Latest News

Updated resources are now available to reflect the October 1, 2014, deadline. The CMS implementation guides, checklists, and timelines have been adapted and provide step-by-step guidance around the transitions.

• The ICD-10 implementation guides provide detailed information for planning and executing the ICD-10 transition. The downloadable PDF versions are available below:
o Small and Medium Practices
o Large Provider Practices (updated guide coming soon)
o Small Hospitals (updated guide coming soon)
o Payers (updated guide coming soon)

• Checklists and timelines with ICD-10 tasks and estimated timeframes are now available for:
o Small and Medium Practices - Checklist and Timeline
o Large Provider Practices - Checklist and Timeline
o Small Hospitals - Checklist and Timeline
o Payers - Checklist and Timeline

ICD-10 Conferences

HIMSS13 Annual Conference and Exhibition (March 3 – 7, 2013; New Orleans) – Visit the CMS booth (#2868) at HIMSS to get the latest updates on speaker sessions, learn more about resources, and to speak to an ICD-10 representative.
o ICD-10 and Administrative Simplification; Wednesday, March 6 at 9:45 am; New Orleans Theatre C (Session #138)

ACP Internal Medicine Conference (April 9 – 11, 2013; San Francisco)
o ICD-10 - Are You Ready? technology briefing; Thursday, April 11 at 10:45 am; in the exhibit hall
o ICD-10 Implementation: A Practical Roadmap; Thursday, April 11 from 2:15 pm - 3:45 pm; Room PN 033

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