of youth ages 18 to 24 years living with HIV did not know they had HIV, Exit Disclaimer it’s imperative that youth service providers have strategies for getting youth tested and linking them to care. Presenters will cover HIV testing guidelines, recruitment strategies, and youth engagement. Sponsor: What Works in Youth HIV. Exit Disclaimer

  06/22/2016 No

Connecting the System: Technology for Consumer Engagement

WED JUN 22 2016

2:00-3:00 p.m. (ET)

This presentation will explore how navigators are using digital tools and social media to strengthen their outreach and education strategies and support on-the-ground assistance. Navigators from Alaska Primary Care Association and Centro Med San Antonio will share how they use digital and data sharing strategies to stay connected to consumers. Sponsors: Enroll America and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

  06/22/2016 No

Overview of CDC Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain

WED JUN 22 2016

2:00 p.m. (ET)

This is the first in a CDC-hosted, seven-part webinar series to help providers put into practice the CDC Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain. This session will cover when and how opioids should be initiated for chronic pain, how to assess risk and address harms of opioid use, and when and how opioids should be discontinued. Registration is not required to join, but registration is required to receive continuing education credits. Sponsor: CDC.

  06/22/2016 No

Addressing Social Determinants of Health Among LGBTQ Latino Young Adults

WED JUN 22 2016

1:00-2:00 p.m. (ET)

This session discusses the social determinants of health that create barriers to prevention and care for young adult Latinos. Sponsor: The National LGBT Health Education Center

  06/22/2016 No

Haciéndolo" (Doing It)

TUE JUN 21 2016

3:00 p.m. (ET)

Learn about the new "Haciéndolo" (Doing It) Spanish-language HIV testing campaign. Pinyon Foundation and Hispanic Communications Network, are working with CDC to develop a toolkit of multimedia materials that organizations to engage limited English proficiency Latinos and encourage them to get tested this month. Co-hosts: CBA@JSI, Pinyon Foundation, and Hispanic Communications Network.

  06/21/2016 No

His Health Focus Group Report Out – Black MSM Patients

TUE JUN 21 2016

2:00-3:15 p.m. (ET)

Presenters will discuss findings from Black MSM patient focus groups to understand and assess the barriers, facilitators, and strategies for HIV care and engagement tailored for young Black gay and bisexual men. Sponsor: CEBACC Exit Disclaimer

  06/21/2016 No

Listening Session on Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP)

MON JUN 20 2016

1:30-3:00 p.m. (ET)

The HHS Office of HIV/AIDS and Infectious Disease Policy, the HHS Office of Minority Health and the White House Office of National AIDS Policy will host this community listening session. Speakers are invited to join federal leaders during the listening session and share their recommendations around best practices and strategies to improve access to PrEP, the potential roles of diverse stakeholders, and priority actions for strengthening the PrEP delivery systems.

  06/20/2016 No

His Health, Too: Improving Health Outcomes Among Black Transgender MSM

FRI JUN 17 2016

4:00-5:00 p.m. (ET)

This webinar will include presenter Shaan Michael Wade, Associate, Communications/Health Equity, NASTAD. Details to follow. Sponsor: CEBACC Exit Disclaimer

  06/17/2016 No

Special Enrollment Periods and Resources for the Uninsured

TUE JUN 14 2016

3:00-4:00 p.m. (ET)

Join this webinar to learn more about special enrollment periods and how to enroll in the Health Insurance Marketplace. These include graduating from college and losing health insurance, getting married and needing coverage for a spouse, losing employer insurance or turning 26 and losing coverage on a parent’s health plan. Learn what resources are available and when to enroll in the Marketplace. This HHS Partnership Center webinar includes time for Q&A.

  06/14/2016 No

340B Pharmacy Program

THU JUN 16 2016

12:00-1:00 p.m. (ET)

This webinar will discuss how the 340B Drug Pricing Program works and how AIDS service organizations (ASOs) and community-based organizations (CBOs) can participate. Integrating pharmacy services into their organization has led to better treatment outcomes for their clients and new sources of revenue to fund their programs. Sponsor: National Center for Innovation in HIV Care.

  06/16/2016 No

Addressing Behavioral Health Needs of Transgender/Gender Non-conforming Patients

MON JUN 13 2016

2:00-3:00 p.m. (ET)

This webinar will build competency to address the behavioral health needs of transgender and gender non-conforming patients in a culturally appropriate manner. The Office for Civil Rights will discuss the proposed nondiscrimination rule under Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act. Sponsor: HRSA.

  06/13/2016 No

His Health Focus Group Report Out – Providers

MON JUN 13 2016

1:00-2:15 p.m. (ET)

Presenters will discuss preliminary focus group findings with health care providers to support the development of the CEBACC. Sponsor: CEBACC Exit Disclaimer

  06/13/2016 No

Syphilis among MSM

THU JUN 9 2016

2:00-3:00 p.m. (ET)

This webinar explains syphilis case reporting and partner services so that health centers can effectively work with public health departments to help control the epidemic. Sponsor: National LGBT Health Education Center; National Center for Innovation in HIV Care.

  06/09/2016 No

Funding for Community Health Workers to Improve Linkage/Retention in HIV Care

THU JUN 9 2016

2:00-3:00 p.m. (ET)

This webinar assists potential applicants in preparing applications that address requirements of the funding opportunity “Community Health Workers to Improve Linkage and Retention in HIV Care (HRSA-16-185).” Sponsor: HRSA

  06/09/2016 No

Staying in Touch: The Art of Connecting Consumers to Year Round Access

WED JUN 8 2016

2:00-3:00 p.m. (ET)

This presentation will address helping consumers to navigate the health care system and understand their insurance coverage and benefits. Learn how Epilepsy Foundation and Community Health Initiative of Orange County have created systems for staying in touch with their clients and act as a reliable and trusted resource for clear and timely information. Sponsors: Enroll America and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

  06/08/2016 No

Living in Balance with HIV in Indian Country

WED JUN 8 2016

1:00-2:00 p.m. (ET)

This webinar provides practical tips for effective chronic HIV management, tips to prevent HIV/STD infection and ways to combat the stigma associated with HIV.

  06/08/2016 No

Pre–Planning for PrEP Access and Uptake in Non–Clinical Spaces Serving Young Black Gay/Bisexual Men

TUE JUN 7 2016

2:00-3:15 p.m. (ET)

This webinar will discuss operationalizing the prevention goals set forth within the National HIV/AIDS Strategy 2020 in terms of innovation to reimagine delivery of vital PrEP services for Black gay and bisexual men. Sponsor: CEBACC Exit Disclaimer

  06/07/2016 No

National Native Transgender Network and Current HIV Prevention Projects

TUE JUN 7 2016

1:00-2:00 p.m. (ET)

The Native Transgender Network (NNTN) and partners unveil an NNTN social media campaign to promote HIV testing, and provide tips on how to increase HIV awareness among the Native transgender population. The dial-in number is (888) 404-3184, passcode 19925101.

  06/07/2016 No

Pre-Application Technical Assistance Webinar for HRSA-16-189

MON JUN 6 2016

2:30-4:30 p.m. (ET)

This webinar assists potential applicants responding to the funding opportunity announcement for the  HRSA-16-189, Jurisdictional Approach to Curing Hepatitis C among HIV/HCV Coinfected People of Color. Dial in:  888-455-9645; passcode 6232824. Sponsor: HRSA/HAB.

  06/06/2016 No

Billing Effectively (and Accurately) for Integrated Behavioral Health Services

MON JUN 6 2016

2:00-3:00 p.m. (ET)

This webinar will discuss what primary care agencies need to know about billing when they are integrating behavioral health services into their operations. The session will identify the services, the codes, and the services that providers need to understand to make this work. Sponsor: HRSA-SAMHSA Center for Integrated Health Solutions

  06/06/2016 No

Pre-Application Technical Assistance Webinar for HRSA-16-188

MON JUN 6 2016

12:30-2:30 p.m. (ET)

This webinar assists potential applicants responding to the funding opportunity announcement for the Jurisdictional Approach to Curing Hepatitis C among HIV/HCV Coinfected People of Color Evaluation and Technical Assistance Center. Dial-in 888-455-9645, passcode: 6232824.

  06/06/2016 No

Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) for Indian Country: Moving from HIV Acquisition to 0

THU JUN 2 2016

3:00-4:00 p.m. (ET)

This presentation will ensure that health care providers are aware of PrEP availability and efficacy and will discuss barriers to implementation and lessons learned from early adopter sites considering or using PrEP, and exchange best practices and guidelines. Sponsor: Indian Health Service.

  06/02/2016 No

A Journey through Syphilis

THU JUN 2 2016

1:00-2:00 p.m. (ET)

This webinar wIll focus on syphilis, one of the most commonly reported diseases in the United States. Sponsor: CDC and The American Sexually Transmitted Diseases Association.

  06/02/2016 No

An Introduction to the What Works in Youth HIV Website

THU MAY 26 2016

2:00-3:00 p.m. (ET)

What Works in Youth HIV Exit Disclaimer helps the HHS Office of Adolescent Health advance best practices to improve the health and well-being of America’s adolescents by sharing innovative and practical content that makes youth-serving providers and peer leaders feel empowered to meet the needs of youth at highest risk for HIV/AIDS. This webinar will explain:the project’s mission, intended users, range of information and resources available. It will also identify where to find evidence-based practices, prevention strategies, sexual health, and youth development resources and how programs can showcase their resources.It will focus on ways What Works in Youth HIV Exit Disclaimer can support technical assistance and CBA providers. Sponsor: JSI Research & Training Institute.

  05/26/2016 No

Implementing Technology Assisted Care into Behavioral Health Settings: A Framework for Change

THU MAY 19 2016

1:00-2:00 p.m. (ET)

This webcast will highlight current technology-assisted care interventions; demonstrate an agency focused telehealth decision matrix and implementation strategies framework; and introduce methods and resources to help agencies move forward with implementing technology-based interventions to enhance and expand services. Sponsor: HRSA Office of Regional Operations.

  05/19/2016 No

Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? Webinar: Clinical Preventive Services

THU MAY 19 2016

Noon-1:00 p.m. (ET)

Clinical preventive services, such as routine disease screening and scheduled immunizations, are key to reducing death and disability and improving the Nation's health. Participants will learn how one community health organization is working to address blood pressure control by implementing prevention strategies that help patients with high blood pressure achieve blood pressure control. This webinar will include a discussion on the importance of cardiovascular health and best practices to prevent and treat heart disease and stroke. Sponsor: HHS Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion

  05/19/2016 No

RSR Town Hall

WED MAY 18 2016

2:00-3:00 p.m. (ET)

The purpose of this webinar is to get feedback from grantees on challenges or issues experienced during the 2015 RSR submission process. Technical assistance contractors will be on-hand to address questions and concerns.

  05/18/2016 No

Geographical Information Systems (GIS) to Plan Health Services in Health Center Program Grantees, With a Focus on Public Housing Primary Care Grantees

WED MAY 18 2016

2:30-3:30 p.m. (ET)

GIS technology allows Health Center Program award recipients to identify neighborhood needs and assets, explore disparities in health, compare trends in a geographic region, and prioritize use of limited resources. This webinar will address Public Housing Primary Care grantees and the use of mapping software as a tool to analyze and utilize data to better serve residents in and accessible to public housing.

  05/18/2016 No

Special Enrollment Periods and Resources for the Uninsured

WED MAY 18 2016

3:00-4:00 p.m. (ET)

Join this webinar to learn more about special enrollment periods and how to enroll in the Health Insurance Marketplace. These include graduating from college and losing health insurance, getting married and needing coverage for a spouse, losing employer insurance or turning 26 and losing coverage on a parent’s health plan. Learn what resources are available and when to enroll in the Marketplace. This HHS Partnership Center webinar includes time for Q&A.

  05/18/2016 No

To Merge or Not to Merge

TUE MAY 17 2016

3:30 p.m. (ET)

This webinar will overview the 7-part ASO Merger Series Exit Disclaimer and include discussion between ASO leaders who've journeyed down this road. This webinar will serve as a strategic guide to discovering whether a merger is right for you and how to help you get started. Sponsor: AIDS United

  05/17/2016 No

Transgender Medicine: Primary and HIV Care

TUE MAY 17 2016

Noon-1:00 p.m. (ET)

This webinar is part of a series offered by the MidAtlantic AIDS Education and Training Center.

  05/17/2016 No

::Hangouts with HIVE: Sexual Health & HIV Prevention: A Trans-Masculine Perspective

TUE MAY 17 2016

4:00 p.m. (ET)

Join this hangout to talk about ways to mitigate stigma and provide competent care for trans masculine people who have sex with cisgender males. Sponsor: HIVE.

  05/17/2016 No

LGBT Teens and Sexual Health Education

THU MAY 12 2016

2:00-3:00 p.m. (ET)

This webinar will cover risk factors that contribute to negative sexual health outcomes among LGBT teens and protective factors that help support these teens and identify strategies to teach more inclusive sex education. Sponsor: SYPP Center

  05/12/2016 No

Reentry and Health: Coverage, Care, and Beyond

TUE MAY 10 2016

3:00-4:30 p.m. (ET)

In this webinar, a experts will share information on how individuals and organizations working with justice-involved men can identify and connect with men who are newly eligible for health coverage under the ACA following incarceration. Sponsor: HHS Partnership Center

  05/10/2016 No

Client Recertification

TUE MAY 10 2016

2:00-3:30 p.m. (ET)

HRSA/HAB hosts a “refresher” webinar for recipients and subrecipients on recertifying client eligibilityfor RWHAP services. The webinar will provide a review of Policy Clarification Notice PCN 13-02 Clarifications on Ryan White Program Client Eligibility Determinations and Recertifications Requirements, a discussion on why recertification is important in the new health care landscape, as well as presentations from Part A, Part B, and Part C recipients who use the flexibilities built into PCN 13-02 to ensure clients receive the services they need and adhere to the RWHAP payor of last resort requirement.

  05/10/2016 No

Retooling HIV/AIDS Organizations to Compete in Evolving Health Care Landscape

TUE MAY 10 2016

2:00-3:00 p.m. (ET)

This webinar will include a case study showing how Bailey House transitioned from an HIV/AIDS housing organization to an organization with growing revenues in the health care field. Presenters will cover issues such as the transition from grant funding to Medicaid third party reimbursement; managing changes in organizational culture; business development; and creating strategic alliances. Sponsor: National Center for Innovation in HIV Care Exit Disclaimer

  05/10/2016 No

Clearing the Air: The Win-Win of Smoking Cessation as Part of HIV Care

TUE MAY 10 2016

1:00 p.m. (ET)

Practitioners who treat HIV-infected persons are ideally suited to help these persons abstain from smoking. This IAS–USA webinar illustrates the value of smoking cessation in HIV-infected individuals and empowers practitioners so they can help patients quit smoking successfully.

  05/10/2016 No

PrEP in Practice: Considerations for HIV Prevention among Women of Color

TUE MAY 10 2016

Noon-1:30 p.m. (ET)

This webinar for health care providers will provide an overview of PrEP for women through a multi-disciplinary approach. Sponsors: The Women's Collective and The Well Project

  05/10/2016 No

Reviewing Your Data at Upload: Tools within the ADR Web System

WED MAY 4 2016

2:00-3:00 p.m. (ET)

This session will focus on features of the ADR Web System that may be used to review data prior to submission. Participants will learn about the Upload Confirmation, Completeness, and Validation reports, including the client-level drill down feature.

  05/04/2016 No

Healthcare Stigma Facing Transgender Individuals: From Access to Policy and Care to Treatment

WED APR 20 2016

2:00-3:00 p.m. (ET)

This webinar will discuss stigmas impacting the delivery of healthcare to transgender individuals. Sponsor: National Coalition for LGBT Health

  04/20/2016 No

Staff Satisfaction in Community Health Centers

THU APR 14 2016

3:00-4:00 p.m. (ET)

Join this National Center for Farmworker Health webinar to learn about strategies and tools to administer and assess staff satisfactions surveys.

  04/14/2016 No

Integrating Health and Human Services in Rural Communities

THU APR 14 2016

2:00-3:00 p.m. (ET)

This webinar will introduce a Rural Services Integration Toolkit Exit Disclaimer to help rural communities improve access to health and human services. The toolkit identifies model programs and resources that will benefit rural communities seeking to implement services integration programs.

  04/14/2016 No

Introduction to Tele-behavioral Health: What's New and Why it Makes Sense

THU APR 14 2016

1:00-2:00 p.m. (ET)

This is the first in a 3-part webcast series for provider organizations that would like to develop or expand tele-behavioral health services for underserved populations. A brief historical context will be provided as background for the current state of technology, reimbursed services, security, HIPAA compliance, laws, ethics, risk management, credentialing and training requirements. Opportunities for increased access and implementation of telemental health services will be discussed. Sponsor: HRSA Office of Regional Operations.

  04/14/2016 No

Proposal Assistance Webinar: Buprenorphine Proposal

WED APR 13 2016

2:30-3:30 p.m. (ET)

AIDS United, HSRSA HIV/AIDS Bureau's Special Projects of National Significance and Boston University School of Public Health, is accepting funding applications for the Integrating Buprenorphine Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder in HIV Primary Care intervention under a new initiative called Dissemination of Evidence-Informed Interventions. Exit Disclaimer Proposals are due 5/3/16. See the RFP. Exit Disclaimer This optional webinar will be held to provide clarification about the funding opportunity, overview the application and submission process, and answer questions.

  04/13/2016 No

New Advances in the Management of HIV and Hepatitis C

WED APR 13 2016

Noon-2:00 p.m. (ET)

This webinar is intended to help participants be able to discuss advances in HIV and HCV therapy presented at recent conferences, list AASLD and DHHS Guidelines recommended therapies for HCV and HIV compare and contrast new medications for HIV and HCV and apply presented strategies for treatment to case presentations.

  04/13/2016 No

National Transgender HIV Testing Day Webinar (NTHTD)

FRI APR 8 2016

2:00-3:00 p.m. (ET)

This webinar will focus on the inaugural NTHTD - April 18, 2016 - to recognize the importance of routine HIV testing, status awareness and continued focus on HIV prevention and treatment efforts among transgender people.   Sponsor: YMSM +LGBT ATTC Center of Excellence.

  04/08/2016 No

::Hangouts with HIVE:: Making PrEP Work for Youth: Strategies from Birmingham, New York, Oakland, Philadelphia, & San Francisco

THU APR 7 2016

Noon-1:00 p.m. (ET)

This Google+ Hangout on Air will discuss making PrEP accessible for youth.

  04/07/2016 No

Working with Interpreters in Healthcare Settings

WED APR 6 2016

Noon-1:00 p.m. (ET)

Community Health Partners for Sustainability hosts this webinar on how to seek, use, and evaluate interpretation and translation services effectively. This training will benefit clinical, operations, support and administrative staff who work with limited-English proficient communities.

  04/06/2016 No

Completing the ADR (Grantee Report & CLD Upload)

WED APR 6 2016

2:00-3:00 p.m. (ET)

This session focuses on the process of filling out the Grantee Report and uploading the client-level data file.

  04/06/2016 No

Do Ask, Do Tell! Collecting Data on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in Health Centers

TUE APR 5 2016

1:30-3:00 p.m. (ET)

The National LGBT Health Education Center hosts this webinar to highlight the importance of collecting sexual orientation and gender identity (SO/GI) data of patients at health centers.  HRSA has proposed that SO/GI data be included in the Uniform Data System (UDS) reporting for CY 2016. Exit Disclaimer

  04/05/2016 No

School-Based Outreach Strategies to Reach Medicaid & CHIP-Eligible Students

TUE APR 5 2016

1:00-2:15 p.m. (ET)

This Connecting Kids to Coverage National Campaign webinar will address how your organization can engage education-focused groups and schools, and look at successful initiatives that continue to reduce the number of uninsured students.

  04/05/2016 No

2015 CDC STD Treatment Guidelines Update Webinar in Spanish

TUE APR 5 2016

1:00-2:00 p.m. (ET)

This webinar discusses the 2015 STD Treatment Guidelines that were released in June that include updated testing, treatment, and diagnosis recommendations. Continuing medical and nursing education credits are available. Hosts: CDC NPIN, NYC STD/HIV Prevention Training Center, and the National STD Curriculum Center.

  04/05/2016 No

Federal Income Taxes and the Health Coverage 101

TUE APR 5 2016

1:00-2:00 p.m. (ET)

The 2016 tax season is upon us and individuals and families will be asked for some basic information regarding their health coverage on their tax returns. Learn what consumers need to know when filing their taxes, the importance of Form 1095-A and the penalty for not having health insurance. Sponsor: HHS Partnership Center.

  04/05/2016 No

::Hangouts with HIVE:: Frameworks for Getting to Zero: New York State, Washington State & the City of San Francisco

FRI APR 1 2016

2:00-3:30 p.m. (ET)

Several jurisdictions in the US have created frameworks to eliminate HIV related deaths and new infections. To support existing initiatives as well as to spark rapid scale up of plans by new jurisdictions, this panel discussion via Google+ Hangouts on Air will focus on strategies and lessons learned from 3 frameworks seeking to Get to Zero.

  04/01/2016 No

The Politics of Prevention: Securing your Organization's Long Term Sustainability to Advance the HIV Care Continuum

THU MAR 31 2016

2:00-3:30 p.m. (ET)

This webinar discusses organizational planning and managing change in the new era of prevention, including planning methodology, change management models and what it means to align your organization with national health initiatives. Sponsor: PROCEED National Center for Training, Support, & Technical Assistance.

  03/31/2016 No

Telehealth: Changing the Delivery and Education of Today’s Health Care Town Hall

THU MAR 31 2016

2:00-3:30 p.m. (ET)

HRSA’s Bureau of Health Workforce hosts this webinar to educate participants on the latest, evidence-based telehealth communication tools and modalities. The webinar will cover the use of telehealth for health education delivery in rural and frontier areas; the value of telehealth to the public health field for improving population health and controlling infectious disease; how telehealth is informing policy; and the future sustainability of telehealth.

  03/31/2016 No

Special Enrollment Periods and Resources for the Uninsured

THU MAR 31 2016

2:00-3:00 p.m. (ET)

The health care law has created special enrollment periods for those who experience special circumstances such as graduating from college, getting married, losing employer insurance or turning 26. Join this webinar to learn more about special enrollment periods and how to enroll in the Health Insurance Marketplace. HHS Partnership Center.

  03/31/2016 No

Collaborative Care in Inpatient Settings: Experiences Shared and Lessons Learned

THU MAR 31 2016

2:00-3:00 p.m. (ET)

This webinar explores the complex social realities, rewards, benefits, and considerations of implementing collaborative inpatient care. Care team members, including patients, family members, and physicians will share their experiences and lessons learned.

The Social Field Model of Collaborative Care will be presented as a way of understanding how health care practice culture arises, and how practice patterns can be intentionally, successfully changed to become more collaborative in local care environments. Sponsor: American Interprofessional Health Collaborative.

  03/31/2016 No

Employers and the Primary Care Imperative: What Can Employers Do to Support Comprehensive Primary Care?

THU MAR 31 2016

1:00-2:00 p.m. (ET)

This webinar is part This webinar will provide an overview of a new Issue Brief  that reviews the capabilities of the Patient-Centered Medical Home model, addresses common employer concerns, and provides 7 recommendations for employers on how they can support comprehensive primary care practice transformation. Sponsors: Patient-Centered Primary Care Collaboarative and the National Business Group on Health.

  03/31/2016 No

Transgender Health and HIV/AIDS

WED MAR 30 2016

1:00-2:30 p.m. (ET)

Transgender people experience multiple health disparities, including mental health and HIV treatment. This webinar will review the most recent literature documenting these disparities and their connection to experiences of transphobia and frameworks for thinking about and addressing these disparities in health care provision for transgender people.  Sponsor: APA Office on AIDS, SAMHSA HIV/AIDS and Mental Health Resource Center.

View the session Exit Disclaimer

03/30/2016 No

Adapting to the ACA: Revenue Generation and Service Models for AIDS Service Organizations and Community Based Organizations

WED MAR 30 2016

1:00-2:00 p.m. (ET)

With public funding for HIV and STI services on the decline, community based organizations (CBOs) are exploring ways to diversify revenue. Join this CBA@JSI and STD TAC webinar to explore three service models that CBOs, with varying capacity to bill third-party payers, may consider using. It will describe ways to partner, expand services, or change service models to diversify sources of revenue.

  03/30/2016 No

Practical Strategies to Providing a Multi-Generational Approach to Integrated Care

TUE MAR 29 2016

3:00 p.m. (ET)

Join this webinar to hear from a panel of expert providers regarding the necessary tools and resources to operationalize multi-generational approaches to care and learn about specific approaches to implementation in your integrated care settings. Sponsor: SAMHSA-HRSA Center for Integrated Care.

  03/29/2016 No

OUTcompetent: Cultural Competency and the stigmatization of STDs, HIV, PrEP, and Mental Health issues

TUE MAR 29 2016

1:00 p.m. (ET)

The National Coalition for LGBT Health will host this session addressing, OUTcompetent, defined as being culturally competent and inclusive when treating LGBT patients and recognizing their unique needs. Presenters will address stigma in these arenas:  HIV (Venton Jones, National Black Justice Coalition); PrEP Use (Damon Jacobs, Licensed Family Therapist and HIV Prevention Specialist); STDs (Stephen Hicks, National Coalition of STD Directors) and mental health (Adam Swanson, National Council for Behavior Health).

  03/29/2016 No

Incarceration, HIV, and the Continuum of Care

TUE MAR 29 2016

Noon (ET)

This webinar will provide an overview of the intersecting epidemics of HIV and incarceration, review prevention and testing efforts taking place in the context of incarceration, and focus on different models of continuity-of-care (i.e. discharge and transitional planning, case management, etc.). The webinar will include a review of an evidence-based model being implemented in prisons and jails around the country and the world to improve continuity-of-care. Sponsor: National Center for Innovation in HIV Care

  03/29/2016 No

PrEP Implementation Roll-Out Series (Part 1: Non-Medicaid Expansion States)

TUE MAR 29 2016

Noon-1:00 p.m. (ET)

This webinar is sponsored by the  Black AIDS Institute and The CBA Center focuses on the barriers in non-Medicaid expansion states, proposed solutions to difficulties with PrEP implementation, and success stories of current PrEP advocacy organizations.

  03/29/2016 No

Taking a Sensitive Sexual History with Transgender Patients

TUE MAR 29 2016

Noon-1:00 p.m. (ET)

This webinar is part of a series offered by the MidAtlantic AIDS Education and Training Center.

  03/29/2016 No

Marketplace Appeals Process

THU MAR 24 2016

2:00-3:30 p.m. (ET)

This Health Reform: Beyond the Basics webinar is presented in partnership with the National Health Law Program and will provide information on marketplace appeals and detail what decisions can be appealed, how to file an appeal and ways to expedite the appeals process.

  03/24/2016 No

Youth-Adult Partnerships: Creating and Acting Together

THU MAR 24 2016

2:00-3:00 p.m. (ET)

Organizations that actively involve youth are much more relevant and sustainable than organizations that develop programs designed, implemented, and evaluated only by adults. Our work is sustainable when we give young people opportunities to grow and become committed to the field. This webinar will present the Youth-Adult Partnership (YAP) Framework, spectrum of attitudes toward youth, YAP definitions, benefits of effective YAPs, and barriers and strategies on how to incorporate YAPs into your work. Hosts: The Center for Strengthening Youth Prevention Paradigms (SYPP Center) at Children's Hospital Los Angeles and Advocates for Youth.

  03/24/2016 No

Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? Webinar: Oral Health

THU MAR 24 2016

Noon - 1:00 p.m. (ET)

Join this Healthy People 2020 webinar to learn how the Boston Public Health Commission's HIV Dental Ombudsperson Program is working to remove or reduce barriers to oral health services for people living with HIV/AIDS. This webinar will include information about the importance of oral health and strategies to improve oral health among people living with HIV/AIDS. Free continuing education credits (CME, CNE, CHES) are available.

  03/24/2016 No

BPHC All-Program Webcast

WED MAR 23 2016

3:00-4:00 p.m. (ET)

HRSA’s Bureau of Primary Health Care hosts this webinar to provide all BPHC stakeholders (Grantees, Look-Alikes, Cooperative Agreements, Partners) with updates on current Health Center Program activities and future plans for Fiscal Year 2016. View the webcast on March 23. Exit Disclaimer

  03/23/2016 No


WED MAR 23 2016

2:00-3:00 p.m. (ET)

Presenters will outline the basics of creating an XML file for the ADR with TRAX, -(formerly Rx-REX)- , and reviews common issues that may arise as grantees prepare their client-level data files.

  03/23/2016 No

::Hangouts with HIVE:: HIV Prevention for Women: Where’s My PrEP?

MON MAR 21 2016

Noon-1:00 p.m. (ET)

HIVE offers this interactive Google+ Hangout on Air with panelists who are pioneering PrEP for women across the nation. The session will include discussion and Q&A. Email questions for the panelists to or login via Google+ to ask them live here. Exit Disclaimer (Not sure what a Hangout is? Check out this Hangout with HIVE. Exit Disclaimer)

  03/21/2016 No

AIDS 2016 Webinar: What's new?

MON MAR 21 2016

11:00 a.m.-Noon (ET)

This webinar is offered by the International AIDS Society and will provide a general overview of the AIDS 2016 conference, Exit Disclaimer focus on what’s new at this year’s conference and share upcoming key dates.

  03/21/2016 No

Real-Time Clinician Consultation Services for Substance Use Management

FRI MAR 18 2016

Noon (ET)

HRSA-ORO Region IX and the Clinician Consultation Center at San Francisco General Hospital host this webinar to raise awareness about the Substance Use Warmline, a free and confidential consultation telephone service for primary care and other clinicians. This service provides real-time access to expert clinical consultation for managing substance use in patients with difficult issues of addiction, chronic pain, and behavioral health.

  03/18/2016 No

Fundamentals of the National Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services in Health and Health Care

THU MAR 17 2016

3:00 p.m. (ET)

Please join the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health for the first webinar in a series on the National Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services in Health and Health Care (National CLAS Standards).  The National CLAS Standards provide a blueprint for individuals and health and health care organizations to best serve our nation’s increasingly diverse communities through culturally and linguistically appropriate services. Attendees will learn about culturally and linguistically appropriate services and the National CLAS Standards.

Watch the session Exit Disclaimer

03/17/2016 No

Webinar Series Summary: HIV Coding Scenarios

THU MAR 17 2016

2:30-4:00 p.m. (ET)

HealthHIV's Fiscal Health: Systems to Sustainability presents the last  of a four-part webinar series for the enhancement of billing systems to maximize revenues. At the end of this webinar, participants will be able to review CPT, HCPCS and ICD-10-CM codes learned in series 1, 2 and 3 and coding scenarios which reflect accurate reporting of the codes for HIV/AIDS medical care and discuss the importance of proper code sequencing and proper documentation and the latter’s impact on reimbursement.

  03/17/2016 No

Measuring Success: Understanding and Learning from Social Media

THU MAR 17 2016

1:00-2:00 p.m. (ET)

Join fellow prevention partners and communicators as CDC experts share best practices and emerging trends on social media. Learn how to effectively create and measure engaging social media campaigns.

This webinar promises to provide innovative and practical factors for developing and evaluating engaging social media strategies.

  03/17/2016 No

Substance Abuse Expansion SAMHSA Resources Webinar

WED MAR 16 2016

1:00-2:00 p.m. (ET)

HRSA is hosting this webinar focused on the Substance Use Warmline, a new substance abuse resource for health centers. This new resource offers free and confidential clinician-to-clinician telephone consultation about substance use evaluation and management for health center primary care clinicians.

  03/16/2016 No

CROI 2016: A Summary of the Most Important Studies for Clinical Practice

TUE MAR 15 2016

11:30 a.m. (ET)

This IAS–USA webinar looks at advances in HV prevention and treatment announced at this year’s CROI (Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections).  Areas of focus for this summary will include clinical trials of established and novel antiretroviral agents, HIV and non-HIV–related complications, strategies for HIV cure, and the latest data on HIV prevention.

  03/15/2016 No

Innovative Strategies for Addressing Hepatitis C in Indian Country

MON MAR 14 2016

1:00-2:00 p.m. (ET)

Panelists will discuss issues of hepatitis health disparities and health equity in Indian Country, including tribal efforts to implement syringe exchanges and telemedicine; the need for opioid substitution therapy and specialty providers, screening efforts in jails, and the concept of elimination as the ultimate goal in tribal communities. Sponsor: National Viral Hepatitis Roundtable.

  03/14/2016 No

HealthMindr: How do men use smartphones for HIV prevention

FRI MAR 11 2016

3:45-4:45 p.m. (ET)

Join this session to learn more about HealthMindr, a research project led by a team at Emory University and the University of Washington which tests how men use a smartphone app for HIV prevention. The HealthMindr app provides tailored recommendations for the best ways for each individual to manage his HIV risk. It can help men create a personalized HIV testing plan and get linked to HIV prevention services, like HIV testing, treatment, PrEP, and nPEP.

  03/11/2016 No

Technical Assistance Webinar: Applications for Re-Entry Community Linkages (RE-LINK) Program

THU MAR 10 2016

3:00 p.m. (ET)

HHS Office of Minority Health announces availability of funds for Fiscal Year 2016 for grant awards for the Re-Entry Community Linkages (RE-LINK) program, to improve health outcomes for minority and/or disadvantaged re-entrants, ages 18-26, in transition from jail to their communities. Learn about the FOA and how to apply. Registration information will be posted soon.

  03/10/2016 No

HIV/AIDS Care Diagnoses Codes

THU MAR 10 2016

2:30-4:00 p.m. (ET)

HealthHIV's Fiscal Health: Systems to Sustainability presents the third of a four-part webinar series for the enhancement of billing systems to maximize revenues. This series has been updated using ICD-10 coding. At the conclusion of this webinar, participants will be able to identify ICD-10-CM codes and coding guidelines for AIDS/HIV patient care and explain differences between the various codes, and explain code selection process and the importance of proper code sequencing

  03/10/2016 No

HIV/STDs on College Campuses

THU MAR 10 2016

1:50-3:10 p.m. (ET)

This webinar intends to engage attendees in informed HIV/AIDS dialogue with faith and community leaders focusing on youth; discuss effective strategies of discussing sexual health with youth and identify HIV/AIDS resources. This session is the last in The “Real Talk Webinar Series” (an educational component of The National Week of Prayer for the Healing of AIDS, Exit Disclaimer March 6-13, 2016).

  03/10/2016 No

Partnering with Lawyers to Address the Social Determinants of Health: A Healthy People 2020 Spotlight on Health Webinar

THU MAR 10 2016

1:00-2:30 p.m. (ET)

This webinar will explore innovative approaches to address social determinants of health at the individual and community levels. Through the lens of housing quality and health, this webinar will highlight how adding lawyers to the health care team assisted in the treatment of asthma. We also will explore how communities can leverage public health law—specifically housing codes—to achieve better health. Reducing the proportion of occupied housing units that have moderate or severe physical problems is a Healthy People 2020 objective Exit Disclaimer for the Nation.

  03/10/2016 No

Securing the Future of Women-Centered Care

THU MAR 10 2016

1:00-3:30 p.m. (ET)

On National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, this Positive Women’s Network – USA webinar will share findings from the Securing the Future of Women-Centered Care research project. Discussion will focus on implications for the future of the Ryan White program.

  03/10/2016 No

Trauma and Homeless Youth

THU MAR 10 2016

2:00-3:00 p.m. (ET)

The School-Based Health Alliance hosts this webinar to provide resources and information to health center staff on trauma and trauma-informed practices for homeless youth.

  03/10/2016 No

Women-Focused CBOs and ASOs

WED MAR 9 2016

2:00-3:15 p.m. (ET)

This webinar will include a panel of leaders from four diverse women-led community-based HIV service organizations who will discuss their experiences with sector transformation from the different perspectives of systems change, development, and advocacy. They will identify specific strategies and tools applied in each setting that proved successful in systems-level change as well as client-level change. In addition to highlighting successful strategies, presenters discuss initiatives in each arena that proved less successful. Sponsor: National Center for Innovation in HIV Care. Exit Disclaimer

  03/09/2016 No

ADR Check Your XML Feature

WED MAR 9 2016

2:00-3:00 p.m. (ET)

Join this session to learn how grantees can use the Check Your XML Feature to check ADR data quality prior to submission.

  03/09/2016 No

Taking Care: Understanding and Addressing Mental Health Among Women Living with HIV

WED MAR 9 2016

3:00-4:30 p.m. (ET)

This webinar will provide an overview of mental health issues affecting women living with HIV, the impact on health outcomes, and the importance of comprehensive care that not only addresses HIV disease, but also trauma, depression, substance use, and current or past violence. Sponsor: The Well Project

  03/09/2016 No

Helping Clients Understand Tax Filing and Health Coverage

WED MAR 9 2016

3:00-4:00 p.m. (ET)

Taxes play an important role in making health coverage more affordable for people living with HIV. Join this webinar from the HRSA-supported ACE TA Center Exit Disclaimer to learn how to help clients navigate the tax filing process. Learn who needs to file taxes based on their health coverage in 2015 and what documents they need. Walk through the reconciliation process for clients who received a premium tax credit from the Marketplace. Learn who is eligible for (and how to obtain) an exemption from the requirement to have health coverage.

  03/09/2016 No

Young(er) MSMs: A Parent’s Guide to Understanding Youth Sexuality

WED MAR 9 2016

1:50-3:10 p.m. (ET)

This webinar intends to engage attendees in informed HIV/AIDS dialogue with faith and community leaders focusing on youth; discuss effective strategies of discussing sexual health with youth and identify HIV/AIDS resources. This session is second in The “Real Talk Webinar Series” (an educational component of The National Week of Prayer for the Healing of AIDS, Exit Disclaimer March 6-13, 2016).

  03/09/2016 No

Faith, HIV and Youth

TUE MAR 8 2016

1:50-3:10 p.m. (ET)

This webinar intends to engage attendees in informed HIV/AIDS dialogue with faith and community leaders focusing on youth; discuss effective strategies of discussing sexual health with youth and identify HIV/AIDS resources. This session is the first in The “Real Talk Webinar Series” (an educational component of The National Week of Prayer for the Healing of AIDS, Exit Disclaimer March 6-13, 2016).

  03/08/2016 No

Transgender Community Outreach and HIV

TUE MAR 8 2016

Noon-1:00 p.m. (ET)

This webinar is part of a series offered by the MidAtlantic AIDS Education and Training Center.

  03/08/2016 No

Pathology and Laboratory HIV/AIDS CPT Codes

THU MAR 3 2016

2:30-4:00 p.m. (ET)

This webinar is second in a four part series from HealthHIV’s Fiscal Health Systems to Sustainability program, which addresses sustainability of Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program-funded organizations by building fiscal management capacity.

  03/03/2016 No

Enhancing the Role of the Medical Assistant

THU MAR 3 2016

2:00 p.m. (ET)

The Community Health Center, Inc. hosts 8 webinars on transforming practices through the team-based model of care. This webinar explore the expanded role that medical assistants play in improving patient health outcomes. The role of the medical assistant will be explored in population management, using electronic dashboards, and health coaching. We will discuss how state-by-state variation and regulation may influence medical assistant practice.

  03/03/2016 No

Special Enrollment Periods

THU MAR 3 2016

2:00 p.m. (ET)

This webinar will discuss the circumstances that trigger a special enrollment period and will review the timing of coverage effective dates for different triggering events. It will also clarify changes and updates to the circumstances that trigger a special enrolment period. Sponsor: Center on Budget and Policy Priorities Health Reform Beyond the Basics project.

  03/03/2016 No

From Zero to 60: Medical-Legal Partnership Fundamentals and Strategies

WED MAR 2 2016

3:00 p.m. (ET)

Addressing patients' health-harming civil legal needs as part of primary care has emerged as a critical strategy for HRSA-funded health centers seeking to address the social determinants of health. Over 75 health centers incorporate civil legal aid as part of the health care team to help meet the housing, income, education and other needs of low-income populations, with more in the pipeline. Core components of a successful medical-legal partnership feature strong integration of the health and legal partners, shared priorities, funding and mission, and shared communication and training strategies. The webinar aims to help participants understand: the medical-legal partnership approach and field, and how it aligns with existing health centers' services and priorities, especially enabling services; the skills, resources and capacity of the civil legal aid community; and the opportunities for multi-sector engagement across all health centers and civil legal aid offices with a focus on population health strategies.

  03/02/2016 No

Strategies to help consumers learn to use their health coverage

WED MAR 2 2016

2:00 p.m. (ET)

This Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services webinar will provide an overview of the From Coverage to Care Roadmap to Better Care and a Healthier You Toolkit. Understanding how and when to use your health insurance can be overwhelming, especially for the newly enrolled.

  03/02/2016 No

PrEP Uptake and Adherence among Black Men Who Have Sex With Men

TUE MAR 1 2016

Noon-1:00 p.m. (ET)

This HIV Prevention Trials Network webinar looks at how HPTN 073 research findings help address a vital U.S. public health gap in HIV prevention and demonstrate that when given appropriate opportunities, BMSM will take an active role in the provision of their health care.

  03/01/2016 No

Can we end the epidemic? An update on HIV screening, prevention, and treatment.

THU SEP 17 2015

1:00-2:00 p.m. (ET)

The approval of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), the advent of treatment as prevention, and the increased emphasis on the HIV continuum of care have all provided tools critical for ending the HIV epidemic. How can we use these tools to work toward ending the epidemic? This on demand webinar summarizes research findings and practice guidelines that inform HIV treatment and prevention, identifies barriers to effective HIV screening, prevention, and treatment, and describes ways to overcome these barriers. Sponsors: The National LGBT Health Education Center, The National Center for Innovation in HIV Care. Exit Disclaimer Register and view the webinar. Exit Disclaimer

  09/17/2015 No

Social Determinants of Health and HIV

MON MAR 3 2014

This on demand one-hour online course includes an overview of social determinants, their relevance to health disparities, and their importance to understanding HIV in the US today. Viewers can receive a certificate of completion. Registration fee: $10.00. Register Exit Disclaimer

  03/03/2014 No

Risk Assessment, Education, & Counseling for Men in Reproductive Health

MON MAR 3 2014

This on demand independent study is designed for clinicians and other health staff to gain knowledge and skills to educate and counsel men on sexual and reproductive health. Sponsor: National Family Planning Training Centers. Participants can request a free certificate of completion.  Register and view. Exit Disclaimer

  03/03/2014 No

The Intersection of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) & HIV

WED OCT 24 2013

This on demand independent study offers knowledge and tools to enhance understanding and screening for “red flags” for IPV and HIV. Sponsor: National Family Planning Training Centers. Participants can receive a free certificate of completion. Register and view. Exit Disclaimer

  10/24/2013 No

HIV Today: What Everyone Needs to Know

WED FEB 1 2012

This on demand, one hour course is for the general public and providers new to providing services to those at risk for and infected with HIV. It provides basic information about HIV and AIDS and a brief overview of topics such as transmission, disease progression, risk reduction, prevention and health disparities. The course provides comprehensive links to relevant resources and glossary terms. Viewers can receive a certificate of completion. Registration fee: $10.00. Register and view the webinar. Exit Disclaimer

  02/01/2012 No

STD Overview for Non-Clinicians Online

FRI DEC 3 2007

This on demand online course has 7 interactive modules covering topics such as the most common STDs, transmission, consequences, epidemiological data, the connection between HIV and other STDs, information on specific populations at higher risk, STD prevention and how to apply STD facts to interactions with students and clients to encourage more protective behaviors and healthier decision-making. Viewers can receive a certificate of completion. Sponsor: CA STD/HIV Prevention Training Center


12/03/2007 No