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ABL Outreach

ABL Home
ABL Outreach
Science Fair
Sea Week
Sun To Sea Camp
Division Activities:
Current Research
Data Sets
Quarterly Archives

NOAA’s National Outreach Strategy
Outreach activities are considered an important part of the NOAA mission. NOAA’s Strategic Plan calls for the agency to “develop coordinated regional and national outreach and education efforts to improve public understanding and involvement in stewardship of coastal and marine ecosystems ” for the purpose of developing “ a well-informed public that acts as a steward of coastal and marine ecosystems ”. NOAA Fisheries Service developed its National Outreach Plan to help in the execution of the NOAA National Outreach Strategy.

ABL's Outreach Goal
ABL's role in implementing NOAA Fisheries Services’s National Outreach Plan is to help create a more scientifically literate society in Alaska, and especially in Juneau. We do this by providing students the opportunities to interact with scientists, as well as by making our research objectives accessible to the public.

Primary Outreach Programs
Sea Week
Southeast Alaska Regional Science Fair
Sun To Sea Science Camp

Other Outreach Activities
Throughout the year, smaller outreach projects occur as ABL scientists teach community groups, large and small, about the work done by NOAA. These projects include:

Classroom Lectures
Job Shadowing
Juneau Naturalist Training
NOAA Internships
Science on A Sphere
Southeast Alaska BioBlitz
Teacher in the Lab
University of Alaska Fairbanks, Bristol Bay Campus
World Ocean Day

Students studying aquariums at TSMRI
Students at TSMRI Aquaria during Sea Week.
Students at touch tanks
Students at TSMRI touch tanks during Sea Week.

Tom Rutecki or Bonita Nelson
Auke Bay Laboratories
Alaska Fisheries Science Center

Ted Stevens Marine Research Institute
17109 Point Lena Loop Road
Juneau, AK 99801
(907) 789-6051 (Tom) or 6071 (Bonita)

AFSC Outreach Highlights

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