Overview of ONRR's Compliance Role

To support ONRR’s Mission, we collect every dollar due, fulfill fiduciary responsibilities, and fulfill trust responsibilities. To do this, we verify reporting, conduct audits, enforce laws, regulations, lease terms and orders, and perform other compliance activities.

When ONRR identifies compliance issues, we will notify you if: payments are due, forms are late or missing, reports need correction, or additional information is required.

If ONRR contacts you regarding compliance,

  • Follow all instructions within the specified time period. If you need more time, you may need to sign a tolling agreement.
  • If applicable, refer to Messageway instructions
  • Refer to identifying information (such as, Case No.) when responding to communications.
  • Review your obligations, including those under the Code of Federal Regulations at TITLE 25--Indian, TITLE 30--Mineral Resources, and TITLE 43--Public Lands: Interior.
  • Refer to ONRR’s Handbooks and Reporter Letters for reporting and paying guidelines.
  • Look for Reporter Training sessions and materials regarding reporting and paying.
  • Contact Us for direct assistance and to view a list of additional ONRR resources.
  • You may appeal or request a hearing on the record, if applicable.
  • Failure to follow instructions can result in Notice of Noncompliance, Civil Penalties, or other enforcement actions.

Core Compliance Authorities

Year Land Type Authority Reference
2009 Federal/Indian Federal Oil And Gas Royalty Management Act (FOGRMA, Amendment)
Authority to issue Civil Penalties under FOGRMA for Solid Mineral and Geothermal Leases
2005 Federal/Indian Energy Policy Act
Geothermal lease royalties and fees and Advanced Royalty for coal.
2000 Indian Principles For The Discharge Of The Secretary's Trust Responsibility "…to provide guidance to the employees of the Department of the Interior who are responsible for carrying out the Secretary's trust responsibility as it pertains to Indian trust assets." Document
1996 Federal Federal Oil And Gas Royalty Simplification And Fairness Act (FOGRSFA) "To improve the management of royalties from Federal and Outer Continental Shelf oil and gas leases, and for other purposes." Document
1994 Indian American Indian Trust Fund Management Reform Act "To reform the management of Indian Trust Funds." Document
1991 Federal/Indian Mineral Leasing Act (MLA, Amendment) Authority to delegate Audits of Solid Mineral and Geothermal Leases under FOGRMA Document
1982 Federal Federal Oil And Gas Royalty Management Act (FOGRMA) "To ensure that all oil and gas originated on the public lands and on the Continental Shelf are properly accounted for under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, and for other purposes." Document
1970 Federal/Indian Geothermal Steam Act "To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to make disposition of geothermal steam and associated geothermal resources, and for other purposes." Document
1953 Federal Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (OCSLA) "To provide for the jurisdiction of the United States over the submerged lands of the outer Continental Shelf, and to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to lease such lands for certain purposes." Document
1920 Federal/Indian Mineral Leasing Act (MLA) "To promote the mining of coal, phosphate, oil, oil shale, gas, and sodium on the public domain." Document