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C-TAC works to ensure that all those with advanced illness, especially the sickest and most vulnerable, will receive comprehensive, high-quality, person- and family-centered care that is consistent with their goals and values and honors their dignity.
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Over the next two decades, the number of people over 65 will nearly double to more than 72 million, or one in five Americans. The vast majority of people with advanced illness will be in this age group, though people with advanced illness exist from birth to old age. They will grapple with multiple conditions that interact in complex ways and will face a fragmented system, with care that is often uncoordinated and confusing.

Priority Initiatives

ic1 Advanced Care Project (ACP)

A partnership between IHSS and CTAC, aims to develop a national, consensus based care model that can be replicated in any care setting such as hospitals, nursing homes, or as the majority of those with advanced illness desire, their own homes.

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ic2Community Action Model

A framework for community-based organizations, health systems and patients to transform advanced illness care with community specific approach that builds capacity among underserved populations.

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ic3Policy & Advocacy

An outline that identifies the legislative and regulatory barriers to higher-quality advanced illness care delivery, as well as the actions needed to overcome them.

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