
TreasuryDirect for...

  • Individual
    • Learn about purchasing & holding Treasury Securities
    • Set up an online account
  • Institutional
    • Access data & rules on securities auctions
    • Obtain information about Treasury securities
  • Government
    • Invest through the Federal Investments program
    • Purchase & manage SLGS
    • Borrow from the Treasury or liquidate securities

Plug-ins and Viewers

The plug-ins and viewers listed below will allow you to view various types of files we provide on our website.

These links are provided for your convenience. We do not control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of these links. Further, the inclusion of these links is not intended to reflect their importance, endorse any views expressed, endorse any products or services offered, or endorse the organizations sponsoring the sites.

File Format Plug-in/Viewer
Acrobat (.pdf) Adobe Reader
Excel (.xls, .xlsx, .xlsm) Excel Viewer
Flash (.swf, .flv) Flash Player
PowerPoint (.ppt, pptx) PowerPoint Viewer 2007
QuickTime Movies (.mov) QuickTime Viewer
Windows Media (.wmv, .wma) Windows Media Player
Word (.doc, .docx, .docm) Word Viewer