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Les 28 et 29 juin 2012, le bureau des affaires agricoles de l'ambassade des Etats-Unis

a organisé la visite des représentants du Brésil, du Paraguay et des Etats-Unis de l'International Soybean Growers Alliance


De gauche à droite : Carlos Favaro (vice président d'Aprosoja, Brésil), Ricardo Tomczyk (directeur, Aprosoja, Brésil), Sonia Tomassone (directrice de Capeco, Paraguay), Ray Gaesser (vice président d'American Soybean Association, Etats-Unis), Bob Metz (directeur du United Soybean Board), Brent Babb (directeur affaires commerciales USSEC, Etats-Unis), et Benno van der Laan (consultant).    


Latest news

December 2012 Newsletter - The United States and Agricultural Biotechnology (new)


November 2012 - Presentation on the United States and Plant Biotechnology (new)


August 2012 Newsletter - The United States and Biofuels and Biobased Products


June 28-29 - The International Soybean Growers Alliance in Paris


May 22 - The OAA organizes the sixth edition of Planête du Goût 


Conférence du 26 avril 2012 : L'agriculture : un secteur stratégique pour les Etats-Unis


March 2012 Newsletter - The United States and Biofuels & Biobased Products 


European Union and United States Agree to Historic New Partnership on Organic Trade 







Latest reports

France Chooses Agro-Ecology for a More Sustainable Agriculture (new)

Under France’s recently formed government, the Ministry of Agriculture has launched an initiative to make agriculture more sustainable, which aims to make France a champion of agro-ecology. Under this initiative, the Ministry puts forward practices that are environment-friendly and increase farms’ autonomy. The government’s focus is on the environmental and social legs of sustainability in agriculture.

France Chooses Agro-Ecology for a More Sustainable Agriculture _Paris_France_1-14-2013


Ag Biotech Policy - Emotion Takes Precedence over Science (new)

The scientific credibility of the Seralini study on the toxicological impact of bioengineered corn NK603 and roundup herbicide on rats has been debunked by the eight national agencies (and the European Union) that have reviewed it, and the wide majority of the scientific community. A well-orchestrated media campaign, with ethics breach pointed by many; nevertheless, has proved to be efficient in raising fears and opposition towards agricultural biotechnology, reviving controversy. This has been the case not only in the public opinion, scared by a shocking media campaign that linked bioengineered products with cancer, but also for policy makers, whose positions have hardened against the technology. As a result, the scientific community is concentrating on increasing its visibility and credibility towards the public, as part of its long-term strategy.

Ag Biotech Policy - Emotion Takes Precedence Over Science_Paris_France_12-17-2012


French National Assembly Confirms BPA Ban. Hastens Implementation (new)

On 28 November 2012, the French National Assembly approved the proposed BPA ban bill which had been voted by the French Senate earlier on. It amended the Senate version by notably dropping the medical devices (with exception of tubes with DEHP) from the ban but hastened the implementation date of the ban for all food containers with BPA to January 1st 2015. The bill will now return to the Senate for a second reading, likely in early 2013. Part of the bill (pertaining to polycarbonate containers)...
French National Assembly Confirms BPA Ban. Hastens Implementation_Paris_France_12-3-2012


Oilseeds and Products:  2012 Sunflower Crop Hit by Hot and Dry Weather(new)

This report provides EU-27 production, supply, and demand forecasts for oilseeds, protein meals and related products.

2012 Sunflower Crop Hit by Hot and Dry Weather_Vienna_EU-27_12-4-2012


France - Actions Towards a More Sustainable Agriculture (new)

Sustainable development is a top priority for France. A National Strategy for Sustainable Development was developed, resulting in a larger organic industry, environmental labeling, efforts to reduce pesticide use, and research and innovation projects. As consumers are receptive to sustainability, both upstream and downstream private initiatives have also developed, resulting in a number of logos on food products. FAS/Paris outreach activities have illustrated a variety of means taken in the United States to make agro- food production more sustainable. Theses activities have contributed to improve the image of U.S. food products and are likely to open minds and markets to U.S products and methods of production in the future.

France - Actions Towards a More Sustainable Agriculture_Paris_France_10-23-2012


Using ‘Sustainability’ to Market U.S. Foods In Europe  (new)

This report provides information and analysis for U.S. food and agricultural exporters on the topic of ‘sustainability’.
Using ‘Sustainability’ to Market U.S. Foods In Europe_Vienna_EU-27_11-2-2012


Crop update - smaller than forecast harvest means balance tight (new)

With Member States starting to publish provisional harvest estimates for 2012, the total MY2012/13 EU27 grain crop is now only expected to reach 269.8 MMT, 2.8 MMT below previous expectations and the smallest in five previous seasons. Within this total, wheat production is put at 130 MMT, barley at 53.5 MMT, and corn at 55 MMT; all three below previous forecasts. The focus is now turning to usage within the EU27 and the implications for trade. The smaller than anticipated harvest has also inc...
Crop update - smaller than forecast harvest means balance tight_London_United Kingdom EU-27_11-1-2012


Flawed Study - France Takes Tough Position on GE Crops (new)
France is using a flawed study to justify its hostility towards genetically engineered products, and takes it to the European Union. A study released on September 19 concluding that rats fed on genetically engineered corn NK603 develop tumors was unanimously reviewed by official food safety authorities across Europe as flawed. Nevertheless, France uses the study as an argument to request changing the European Union health risk assessment procedure.
Flawed Study - France Takes Tough Position on GE Crops _Paris_France_10-25-2012


First-Generation Biofuels Weakened - Advanced Biofuels in Progress  (new)
France totals 20 percent of the European Union's production and consumption of biofuels. In the past two years, first-generation biofuel production has been pressed down by a combination of reduced national and European incentives, together with more competitive market prices for vegetable oils in the food market. The implementation of the Renewable Energy Directive maintains domestic consumption high, with 7.2 percent biofuels blending into transportation fuels in 2011. This has lead to boo...
First-Generation Biofuels Weakened - Advanced Biofuels in Progress_Paris_France_10-5-2012

France - Bakery Products|Retail Foods (new)

Sales of baked goods rose by one percent in 2011, valued at $1.8 billion, but fall slightly in volume. Packaged industrial bread, specially white bread, was the only subsector to increase substantially in 2011. Artisanal products maintained their dominance with an overall 81 percent value market share. Sales of baked goods are expected to decline one percent in value per year in coming years.
Bakery Products_Paris_France_9-24-2012


France - Grocery Retail (new)

In 2011, France’s grocery retail sector amounted to $282 billion, an increase of two percent compared to the previous year. Basically, five major players control 60 percent of the overall value sales. French consumers are paying more attention to obtaining good quality food products for lower prices, and have been more willing to buy private label products rather than brand name products as far as quality is comparable. To continue adapt to changes in the way consumers buy grocery products an...
Grocery Retail_Paris_France_9-24-2012


France - Sauces Dressings and Condiments (new)

With three percent value sales growth in 2011, retail sales of sauces, dressings, and condiments reached $2.8 billion.  Tartare sauces record the highest value sales growth of ten percent in 2011.  Sauces, dressings and condiments benefit from the growing interest in home cooking, key innovations and the warm spring in 2011.  Unilever France SA leads this market with a 24 percent share of retail value sales.  While consumers continue to demand interesting flavors at affordable prices, they are a...
Sauces Dressings and Condiments_Paris_France_9-24-2012


France - Non-Alcoholic Beverages (new)

In 2011, consumers’ health and environmental concerns influenced the introduction of low-sugar, preservative-free beverages with smaller, lighter, recyclable packaging. Hyper/Supermarkets are the major retail distribution channels, although sales of hard discounters retail chains are expected to increase. However, the French market for non-alcoholic beverages is highly competitive, but growth in private label sales may provide new opportunities for U.S. exporters.
France - Non-Alcoholic Beverages_Paris_France_9-13-2012


Dairy, Milk, Cheese, Butter, Nonfat Dry Milk, Dry Whole Milk Powder

In 2012 and into 2013, EU-27 deliveries of fluid milk and manufactured dairy products are expected to increase but at a slower pace even when the economic downturn and rising cost of production factor into the production equation. The increase in milk production will be mostly directed for production of cheese, which remains in demand both domestically and internationally, and Non Fat Dry Milk (NFDM), directed mostly for export driven by growing world market demand thus prices. Several efforts...
Dairy and Products Annual_Warsaw_EU-27_10-11-2012


French Senate Votes BPA Ban by July 1st 2015

The French Senate voted on October 9, 2012, on a bill that suspend the production, imports, exports, and marketing of food packaging containing BPA by July 1st 2015 and enforce mandatory warning labels for pregnant and lactating women. France would be the first country in the world to suspend BPA in all usages.
French Senate Votes BPA Ban by July 1st 2015_Paris_France_10-11-2012


GMOs Are Poisons - International Scientists Outcry

Since September 19, a widely advertized study concluding that "GMOs cause cancer" has played heavily in French media. While the initial reaction from the press and policy makers was emotional and fearful, scientists have taken this opportunity to organize their reaction not only to the specific study, which was refuted by the European Food Safety Agency, but more generally to communicate on their perspectives of public research on plant biotechnology. While the Government of France is likely t...
GMOs Are Poisons - International Scientists Outcry_Paris_France_10-9-2012


EU Annual Agricultural Biotechnology

European government, societies, and businesses remain conflicted about the use of genetically engineered (GE) plants in agriculture and food production.  Public perceptions, commercial use, research, and even regulatory approaches, vary among the European Union’s (EU) 27 countries. The EU approval system for GE crops remains politicized and operates at a slower pace than regulatory processes in GE producing countries.  Imports of foods made from GE varieties not approved in the EU are banned, a ...

Agricultural Biotechnology Annual_Paris_EU-27_8-3-2012 


Biotechnology - Food Security - Sustainability in the Americas

In June 2012, farmers from the International Soybean Growers Alliance (ISGA), including two Brazilians, one Paraguayan, and two Americans, traveled to Paris to illustrate how their cultivation practices, including no-till, crop rotation, and biotech seeds, have contributed to an increased productivity, total production, and exports, while reducing environmental impacts. ISGA farmers expressed concerns about France’s and the EU’s slow approval process of new biotechnology products, while the div...

Biotechnology - Food Security - Sustainability in the Americas_Paris_France_7-9-2012



In France, economic drivers favor acceptance but policy decisions favor resistance to biotechnology

This report describes the trade, production, research and policy of genetically engineered plant and animal products in France.  Hostility remains in France towards biotechnology among policy makers, the public opinion and non government organizations, while farmers and scientists are increasingly vocal about the need to adopt the technology to make French agricultural practices both more productive and more sustainable.  Reported stagnation of crop yields, combined with massive use of crop protection chemicals, high costs of production, and reduced exports, all converge to a more sustainable intensification of agriculture. Biotechnology is part of the answer to meeting both domestic demand and export needs in an ever-growing world population.
Agricultural Biotechnology Annual_Paris_France_6-14-2012



EU Biofuels Annual 2012

EU Member States (MS) are mandated to reach a minimum of 10 percent for renewable energy consumed in transport in 2020. In 2011, about a fifth of the domestic use of biofuels was imported from outside the EU. Despite a reclassification of bioethanol blends to a higher tariff rate, 2012 and 2013 imports from the United States are anticipated to remain at the same levels as last year, around 1 billion liters. Starting in the fourth quarter of 2012 and in 2013, overall EU imports of biodiesel ar...
Biofuels Annual_The Hague_EU-27_6-25-2012



EU Dairy and Products Semi-Annual

In 2012, EU-27 milk production is expected to continue to grow but at a slower rate than in 2011 due to reduced domestic and international demand. Soft economies in Europe, fluctuations of prices for dairy products on the world market in the first four months of 2012 and decreasing farm-gate prices for milk in several EU member states are expected to constrain dairy production growth towards the end of the year. Some member states affected by the unstable dairy market situation are calling for...
Dairy and Products Semi-annual_Warsaw_EU-27_5-15-2012


Despite Winter Kill Modest Rebound in EU-27 Rapeseed Production

Total EU-27 oilseeds area in MY 2012/13 is forecast to decrease by 1.8 percent and is expected to total 11.4 million ha. The decrease is mainly explained by 4 percent lower acreage of rapeseed due to unfavorable wet conditions during planting in Denmark, winterkill mainly in Bulgaria and Hungary, and drought in Romania. A marginal increase of sunflower area is projected due to re-sowing of winterkill areas almost offset by a decline due to drought in Spain. Soybean area is also expected to de...
Oilseeds and Products Annual_Vienna_EU-27_4-5-2012



Grain and Feeds - All eyes on the weather - again

The weather has already made its mark on the MY2012/13 crop and is likely to remain the focus over the coming months. A severe cold spell in late January and early February caused above average winter losses in some parts of the EU27, especially France, meaning some fields will need to be resown to spring crops. A prolonged dry period through March and into April will also become a concern if rains are not forthcoming ahead of harvest. In spite of this, 284MMT of grain is forecast to be harve...
Grain and Feed Annual_London_EU-27_4-13-2012



Farmers and Seed Industry Appeal National Biotech Corn Ban

On March 29, French corn growers and seed companies appealed France’s national ban on MON810 biotech corn before the country's highest administrative court on the grounds that it was scientifically unjustified and economically harmful for farmers.  Despite the fact that the State Council lifted the ban last November, per the conclusions of the European Court of Justice, France reinitiated its national ban on the cultivation of MON810 biotech corn on March 18, 2012.  The press revealed that the G...
Farmers and Seed Industry Appeal National Biotech Corn Ban_Paris_France_3-30-2012


Non-Biotech Labeling Rules in Place and Porposed Rules on Coexistence

Contrary to several political statements recently made by several members of the Government, France has not only left its national ban on Bt corn, but is also adopting new rules to secure the cultivation of biotech crops. In the past few weeks, a decree was published in the Official Journal defining "non-biotech" labeling, to be implemented on July 1 of this year. It describes the requirements for products produced in France, but does not apply to imported products. Moreover, a decree setting r...
Non-Biotech Labeling Rules in Place - Proposed Rules on Coexistence _Paris_France_2-10-2012


Incentives and Plant Breeding Breakthroughs To Reduce Soy Imports

Among European Union (EU) Member States, France ranks above average in being protein-independent. However, despite efforts to reduce dependence on imported North and South soybean meal as the number one source of proteins in animal feed, the amount of soybean meal used in France’s animal feed have remained relatively stable at 4 million metric tons (MT) for the past 25 years. At the same time, the use of rapeseed meal in animal feed has sharply increased from minor levels to more than 2 millio...
Incentives and Plant Breeding Breakthroughs to Reduce Soy Imports_Paris_France_2-3-2012

Proposed Bisphenol A ban would impact U.S. exports to France

The French food safety agency concluded in its September 2011 preliminary report that Bisphenol A (BPA) had suspected impact on human health. The following month, the National Assembly passed a bill which bans the sales of any food packaging container and food material containing BPA by January 1, 2014. The bill still has to pass the Senate before the parliamentary recess in early March 2012 or become void. The French food industry believes it will not be able to avoid a BPA ban due to the pu...
Proposed Bisphenol A ban in food packaging would mean impacts on U.S_Paris_France_2-6-2012