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Category: Mental Health and Substance Abuse

Read a blog post about Dana Bigelow’s #CoverageMatters story.
The Affordable Care Act is great for those of us who are working in the gig economy or trying to grow our own business, big or small.
Read a blog post about Graceanne’s #CoverageMatters story.
I can’t imagine going back to a time without the ACA. I can’t imagine not having affordable insurance that covers my mental health and physical health.
Read a blog post about how millions of Americans stand to benefit from Affordable Care Act tax credits to get covered.
Mental and substance use disorders can increase vulnerability to acquiring HIV infection and they can pose serious barriers to successful management of HIV.
Read a blog post about our work to address shortages of behavioral health professionals.
Under the most conservative projections, by 2025, shortages are projected in a number of key behavioral health professions.
Read a blog post about the Mental Health and Substance Use disorder Parity Task Force Final Report.
Federal Parity Task Force Takes Steps to Strengthen Insurance Coverage for Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders
Read an HHS Blog.
We have improved insurance coverage for mental health and substance use disorder care for over 170 million people.
Read a blog post about Jordan Coughlen’s road to recovery from opioid abuse.
Without recovery I would not be the proud, hard-working, resilient, hopeful man I am.
Read an HHS Blog.
The President’s FY 2017 Budget proposes new investments to increase access to mental health care.
Read a blog post about how you can help prevent suicide.
Individuals and communities can make a difference in preventing suicide.
