
An acute spill or chronic release of chemicals over time.



Chemicals may be introduced into the environment from wind and marine renewable energy devices through leaching from surfaces coated with anti-biofouling paints or anti-corrosion coatings, or from spills of petroleum-based chemicals such as oils and greases (most of these devices carry small amounts of petroleum-based chemicals). Slow leaching of biocides and other chemicals may have chronic effects on organisms if the concentrations in the water or ground increase to significant levels, causing changes in development, reproductive success, and feeding. Spills tend to produce acute (immediate) effects on organisms, including suffocation, poisoning, or respiratory distress. Petroleum-based spills at sea can also disperse and cause long-term chronic toxicity. Slow leaching of biocides is most likely to affect small residential species near the device, although they may be magnified up the food chain to animals such as large birds, predatory fish, and mammals.


Photo Credit: "Heavy Band of Oil" by NOAA

Total Results: 66
Title Author Research Start Datesort ascending Type of Content Technology Type Stressor Receptor
The Adhesion of Corrosion Protection Coating Systems for Offshore Wind Power Constructions after Three Years under Offshore Exposure Momber, A., Plagemann, P., Stenzel, V. March 2016 Journal Article Offshore Wind Chemicals
Rethinking our approach to multiple stressor studies in marine environments Griffen, B., et al. February 2016 Journal Article Chemicals, Lighting
Evaluating Threats in Multinational Marine Ecosystems: A Coast Salish First Nations and Tribal Perspective Gaydos, J., Thixton, S., Donatuto, J. December 2015 Journal Article Chemicals, Dynamic Device, Noise Ecosystem, Navigation
Leading Edge Erosion of Coated Wind Turbine Blades: Review of Coating Life Models Slot, H., et al. August 2015 Journal Article Offshore Wind Chemicals
Performance and Integrity of Protective Coating Systems for Offshore Wind Power Structures after Three Years Under Offshore Site Conditions Momber, A., Plagemann, P., Stenzel, V. February 2015 Journal Article Offshore Wind Chemicals
Environmental Risk Evaluation System - An Approach to Ranking Risk of Ocean Energy Development on Coastal and Estuarine Environments Copping, A., et al. January 2015 Journal Article Tidal, Wave, Offshore Wind Chemicals, Dynamic Device, Energy Removal Birds, Fish, Marine Mammals
Predicting the Large-Scale Consequences of Offshore Wind Turbine Array Development on a North Sea Ecosystem van der Molen, J., et al. August 2014 Journal Article Offshore Wind Chemicals, Noise, Static Device Ecosystem
Assessing Ecological Risks of Offshore Wind Power on Kattegat Cod Hammar, L., Wikström, A., Molander, S. June 2014 Journal Article Offshore Wind Chemicals, EMF, Noise, Static Device Fish
Potential Impacts from a Worst Case Discharge from an United States Offshore Wind Farm Gunter, T. January 2014 Conference Paper Offshore Wind Chemicals
Marine Renewable Energy: A Global Review of the Extent of Marine Renewable Energy Developments, the Developing Technologies and Possible Conservation Implications for Cetaceans James, V. November 2013 Report Marine Energy general, Offshore Wind Chemicals, EMF, Noise, Static Device Marine Mammals
Partnership for Research In Marine Renewable Energy (PRIMaRE) Zhang J., et al. January 2013 Research Study Annex IV Marine Energy general Chemicals, Dynamic Device, EMF, Energy Removal, Noise, Static Device Bats, Benthic Invertebrates, Birds, Farfield Environment, Fish, Marine Mammals, Nearfield Habitat, Sea Turtles, Socio-economics
Modeling the Physical and Biochemical Influence of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Plant Grandelli, P., et al. September 2012 Report OTEC Chemicals Nearfield Habitat
MERiFIC 3.2.1: Documentary Summary of the Environmental Impact of Renewable Marine Energy Sotta, C. September 2012 Report Marine Energy general, Offshore Wind Chemicals, Dynamic Device, EMF, Energy Removal, Noise, Static Device Birds, Ecosystem, Fish, Nearfield Habitat
Offshore Wave Energy Generation Devices: Impacts on Ocean Bio-Environment Lin, L., Yu, H. June 2012 Journal Article Wave Chemicals, EMF, Static Device Benthic Invertebrates, Birds, Nearfield Habitat
Screening Environmental Risk Assessment of Grease and Oil Emissions from Off-Shore Wind Power Plants Arvidsson, R., Molander, S. March 2012 Report Offshore Wind Chemicals
Admiralty Inlet Final License Application Snohomish County Public Utility District No. 1 March 2012 Report Tidal Chemicals, Dynamic Device, EMF, Energy Removal, Noise Benthic Invertebrates, Fish, Marine Mammals, Socio-economics
Assessment of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Muralidharan, S. February 2012 Thesis OTEC Chemicals, Energy Removal, Static Device Benthic Invertebrates, Nearfield Habitat, Socio-economics
Birds and Wave & Tidal Stream Energy: An Ecological Review McCluskie, A., Langston, R., Wilkinson, N. January 2012 Report Tidal, Wave Chemicals, Dynamic Device, Energy Removal, Noise, Static Device Raptors, Seabirds, Shorebirds
Electricity Generation by the Ocean Thermal Energy Etemadi, A., et al. December 2011 Journal Article OTEC Chemicals, Energy Removal, Static Device Ecosystem, Farfield Environment, Nearfield Habitat
Pathways of Effects for Offshore Renewable Energy in Canada Isaacman, L., Daborn, G. December 2011 Report Marine Energy general, Offshore Wind Chemicals, Dynamic Device, EMF, Energy Removal, Lighting, Noise, Static Device Benthic Invertebrates, Birds, Farfield Environment, Fish, Marine Mammals, Nearfield Habitat, Sea Turtles, Socio-economics
Final Environmental Assessment of Maine's Deepwater Offshore Floating Wind Turbine Testing and Demonstration Project US Department of Energy September 2011 Report Offshore Wind Chemicals, EMF, Energy Removal, Noise Farfield Environment, Nearfield Habitat
Screening Analysis for the Environmental Risk Evaluation System - Environmental Effects of MHK Energy Copping, A., et al. September 2011 Report Marine Energy general Chemicals, Dynamic Device, EMF, Energy Removal, Noise, Static Device Benthic Invertebrates, Ecosystem, Farfield Environment, Fish, Marine Mammals, Nearfield Habitat, Sea Turtles
Ecology of Fishes in a High-Latitude, Turbid River with Implications for the Impacts of Hydrokinetic Devices Seitz, A., et al. September 2011 Journal Article Marine Energy general Chemicals, Dynamic Device, EMF, Energy Removal Fish
Screening Analysis for the Environmental Risk Evaluation System - Environmental Effects of Offshore Wind Energy Copping, A., Hanna, L. September 2011 Report Offshore Wind Chemicals, Dynamic Device, EMF, Energy Removal, Noise, Static Device Birds, Farfield Environment, Fish, Benthic Invertebrates, Marine Mammals, Nearfield Habitat, Sea Turtles
Effective Monitoring Strategies Conley, D. April 2011 Presentation Wave Chemicals, EMF, Static Device Birds, Fish, Benthic Invertebrates, Marine Mammals, Sea Turtles
Integrating Effects of Supplementary Feeding, Poisoning, Pollutant Ingestion and Wind Farms of Two Vulture Species in Spain using a Population Viability Analysis Garcia-Ripolles, C., Lopez, P. March 2011 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Chemicals Raptors
Scotland's Marine Atlas: Information for the National Marine Plan Baxter, J., et al. March 2011 Report Marine Energy general Chemicals, EMF, Energy Removal, Noise Farfield Environment, Nearfield Habitat, Socio-economics
Tidal Technologies: Key Issues Across Planning and Development for Environmental Regulators Bell, M., Side, J. March 2011 Report Wave, Tidal Chemicals, Dynamic Device, Energy Removal, Noise, Static Device Farfield Environment, Socio-economics
Research and Developments on Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Wang, C., et al. February 2011 Journal Article OTEC Chemicals, Static Device Benthic Invertebrates, Ecosystem
Bringing OTEC Environmental Assessments of the 1980s Up To 21st Century Oceanographic Standards Sansone, F., Comfort, C., Weng, K. December 2010 Conference Paper OTEC Chemicals, EMF, Energy Removal, Noise, Static Device Benthic Invertebrates, Ecosystem
Accelerating Ocean Energy to the Marketplace: Environmental Research at the U.S. Department of Energy National Laboratories Copping, A., et al. October 2010 Conference Paper Marine Energy general Chemicals, EMF, Energy Removal, Noise Socio-economics
List of Environmental Effects of MHK Devices Simas, T., Moura, A., Conley, D. September 2010 Presentation Marine Energy general Chemicals, Dynamic Device, EMF, Energy Removal, Noise, Static Device Benthic Invertebrates, Birds, Fish, Marine Mammals, Nearfield Habitat, Sea Turtles
Potential Impacts of Wave-Powered Marine Renewable Energy Installations on Marine Birds Grecian, W., et al. August 2010 Journal Article Wave Chemicals, Dynamic Device, Energy Removal, Noise, Static Device Seabirds
Ocean Wind Power Ecological Baseline Studies Final Report - Volume 1: Overview, Summary, and Application Geo-Marine Inc July 2010 Report Offshore Wind Chemicals, Dynamic Device, EMF, Energy Removal, Noise, Static Device Bats, Birds, Fish, Marine Mammals, Sea Turtles
Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion: Assessing Potential Physical, Chemical and Biological Impacts and Risks Coastal Response Research Center June 2010 Report OTEC Chemicals, EMF, Noise, Static Device Ecosystem, Fish, Benthic Invertebrates, Marine Mammals, Sea Turtles
Potential Environmental Effects of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Sound and Sea Technologies April 2010 Presentation OTEC Chemicals, Noise, Static Device Farfield Environment, Fish, Benthic Invertebrates, Nearfield Habitat
Screening for Biofouling and Corrosion of Tidal Energy Device Materials: In-Situ Results for Admiralty Inlet, Puget Sound, Washington Polagye, B., Thomson, J. April 2010 Report Tidal Chemicals Nearfield Habitat
Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) Environmental Impacts NOAA Office of Ocean & Coastal Resource Management January 2010 Report OTEC Chemicals, EMF Ecosystem, Nearfield Habitat
Offshore Wind Farms in the Belgian Part of the North Sea: Early Environmental Impact Assessment and Spatio-Temporal Variability Degraer, S., Brabant, R., Rumes, B. January 2010 Report Offshore Wind Chemicals, Dynamic Device, Energy Removal, Noise, Static Device Benthic Invertebrates, Seabirds, Fish, Marine Mammals, Socio-economics
Potential OTEC Impacts in the Hawaiian Marine Environment Parke, M. January 2010 Presentation OTEC Chemicals, EMF, Noise, Static Device Ecosystem, Farfield Environment, Fish, Benthic Invertebrates, Nearfield Habitat
Report to Congress on the Potential Environmental Effects of Marine and Hydrokinetic Energy Technologies US Department of Energy December 2009 Report Marine Energy general Chemicals, Dynamic Device, EMF, Energy Removal, Noise, Static Device Benthic Invertebrates, Farfield Environment, Nearfield Habitat, Socio-economics
Current State of Knowledge on the Environmental Impacts of Tidal and Wave Energy Technology in Canada Isaacman, L., Lee, K. November 2009 Report Tidal, Wave Chemicals, Dynamic Device, EMF, Energy Removal, Noise, Static Device Farfield Environment, Nearfield Habitat
Peninsula Research Institute for Marine Renewable Energy (PRIMaRE) Lorraine R., Tremlett C. January 2009 Research Study Annex IV Tidal, Wave Chemicals, Dynamic Device, EMF, Energy Removal, Noise, Static Device Bats, Benthic Invertebrates, Seabirds, Ecosystem, Farfield Environment, Fish, Marine Mammals, Nearfield Habitat, Socio-economics, Navigation
Cape Wind Final Environmental Impact Statement Minerals Management Service January 2009 Report Offshore Wind Chemicals, EMF, Energy Removal, Noise Benthic Invertebrates, Birds, Farfield Environment, Fish, Marine Mammals, Nearfield Habitat, Sea Turtles, Socio-economics
Processing of Antifouling Paint Particles by Mytilus edulis Turner, A., Barrett, M., Brown, M. January 2009 Journal Article Chemicals Benthic Invertebrates
Wave Energy Ecological Effects Workshop: Ecological Assessment Briefing Paper McMurray, G. October 2007 Workshop Article Wave Chemicals, EMF, Energy Removal, Lighting, Noise, Static Device Benthic Invertebrates, Birds, Fish, Marine Mammals, Nearfield Habitat, Sea Turtles
OCS Alternative Energy and Alternate Use Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement US Deparment of the Interior, Minerals Management Service October 2007 Report Ocean Current, Wave, Offshore Wind Chemicals, Noise, Static Device Birds, Fish, Marine Mammals, Sea Turtles, Socio-economics
Scottish Marine Renewables Strategic Environmental Assessment Environmental Report Faber Maunsell, Metoc PLC March 2007 Report Tidal, Wave Chemicals, Dynamic Device, EMF, Energy Removal, Noise, Static Device Benthic Invertebrates, Seabirds, Fish, Marine Mammals, Socio-economics
Proceedings of the Effects of Oil on Wildlife: Research, Rehabilitation, and General Concerns Massey, J. January 2007 Conference Paper Chemicals Ground-Nesting Birds, Seabirds, Waterfowl, Farfield Environment, Fish, Marine Mammals, Socio-economics
Review of the Current State of Knowledge on the Environmental Impacts of the Location, Operation and Removal/Disposal of Offshore Wind-Farms OSPAR Commission April 2006 Conference Paper Offshore Wind Chemicals, EMF, Energy Removal, Noise, Static Device Birds, Socio-economics
Proceedings of the Hydrokinetic and Wave Energy Technologies Technical and Environmental Issues Workshop US Department of Energy March 2006 Workshop Article Marine Energy general Chemicals Nearfield Habitat, Socio-economics
Ecological Research on Offshore Wind Farms: International Exchange of Experiences - Part B Zucco, C., et al. January 2006 Report Offshore Wind Chemicals, Dynamic Device, EMF, Energy Removal, Noise, Static Device Ecosystem
Oil Pollution and Climate have Wide-Scale Impacts on Seabird Demographics Votier, S., et al. November 2005 Journal Article Chemicals Seabirds
An Evaluation of the Wildlife Impacts of Offshore Wind Development Relative to Fossil Fuel Power Production Jarvis, C. September 2005 Thesis Offshore Wind Chemicals, Static Device Benthic Invertebrates, Birds, Fish, Socio-economics
The Ecosystem Consequences of Sediment Disturbance CEFAS March 2005 Report Chemicals, Energy Removal, Static Device Benthic Invertebrates, Ecosystem
Renewable Energy Resources: Environmental Impact Chapter Tiwari, G., Ghosal, M. January 2005 Book Chapter OTEC, Tidal, Wave Chemicals, Dynamic Device, EMF, Energy Removal, Noise, Static Device
Strategic Environmental Assessment Area 8 - Contamination of Water and Sediments Voisey, C., Tyrrell, D., Rowlatt, S March 2004 Report Chemicals Nearfield Habitat
The Effects of Copper-Based Antifouling Paint on Mortality and Enzymatic Activity of a Non-Target Organism Katranitsas, A., Castritsi-Cathariosa, J., Persoone, G. November 2003 Journal Article Marine Energy general Chemicals Benthic Invertebrates, Nearfield Habitat
A Framework for Net Environmental Benefit Analysis for Remediation or Restoration of Petroleum-Contaminated Sites Efroymson, R., Nicolette, J., Suter II, G. January 2003 Report Chemicals Nearfield Habitat
Persistence of Antifouling Agents in the Marine Biosphere Ranke, J. February 2002 Journal Article Marine Energy general Chemicals Farfield Environment
Renewable Energy From the Ocean: A Guide to OTEC Avery, W., Wu, C. January 1994 Book OTEC Chemicals, Static Device Ecosystem, Farfield Environment, Nearfield Habitat, Socio-economics
Potential Environmental Impacts of Closed-Cycle Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Quinby-Hunt, M., Sloan, D., Wilde, P. June 1987 Journal Article OTEC Chemicals, Energy Removal
Potential Environmental Impacts of Open-Cycle Thermal Energy Conversion Quinby-Hunt, M., Wilde, P., Dengler, A. January 1986 Journal Article OTEC Chemicals, Energy Removal
Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion: Environmental Effects Assessment Program Plan, 1981-85 NOAA Office of Ocean Minerals and Energy June 1982 Report OTEC Chemicals, Energy Removal, Static Device
Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Final Environmental Impact Statement National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration July 1981 Report OTEC Chemicals, Noise, Static Device Farfield Environment, Nearfield Habitat
Assessment and Control of OTEC Ecological Impacts Wilde, P., Sandusky, J., Jassby, A. December 1978 Report OTEC Chemicals, Static Device Legal and Policy
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