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Category: Research

Read a blog post about the new Faces of Precision Medicine Initiative.
The NIH is launching a video series to explain the significance of this historic endeavor.
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We created Bionic Man to tell you about some of the exciting biomedical technologies that are currently being developed thanks to government-funded research.
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Read a blog post about Precision Medicine Initiative.
Precision medicine gives clinicians new tools, knowledge, and therapies to select which treatments will work best for which patients.
Read a blog - Why is Sleep Important?
Adults should aim for 7-8 hours of sleep. Here are five tips everyone can use to help improve the quality of their sleep.
diabetes | sleep
Read a blog post about potentially life-saving drugs for breast cancer patients.
For the first time, women facing a new diagnosis of high-risk HER2+ breast cancer will be able to decide whether pertuzumab makes sense for them.
Read a blog - FDA Invites Students to Sharpen their Research Skills.
Every summer, the FDA National Center for Toxicological Research (NCTR) hosts an internship program for science students interested in toxicology research.