
Welcome to the Colorado FSA Website

    • NOW!! - File form CCC-633 EZ page 1 with FSA before losing beneficial interest to maintain Loan Deficiency Payment (LDP) eligibility.  (To request payments, producers need to submit page 2 of the CCC-633EZ)
    • Dec. 16 - Deadline for CRP -grassland initiative for small scale livestock grazing operations
    • Dec. 26 - USDA Service Centers closed in observance of the Christmas Day Federal Holiday
    • Jan. 1 - Newly elected County committee Members take office
    • Jan. 2 - USDA Service Centers Closed in observance of the New Year Federal Holiday
    • Jan. 3 - 2017 Acreage Reporting Deadline for Honey covered under NAP (or 30 days after placement of colonies)
    • Jan. 15 - Deadline to certify; Apples, Grapes and Peaches
    • Jan. 16 - USDA Service Centers closed in observance of the Birthday of Martin Luther King Jr., a Federal Holiday
    • Jan. 30 - Deadline for 2016 Livestock Forage Disaster Program (LFP) Application for Payment and Supporting Documentation
    • Jan. 30 - Deadline for 2016 Livestock Indemnity Program (LIP) Application for Payment
    • Jan. 30 - Deadline for Tree Assistance Program (TAP) Application for Payment and Supporting Documentation for Loss for 2016 (or 90 days after disaster event or loss was apparent)
    • Feb 1 - 2017 NAP Application Closing Date for Onions, Scallions and Shallots
    • Feb. 1 - Final Availability Date for Loans and LDPs for Mohair, Unshorn Pelts (LDP only) and Wool
    • Feb. 20 - USDA Offices Closed in observance of Washington's Birthday (AKA President's Day) Federal Holiday
    • March 15 - 2017 NAP Application Closing Date for Spring Crops (except spring seeded rye, speltz, triticale, wheat, and mixed forage)
    • March 31 - Final availability date for Loans and LDPs for Barley, Canola, Crambe, Flaxseed, Honey, Oats, Rapeseed, Wheat and Sesame Seed
    • March 15 - CRP Primary Nest Season (PNS) begins
Ongoing Notice of Loss Requirements:
  • NAP: Submit Notice of Loss within 15 calendar days of the earlier of a natural disaster occurrence, the final planting date if planting is prevented by a natural disaster, the date that damage to the crop or loss of production becomes apparent; or the normal harvest date.
  • ELAP: Submit Notice of Loss the earlier of 30 calendar days of when the loss is apparent or Nov. 1st after the end of the program year in which the loss occurred.
  • Livestock Indemnity Program (LIP): Submit Notice of Loss within 30 calendar days of when the loss is apparent

FSA At Work Across Colorado 2015
FSA At Work Across Colorado 2014

Farm Bill Website and Online Overview of Farm Bill Programs


Colorado State FSA Newsletters


Launching the Celebration – 30 Years of Conservation

2015 marks the 30th Anniversary of the Conservation Reserve program (CRP) and in recognition of this milestone; FSA has launched a commemorative website. The web address is We hope you’ll visit the site often to take an interactive, cross-country tour and see the nationwide impact of the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) unfold virtually over the next several months

Disaster Declaration MapView Colorado Presidential Disaster Designations

View USDA Secretarial Designations

FSA Disaster Programs

USDA Hay Net
FSA has a national website for producers to list information concerning the need for or the ability of hay.

Colorado Hay Directory

FSA County Committee InformationHay/Feed Resources in ColoradoFSA - The Lender of First Opportunity
Colorado SAFE Program Fact Sheets
Lesser Pairie Chicken
Contact Us

USDA Colorado Farm Service Agency (FSA)
Denver Federal Center
Building 56, Room 2760
PO Box 25426
Denver CO 80225-0426
Phone: 720.544.2876

State Committee:

Armando Valdez (Chairperson)
Marsha R. Daughenbaugh
Anita J. Nein
James Hume
William "Bill" Warren