Recent Publications

Revenue Estimating Process (January 23, 2017)
Overview of the Joint Committee Revenue Estimating Process

JCX-2-17 (January 23, 2017)
Estimating Changes in the Federal Individual Income Tax: Exploring the Elasticity of Taxable Income

JCX-1-17 (January 04, 2017)
List of Expiring Federal Tax Provisions 2016–2026

JCX-91-16 (December 06, 2016)
Technical Explanation Of The Tax Technical Corrections Act Of 2016

JCX-90-16 (November 29, 2016)
Factors Affecting Revenue Estimates Of Tax Compliance Proposals: A Joint Working Paper Of The Congressional Budget Office And The Staff Of The Joint Committee On Taxation

JCX-89-16 (November 18, 2016)
The Income And Payroll Tax Offset To Changes In Payroll Tax Revenues

JCX-88-16 (September 21, 2016)
Estimated Revenue Effects Of The Chairman’s Modification Of The “Retirement Enhancement And Savings Act Of 2016,” Scheduled For Markup By The Committee On Finance On September 21, 2016

JCX-87-16 (September 21, 2016)
Description Of The Chairman’s Modification Of The “Retirement Enhancement And Savings Act of 2016”

JCX-86-16 (September 19, 2016)
Estimated Budget Effects Of The Chairman’s Mark Of The “Retirement Enhancement And Savings Act Of 2016”, Scheduled For Markup By The Committee On Finance On September 21, 2016

JCX-85-16 (September 19, 2016)
Description Of The Chairman’s Mark Of The Retirement Enhancement And Savings Act Of 2016



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