
Glossary of Terms

Following are a list of terms and associated definitions that are used by the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) in managing its recreation program:

Accessibility.  Legal responsibility to provide access to all members of the public, including those who are disabled.  Disabilities include mobility, total or partial loss of hearing, visual impairments or blindness, and cognitive or mental disabilities.

Concession.  A non-Federal commercial business that supports appropriate public recreation uses and provides facilities, goods, or services for which revenues are collected.  A concession involves the use of the Federal estate and usually involves the development of real property improvements.

Cooperating Association.  An association that enhances interpretive programs, provides visitor information, funds research, and supports various resource themes.

Cooperative Agreement.  A legal agreement entered into with a non-Federal recipient pursuant to the Federal Grant and Cooperative Agreement Act.  A cooperative agreement requires substantial involvement by the Federal Government and typically does not exceed 5 years in duration.  A cooperative agreement defines the relationship between the Federal Government and a recipient for the transfer of money, property, services, or anything else of value to the recipient for the accomplishment of a public purpose of support or stimulation authorized by law.

Entrance Fee.  A fee charged by a Reclamation partner for entry into a designated recreation area or park.  Entrance fee does not apply to any type of fee that may be charged by a concessionaire for the use of their facilities or services.  Reclamation is prohibited from charging an entrance fee at any sites it directly manages by the Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act.

Expanded Amenity Fee.  A fee charged by Reclamation at a designated recreation site for specialized facilities and services pursuant to the Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act. 

Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act (REA).  REA is Public Law 108-447 of December 8, 2004, that allows certain agencies to charge specific fees and retain those fees collected, rather than deposit those fees into the general fund of the United States Treasury or to other accounts as specified by certain statutes.  Note:  REA also established a pass program that provides a number of pass options for the public to use at Federal recreation sites (e.g., annual, senior, access etc.).

Fixed Asset.  Any structure, fixture, or capital improvement permanently attached to the Federal estate.

Interagency Agreement.   A legal agreement entered into with another Federal agency pursuant to the Economy Act where goods and services are provided between each agency.  An interagency agreement typically does not exceed 5 years in duration.

Jurisdictional Transfer.  A permanent transfer of Reclamation lands, appurtenant infrastructure, and management of the resources to another Federal entity through appropriate transfer documents or appropriate legislation.

Management Agreement.  A contractual agreement between Reclamation and a partner that outlines each party's duties and responsibilities and establishes a management relationship that provides public recreational uses and services on Reclamation lands and waterbodies.

Managing Partner.  A Federal or non-Federal public entity that manages recreation and other agreed-upon cultural, natural, and environmental resources through a management agreement with Reclamation.

Management Transfer.  An action that transfers recreation management responsibilities to another entity that may also include the transfer of other agreed upon management responsibilities (e.g., weed and pest management, fire protection, trespass, etc.) to another entity, in lieu of Reclamation management.

Minimum Basic Facilities.  Pursuant to Public Law 89-72, minimum basic facilities are literally defined as guardrails, turnarounds at the ends of existing roads, and pit toilets necessary to protect the health and safety of the public.  However, minimum basic facilities are further defined by Reclamation as those facilities required for public health and safety and/or that are necessary to protect or preserve Federal property and the public.

Native American.  A tribe, people, or culture that is indigenous to the United States or related to any of the above.

Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV), Off-Road Vehicle (ORV).  Any motorized vehicle (including the standard automobile) designed for, or capable of, cross-country travel on or immediately over land, water, sand, snow, ice, marsh, swampland, or natural terrain.  The term excludes the following:  (1) nonamphibious registered motorboats;  (2) military, fire, emergency, or law enforcement vehicles when used for emergency purposes; (3) self-propelled lawnmowers, snowblowers, garden or lawn tractors, and golf carts while being used for their designed purposes; (4) agricultural, timber harvesting, construction, exploration, and development equipment and vehicles being used exclusively as authorized by Reclamation; (5) any combat or combat support vehicle when used in time of national defense emergencies; and (6) "official use" vehicles.
Operation, Maintenance, and Replacement (OM&R).

(1)    Operation.  Activities that relate to the normal performance of the functions for which a facility or item of equipment is intended to be used.

(2)    Maintenance.  Upkeep of constructed facilities and structures and capitalized equipment that is necessary to realize the originally anticipated useful life of a fixed asset.

(3)    Replacement.  The substitution or exchange of an existing facility, facility component, or item of equipment for another having the capacity to perform the same function.

Planning Document.  A Reclamation-approved plan formulated to achieve specific goals or objectives.

Private Exclusive Recreational or Residential Use.  Private exclusive recreational or residential use means any use that involves structures or other improvements used for recreational or residential purposes to the exclusion of public uses and are not associated with the official management of a Reclamation project.  This includes, but is not limited to, boat docks, cabin sites, (including those uses currently defined in 43 CFR       part 21, Occupancy of Cabin Sites on Public Conservation and Recreation Areas), residences, trailers, manufactured or mobile homes, structures, roads, or other improvements as determined by Reclamation.  Private exclusive recreational or residential use does not include concession facilities.

Project Specific Authority.  Legislative authority that allows Reclamation to administer a specific project purpose (e.g., recreation, fish and wildlife, flood control, power, etc.) on Reclamation project lands.

Reclamation Project.  A Reclamation project means any water supply, water delivery, flood control, or hydropower project, together with associated facilities for fish, wildlife, recreation, or water treatment, constructed or administered by Reclamation under Federal reclamation law (the Act of June 17, 1902 [32 Stat. 388, chapter 1093; 43 U.S.C. 371 et. seq.] and acts supplementary thereto and amendatory thereof).

Recreation Area.  A recreation area can be considered a recreation complex consisting of, among other things, campgrounds, day use areas, parking areas, boat ramps, restrooms, road and trail systems, and visitor centers.  It usually encompasses an entire reservoir area defined by an established boundary.  A recreation area may have multiple recreation sites.

Recreation Facility Construction.  The development, replacement, modification, expansion, enhancement, or rehabilitation of a recreation facility.

Recreation Planning Process.  A process that allows for public involvement, determines the recreation needs, incorporates environmental analysis, and culminates in an approved planning document.

Resource Management Plan (RMP).  A comprehensive plan that is consistent with applicable laws; developed in consultation with appropriate Federal and non-Federal departments or agencies, authorized beneficiaries, and public; provides for the development, use, conservation, protection, enhancement, and management of resources; and prepared in a manner that is compatible with the authorized purposes of the Reclamation project and associated lands.

Separable Cost.  Separable cost for each Reclamation project purpose is defined as the difference between the capital cost of the multipurpose project and the capital cost of the same project with a certain purpose omitted.  For example, total project cost minus total project cost with the recreation or fish and wildlife purpose eliminated provides an estimate of the separable cost for the recreation or fish and wildlife purpose.

Special Use Areas.  An area at, or within, a Reclamation facility or an area of Reclamation lands or waterbodies in which special rules for public conduct apply that differ from those established in Subpart C of  43 CFR part 423.  Note:  A special use area must be established by an authorized official as provided in Subpart E of 43 CFR part 423.

Standard Amenity Fee.  A fee charged at a designated recreation site that has a combination of basic amenities pursuant to REA.

Third-Party Agreement.  A third-party agreement is an agreement between a managing partner and another entity to provide recreation related services and/or facilities.

Turn Back.  A turn back is an action taken by a Federal or non-Federal managing partner that ultimately results in having all recreation responsibilities being transferred or conveyed back to Reclamation for its sole management.

Use Authorization.  Use authorization means a document that defines the terms and conditions under which Reclamation will allow the use of its lands, facilities, and waterbodies.  Use authorizations take the form of easements, leases, licenses, permits, and consent documents. 

User Fee.  A fee charged by Reclamation or a managing partner for the use of facilities, resources, or programs within a designated recreation site or area.  This user fee is not the same as a standard or expanded amenity fee that may be charged by Reclamation pursuant to the REA.


Last Updated: 8/28/15