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Volpe's infographics bring research to life, telling stories through statistics to demonstrate the real-world impacts of our work. View the infographics below to learn more.

Mobility on Demand: Plan, Travel, and Pay…Your Way

Mobile Pay Infographic Button

Working with the transportation community to create a shared vision for innovative multimodal transit payment systems, Volpe leads the way in improving trip planning, managing travel demands, and developing payment solutions for travelers and cities alike.

View the infographic to learn about innovative transportation payment systems.

Truck Side Guards Save Lives

Truck Side Guards Save Lives Infographic buttonNearly half of bicyclists and more than one-quarter of pedestrians killed by a large truck first impact the side of a truck.

View the infographic to see how a simple technology can save lives.


A Safer and More Efficient Airspace: Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast

A Safer and More Efficient Airspace Infographic buttonThe Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA) Next Generation Transportation System—NextGen—is transforming how air traffic controllers and pilots see our national airspace. By 2020, NextGen will transition from radar technology to a far more precise global satellite network. The backbone of this evolution is a technology called Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B), which Volpe has helped develop and deploy for more than a decade.

View the infographic to learn how Volpe's work to help FAA improve NextGen will make America's skies even safer and more efficient.

Proactive Safety in the Rail Industry: Safety Management Systems at Work

Proactive Safety in the Rail Industry: Safety Management Sysmets at Work Infographic buttonClear Signal for Action (CSA) and the Confidential Close Call Reporting System (C3RS) zero in on risky behavior and conditions, and close calls in the rail industry. CSA and C3RS haven't just improved safety: they've transformed the worker-manager paradigm.

View the infographic to learn how Volpe's safety management design and analysis in support of the Federal Railroad Administration can stimulate safety culture change across an entire industry.

Motor Vehicle Crash Avoidance

Motor Vehicle Crash Avoidance Infographic buttonCrash-avoidance technologies prevent crashes and save lives and money. These technologies—such as in-vehicle warning systems, vehicle-to-vehicle, and vehicle-to-infrastructure technologies—enable cars to communicate with drivers, other vehicles, and roadway infrastructure, and can potentially address about 95 percent of all vehicle crashes involving unimpaired drivers.

View the infographic to learn how Volpe's crash-avoidance research is making a difference.

Wake Turbulence Separation Standards for Aircraft

Wake Turbulence Infographic buttonAs airplanes move through the air, counter-rotating horizontal tornadoes are generated off the wings. This phenomenon, known as wake turbulence, creates a potentially dangerous situation for trailing aircraft. The Federal Aviation Administration counts on experts at Volpe to better understand the behavior of wake turbulence and to recommend critical adjustments to aircraft separation standards.

View the infographic to learn how Volpe's wake turbulence research has been successully applied at airports across the country.

Highway-Rail Grade Crossing Safety and Trespass Prevention

Highway-Rail Grade Crossing Safety and Trespass Prevention Infographic button

Nearly every 180 minutes, someone in America is hit by a train. In the early 1970s, it was every 40 minutes. Our infographic on Highway-Rail Grade Crossing Safety and Trespass Prevention shows how Volpe, in support of the Federal Railroad Administration, is impacting rail safety.

View the infographic to learn about efforts that are underway to reduce fatalities and injuries.

Maritime Situational Awareness

Maritime Situational Awareness Infographic buttonVolpe has been in the vanguard of developing and deploying state-of-the-art, easy-to-use, cost-effective vessel tracking networks that enhance maritime situational awareness in waterways around the world.

View the infographic to learn how vessel tracking tools are enhancing safety and stability on the world's waterways.

Corporate Average Fuel Economy Standards

Corporate Average Fuel Economy Standards Infographic buttonThe U.S. DOT's National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has turned to Volpe for critical analytical support on the development of standards to regulate and increase the average fuel economy of cars and light trucks sold in the U.S.

View the infographic to learn how these new standards will improve our nation’s energy security by dramatically reducing oil consumption, saving consumers money at the pump, and reducing related greenhouse gas emissions.

Updated: Thursday, December 29, 2016
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