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Intramural Administrative Management Council

The primary purpose for the existence of the Intramural Administrative Management Council (IAMC) is to enhance the quality of administrative management at NIH, by developing, evaluating, and assessing initiatives that impact administration, and by establishing annual goals and an annual work plan at the outset of each calendar year. In order to operate most effectively, IAMC will provide recommendations for policy on administrative issues by partnering with other senior advisory groups, i.e. Executive Officers (EO), Scientific Directors (SD), share and develop best practices, and assist in professional development of Intramural Administrative Officers (lAO).

Roles and Responsibilities of the Council

The Intramural Administrative Management Council (IAMC) will collaborate with the NIH community, participate in trans-NIH committees, interact regularly on initiatives with the NIH Deputy Director for Management (DDM), Scientific Directors (SD), Executive Officers (EO), and other NIH governance bodies. Council members are expected to actively participate in these Council’s activities. The Council retains the ability to establish standing and ad hoc subcommittees for specific topics and tasks.

Structure and Operation of the Council

Council Membership consists of the Principal Intramural Administrative Officers (lAO) from each IC. Each Principal designates one alternate to act in their place as needed and directed. Membership is also open to the Principal AOs’ deputies, who may also serve in leadership roles.

Meeting Format and Schedule

The Council will meet on the first Thursday of each month for 2 hours. Additional monthly information exchange sessions will be held on “hot topics” on the third Thursday of each month. In place of the monthly session or Council meeting a quarterly “all hands” seminar is to be held on matters relating to all staff.

The page was last updated on Sunday, March 22, 2015 - 3:59pm