Two gay men

National Gay Men's HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

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National Gay Men's HIV/AIDS Awareness Day.

National Gay Men's HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NGMHAAD) is September 27. 

In 2008 the National Association of People with AIDS (NAPWA) launched this observance day to recognize the disproportionate impact of the epidemic on gay men. 

Learn more below and find resources you can use to get involved in marking NGMHAAD on and around September 27.

National Gay Men's HIV/AIDS Awareness Day Badge

National Gay Men's HIV/AIDS Awareness Day.

Help promote National Gay Men’s HIV/AIDS Awareness Day. Post this web badge on your site.

Copy the Badge Code:

<img alt="National Gay Men's HIV/AIDS Awareness Day." height="139" src="" width="130" />

Locate HIV Testing and Other Services

Locate HIV Testing and Other Services

Use and share the HIV Testing Sites & Care Services Locator.

Learn about the Locator app for iPhone and iPad and download the app here.Exit Disclaimer

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Watch and Share These Videos

Positive Spin

Watch The HIV Testing Sites & Care Services Locator Exit Disclaimer

Positive Spin is a series of real stories from real people about their unique experiences along the HIV Continuum of Care.

Posters and Graphics

National HIV/AIDS Strategy

Use these CDC resources

Follow Blogs

Join and Follow the Blogosphere

Follow the Black Voices blog series.

Blog about how HIV has impacted your community.

Comment on someone else’s blog post.

Subscribe Exit Disclaimer to the blog.

Learn about these National Campaigns

Make conversation before you make out. Click here for a few conversation starters. Start Talking. Stop HIV.

These campaigns work to promote testing and end stigma:

The Information Is Powerful Medicine campaign encourages men to access their medical records and be more involved in their HIV care.

More New Media

New Media Basics

Add the HIV Testing Sites & Care Services Locator widget to your website.

Follow @AIDSgov Exit Disclaimer on Twitter and learn about using Twitter (PDF 589KB).

Learn about the Epidemic

Learn about the Epidemic

Find out about HIV among gay and bisexual men in this CDC fact sheet. Here’s facts on HIV Among African American Gay and Bisexual Men.

Download more fact sheets.

Learn the HIV/AIDS Basics. Know the Facts, Take Care of Yourself.

Here’s 5 things (PDF, 116 KB) you can do to get involved. Read the CDC web feature.

Learn about the Affordable Care Act Take health care into your own hands Learn More

Visit to find out about the Health Insurance Marketplace and more.

Learn about the Affordable Care Act and HIV.

Read the National HIV/AIDS Strategy

National HIV/AIDS Strategy

The Strategy is the nation's first comprehensive coordinated HIV/AIDS roadmap. Learn more here.

Watch Our Strategy: National HIV/AIDS Strategy Updated to 2020 Exit Disclaimer video.

How can you help implement the Strategy in your community?