USAID Impact Photo Credit: Nancy Leahy/USAID

Tag archives for A Promise Renewed

Success in India Paramount to Ending Preventable Child Deaths Globally

Ariel Pablos-Mendez, PhD, is the Assistant Administrator for Global Health

As I told DevEx during India’s Call to Action Summit, “success in India is paramount to see the global success and vision of ending preventable child deaths in this generation.” Read more >>

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A United Africa Under a Child Survival Revolution

Peter Salama, Unicef Representative to Ethiopia, makes closing remarks at "African Leadership for Child Survival" held at African Union in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Friday, 18 January 2013. Photo credit: UNICEF

Last Friday, it was a real honor for me to take part in the closing ceremony of the African Leadership for Child Survival – A Promise Renewed. The event has marked a new era for the African continent in which it is no longer acceptable for any child to die an untimely and preventable death. Read more >>

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Under Five Child Survival Under Microscope at Summit

Between 1990-2011 child mortality has decreased 39% in sub-Saharan Africa. Photo credit: Mom Bloggers for Social Good

This week child survival is under critical review in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia about markedly improving child survival rates. Read more >>

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Ethiopia Hosts African Leaders to Accelerate Gains in Child Survival

Ethiopia's Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr. Tedros Adhanom opens the African Leadership for Child Survival meeting in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Photo credit: UNICEF

Today it was an honor for me to join African colleagues in health and development at the opening of the African Leadership for Child Survival – A Promise Renewed. Read more >>

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