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Genome Body

Smithsonian NHGRI Genome Exhibition

A genomics exhibition from the Smithsonian and NHGRI

Human Chromosomes

About The Human Genome Project

Information on the history, progress and impact of the HGP

Screenshot from Talking Glossary

Talking Glossary of Genetic Terms

Terms and definitions used in genetic research with multimedia

Kevin Bishop - NHGRI Zebrafish Core

Genomic Careers

Information on careers in genomics and genetics

Students with model of DNA Double Helix

National DNA Day

A unique day when everyone can learn more about genomics and genetics

Teacher in front of chalkboard

Genetic Education Resources for Teachers

Teaching plans to present the science of genetics and genomics

Laptop screen

Online Genetic Education Resources

A list of online resources for learning about genomics and genetics

Chromosomes infographic

Fact Sheets

Clearly written information on the institute, genetic research and genetic concepts


Online Education Kit

A web-based resource outlining the major history and developments of genomics


The 2017 National DNA Day Essay Contest is open! 

Young girl writingGeared to students grade 9-12 worldwide, the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) DNA Day Essay Contest celebrates National DNA Day by asking students to examine, question and reflect on important concepts in genetics. This year's question asks students to describe a disease or condition researchers are attempting to treat and how gene therapy might repair the underlying cause of the disease or condition. Deadline: March 10, 2017, at 5 p.m. U.S. Eastern Time. See: DNA Day Essay Contest

Harry Potter and the Genetics of Wizarding

Read moreFor NHGRI's National DNA Day inaugural speaker series, Eric P. Spana, Ph.D. from Duke University presented Harry Potter and the Genetics of Wizarding. The event took place on the NIH campus in Building 35A (Porter Building), Room 640. It is now available on NHGRI's YouTube channel, GenomeTV. Dr. Spana is an award-winning instructor in biology who helps students place new information in context with ideas they already find familiar, like Harry Potter, Star Wars and The Avenger.

Student and Teacher Educational Resources from Genome: Unlocking Life's Code

Read moreThe NHGRI/Smithsonian traveling exhibit, Genome Unlocking Life's Code, has developed a wealth of educational digital assets for both students and teachers. Visit the Genome: Unlocking Life's Code site to discover all the ways you can enhance your learning and teaching experience about genomics and genetics.

LabGenius: The next step toward a digital laboratory

Read moreThe HHS Ignite Accelerator program, inspired by Silicon Valley start-up methods, nurtures innovative ideas that might improve government operations. Now this seed funding and mentorship program could help create a digital "LabGenius" and, according to NIH Director Francis Collins, "has the potential to streamline our labs ... which could have a big impact."

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