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Animal Research Advisory Committee (ARAC)

The Animal Research Advisory Committee (ARAC) meets monthly, or as needed, and is chaired by Dr. Richard Wyatt (Deputy Director, OIR/OD); the vice-chair is Dr. David Bodine (NHGRI). Committee members include:

  • Animal Care and Use Committee (ACUC) chairs from each Institute or Center (IC) that uses animals in research
  • Director, Office of Animal Care and Use (OACU),
  • Representatives from the Division of Occupational Health and Safety (DOHS), Office of General Counsel (OGC), and the NIH Fellows Committee (FELCOM)
  • A community member
  • The ARAC Ombudsman, whose role is to review outside complaints and inter-Institute animal care and use issues and also to minimize interruption in the conduct of research

NOTE: NIH Intramural Animal Program Directors attend meetings but are not members.

In addition to advising the Deputy Director for Intramural Research (DDIR) on the NIH Intramural Research Program’s (IRP's) program for the humane care and use of animals, the ARAC supports the IRP's adherence to standards of the National Research Council's Institute of Laboratory Animal Research Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. ARAC also reviews IC and/or trans-NIH concerns involving the care and use of animals at NIH following investigation, deliberation, and resolution by the IC ACUCs. Further, ARAC drafts and recommends policy and guidance concerning various practices and procedures in the intramural NIH Animal Care and Use program to the Institutional Official (who is also the DDIR).


Dr. Richard Wyatt

Dr. David M. Bodine
Vice-Chair, ARAC

Dr. Terri Clark, OACU
Mr. Tim Allen, AWIC (Non-Affiliated Member)
Dr. David Bodine, NHGRI (ARAC Ombudsman)
Donald Bordine, OACU (Executive Secretary)
Dr. Rachel Caspi, NEI
Dr. Don Cook, NIEHS
Dr. Michael Eckhaus, ORS/DVR & NCATS
Dr. Olga Fedorova, NIA
Dr. Massimo Gadina, NIAMS
Dr. Bin Gao, NIAAA
Dr. Eliot Gardner, NIDA
Dr. Mark Hoon, NIDCR
Dr. Estella Jones, NIAID/DCR
Dr. James Mitchell, NCI

Dr. Tish Murphy, NHLBI
Dr. Constance Noguchi, NIDDK
Dr. Chang Paik, CC & NIBIB
Dr. Karl Pfeifer, NICHD
Dr. Mario Roederer NIAID/VRC
Dr. Afonso Silva, NINDS, NIDCD, & NCCIH
Dr. Richard Saunders, NIMH
Dr. Margaret D. Snyder, OER
Dr. Olivia Steele-Mortimer, NIAID/RML
Dr. Sukanya Suresh, NIDDK (FELCOM)
Ms. Kate Tapley, J.D, OD/OGC (Ex-Officio)
Dr. Ted Torrey, NIAID/DIR
Ms. Cindy Wallace, Alamogordo Primate Facility
Dr. Deborah Wilson, ORS/DOHS

The page was last updated on Monday, March 21, 2016 - 8:23am