Stories of Success: Using CUSP To Improve Safety

Prepared for:
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Contract Number: HHSA2902010000251/HHSA29032000IT, Task Order #1

Prepared by: Artemis March, M.B.A., Ph.D. for the Health Research & Educational Trust (HRET)

September 28, 2012


About This Guide
What Is CUSP?
How To Learn More About CUSP With the CUSP Toolkit
Peterson Regional Medical Center
   Organizational and Cultural Context
   Vascular Access Team
   CLABSI Team
   CUSP Team
   CUSP in Practice
   Critical Moments
NorthCrest Medical Center
   Organizational and Cultural Context
   Critical Moments
   Integrating CUSP With Another Improvement System
Shore Health System 
   Target Zero: Senior Leadership, Planning, and Launch
   Organizational and Cultural Context
   Performance Improvement Teams
   Spreading Ownership
   Critical Moments
   Ingrain, Sustain, Expand
Saint Joseph Mercy Health System–Ann Arbor
   Keystone ICU Project
   Saint Joe's ICUs
   Keystone Team
   CLABSI Elimination Process
   Going House-Wide
   CUSP and the Culture of Safety
   Expanding Scope
   Critical Moments in Culture Change
What Do These Stories Tell Us?
   Persistent Leadership Engagement
   Engaged Leaders and Champions
   Getting to Zero Is Possible
   Culture Matters
   All Staff Must Own Safety
   All Staff Must Be Empowered
   Learning Organizations Are Safer


HRET gratefully acknowledges the insights provided by the following CUSP team members who were interviewed by Artemis March, M.B.A., Ph.D., for this guide.

NorthCrest Medical Center, Springfield, Tennessee

Angie Beard, R.N., M.S.N., Chief Nursing Officer and Vice President of Professional Services
Randy Davis, CIO and Senior Vice President for Performance Improvement
Scott Raynes, President and CEO

Peterson Regional Medical Center, Kerrville, Texas

Kaeli Dressler, R.N., M.S.N., NEA-BC, Chief Nursing Officer
Theresa Hickman, R.N., ICU Nurse, Nurse Educator
Angela Hons, R.N., ICU Nurse
William Morris, M.D., Physician Quality Advisor
Aaron Saul, R.N., former ICU Nurse, PICC/IV Infusion Clinical Supervisor
Barbara Stehling, Director of Quality Services

Shore Health System, Easton and Cambridge, Maryland

Julie Bryan, R.N., CIC, Infection Prevention Coordinator
Rob Carroll, M.B.A., Director of Performance Measurement and Improvement
Christopher Parker, R.N., M.S.N., Chief Nursing Officer and Senior Vice President for Professional Services
Michael Tooke, M.D., Chief Medical Officer and Senior Vice President

Saint Joseph Mercy Health System, Ann Arbor, Michigan

Toy Bartley, R.N., M.S.N., MICU Clinical Nurse Leader
Christine Curran, M.D., MICU Medical Director
Denise Harrison, R.N., M.S.N., Director of Critical Care
Pat Posa, R.N., M.S.A., System Performance Improvement Leader
Mary-Anne Purtill, M.D., SICU Medical Director

Page last reviewed September 2012
Page originally created April 2013
Internet Citation: Stories of Success: Using CUSP To Improve Safety. Content last reviewed September 2012. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.