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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Office of Minority Health

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Violence Related Trauma Resources

For individuals, families and communities | For providers, law enforcement and other professionals |
OMH Childhood Trauma Grants | OMH Violence Prevention Grants

Recent and all-too-frequent events emphasize the importance of the need for us to do everything we can to support grieving individuals, families and communities who have lost loved ones and to move forward in a positive and constructive way.

The resulting trauma of these and other events among individuals, families and communities can be widespread and have an impact on mental and physical well-being. And for minority communities, where conditions are often compounded by social determinants of health, such as poor quality education, low-wage jobs and unsafe neighborhoods, trauma can be even more prevalent. It is not uncommon for individuals and communities as a whole to experience grief and anger, even for those who did not get hurt or lose a loved one. People and communities that are not directly touched by these events also feel the shock and sadness of these occurrences. These are normal reactions. They can last a few months or much longer and can cause symptoms, such as anxiety,depression, feeling helpless, and eating or sleeping too much or too little.

The resources below are designed to help communities support emotional well-being and recovery.

Resources for Individuals, Families and Communities

Coping with Grief
after Community Violence:
Tips for Survivors

Impact of Trauma and
Violence on Communities

Disaster Distress

Early Childhood Mental

Head Start
Coping with Stress
Fact Sheet

National Child Traumatic
Stress Network

Resources for Providers, Law Enforcement and Other Professionals

Crisis Counseling Assistance and Training Program
Adverse Childhood Experiences
(ACE) Study

Trauma Smart Model –
Childhood Trauma

Community Policing
Topics: Officer Health and

Department of Justice
Community Policing
Topics: Healing

Department of Justice
Community Relations

Department of Justice
Cultural Competency Curriculum – Crisis Response
Think Cultural Health
Last Modified: 8/31/2016 1:51:00 PM